Changing heading styles in sermon editor

Currently I write my sermon notes in Word (not a full manuscript, but about a 700 word outline in 3 columns on an A4 landscape page)
I have created 5 Heading styles in Word, using a color scheme of Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Bold plus a minimal indent for each decreasing heading, with about a 10/11 pt font size. This is what allows me to get all my outline on one page, including Scripture references (in a bold red/purple) which allows for quick and easy identification of all I need as I preach.
How can I edit the heading styles in the sermon editor to duplicate what I do in Word - or at least an approximation of it. The current headings and spacings are far too big to be useful to me. Being able to format into columns like we can with Bibles or commentaries etc. would also be good.
Whatever help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Thanks, David
Intro: “No Ordinary Meal”
The Corinthians were abusing the Lord’s Supper
So bad Paul says it was no Lord’s Supper at all
Worse off than not having it at all!
Lead to divisions & factions (schisms & heresies!)
Sorry, I tried to insert an example of my formatting - and it gave me exactly the kind of formatting I don't want! I thought I had deleted it before posting, but obviously didn't (maybe I had pasted twice?)