open exegetical guide at the same time as the passage guide

how do I make the exegetical guide open at the same time as the passage guide.
Logos 7 did that. I type in a verse or a passage and both the exegetical and passage guide would load. Now it doesn't.
Welcome, Adrian.
Adrian Dieleman said:I type in a verse or a passage and both the exegetical and passage guide would load. Now it doesn't.
I think you are used to the GO box on the Home Page! To replicate in v8:-
- Type a passage into the GO Box
- Select the Layout > Passage Study Layout option
- Open Exegetical Guide alongside Passage Guide
- In Layouts menu, under Home Page Layouts
- right-click Passage Study and
- select "Replace with current layout"
Now you have a layout with both Guides when you enter a verse/passage!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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So, as a latecomer to this thread, One has to do that every single time? There is no way to set it up, so that it come up automatically, from the "GO" button? Including things like a area for all the Top bibles I like to use; Highlighting; Info tool; Text Comparison; and a box for the Commentaries?
This is what it was like in Logos 7
Every week it is driving me crazy (re-)setting up layouts & workspace, or drawing from previous layouts and then getting them to sync up with this weeks passage.
I have been frustrated with Logos 8 because I have not been able to work with anywhere the efficiency of its predecessor. Every week I find myself fiddling around with layouts, and getting tools to appear where I want (or expected) them to be.
It would be marvelous & save me a lot of time just to punch in the verse and "GO"! to a report that will be 100% ready fro m me to use. Logos 7 came close to that.
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Hi Peter
Peter Junor said:So, as a latecomer to this thread, One has to do that every single time? There is no way to set it up, so that it come up automatically, from the "GO" button? Including things like a area for all the Top bibles I like to use; Highlighting; Info tool; Text Comparison; and a box for the Commentaries?
Once you have set up the layout you want and followed the steps outlined by Dave you should get the behaviour you are looking for.
Are you not seeing this?
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Hi Graham,
Thank you for your suggestion. That is helping and an improvement on what I have been living with. Opening "Passage Study" will now pull up the most recently saved down customisation.
However, I would like to ask... am I doomed to commence each piece of work, opening with my last saved-down customisation from "Luke 12:22-34", and then have to edit that every single time with the current reading? Also I am wondering if it is necessary to set up "Links" on all open bibles, in the Passage Study before saving it down?
I seem to recall the L7 version was better (more intuitive) at figuring out that if you entered a passage in "Go" - or passage guide, that it only made sense to open up all bibles to that text - without having any links set. L8 doesn't seem to be as smart as that.
I am sorta guessing it safe to (sadly) say the L7 - "Go" button is gone, dead & buried? You actually cannot get the Passage & Exe Guides (+ other layout features) program to automatically begin from the start screen which (hungrily) is awaiting a Scripture portion to be input, so as to do Research?
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Hi Peter
Peter Junor said:I seem to recall the L7 version was better (more intuitive) at figuring out that if you entered a passage in "Go" - or passage guide, that it only made sense to open up all bibles to that text - without having any links set. L8 doesn't seem to be as smart as that.
I am sorta guessing it safe to (sadly) say the L7 - "Go" button is gone, dead & buried? You actually cannot get the Passage & Exe Guides (+ other layout features) program to automatically begin from the start screen which (hungrily) is awaiting a Scripture portion to be input, so as to do Research?
While the Go button doesn't exist in L8, the previous functionality is available from the command box
So entering John 1:1 in that box gives me a number of options including opening the Passage Study layout (note the ordering of the options changes to reflect the most frequent options we select)
Choosing that option opens the layout - as customised - to that passage
Does this give you the functionality you are looking for?
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Graham Criddle said:
While the Go button doesn't exist in L8, the previous functionality is available from the command box
To clarify - The "go button" does exist (as shown in the screenshot), but the functionality has changed. Taking the steps outlined will replicate the old behavior in the same amount of "clicks." Instead of pressing "go" you will select the chosen layout.
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Hi Guys,
Thanks for responding.
Well no...
It is pulling up a Passage Study layout that is different from the default Passage Study layout that existed before, but what it does put up is not the customized layout which I had saved down.
It looks like a simplified zombie of my customized Passage study. In terms of this thread and aspects that have been discussed... the exegetical guide, copy Bible verses and highlighting etc. are missing, and the bibles that have been opened, are not the same as my customized "Top bibles". Further all the 'box' margins have all been reset.
Interestingly, if I then go to "Layouts" and then click again on "Passage Study (Custom)", it will convert the "hybrid" into the customized forms, (adding the exegetical guide & other bits and pieces & replacing the extraneous bibles for only my top bibles)
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I was wondering about the same thing. So I just tried it and it worked like a charm. I think I am going to do a little more with it and see what happens. There's a couple of tweaks that would make it rock. Thanks![8-|]
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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Peter Junor said:
Interestingly, if I then go to "Layouts" and then click again on "Passage Study (Custom)", it will convert the "hybrid" into the customized forms, (adding the exegetical guide & other bits and pieces & replacing the extraneous bibles for only my top bibles)
This sounds as though you have created a new layout.
To achieve what you are trying to do, you need to replace the original one. Hover your mouse over it in the Layouts menu and you should see a dropdown arrow appear. Click that and select “replace with current layout” and try again.
Does this help at all?
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Yeah, I hear you. I did "Replace with current layout", from the drop down list, it is not a new one.
In Summary,
If I go through Layouts > Passage study, it pulls up my customization, (sweet & neat as ever I made it)
but, If I go through the "GO" button, enter the desired passage and then wait until "Open Passage Study layout to..." and choose that, ...then I get the 'hybrid'.
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Hi Pete
Sounds strange.
I’m afraid I’m going out for a bit (and not at my computer) at the moment but will try and look at this further later unless it has been resolved by then.
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yup, that's what I thought!
No rush - you have helped fantastically already Graham, I have learned a whole bunch of stuff from what you have said - and my frustration levels are (happily) being depleted, with great relief.
Now I am just "trimming the verge" & getting the L8 to sing for me, as I had hoped it would
Take care!
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Which Passage Study layout are you customizing?
The GO button uses the one under Home Page Layouts.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ahhh! That works!
That's what has been missing, but how confusing is it having two "Passage Study" in the same column? I never expected that.
To all contributors, thanks for all your help
Grace & Peace
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Peter Junor said:
how confusing is it having two "Passage Study" in the same column? I never expected that.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Peter Junor said:
how confusing is it having two "Passage Study" in the same column?
I agree... The heading names should be changed to reflect L8 design.
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I was baffled also until I realized it was under two categories.
I am really delighted by the customizing of the layout. I had never used it before. It's already saving me time in getting a more usable page so I can get to work faster. One of the first things I added was a Copy Bible Verse window. I use that constantly. [8-|]
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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Thanks, that restored some of the functionality I was used to with Logos 7. Do you know any way to restore how Logos 7 used to make suggestions of pericopes?
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Craig L. Manning said:
Thanks, that restored some of the functionality I was used to with Logos 7. Do you know any way to restore how Logos 7 used to make suggestions of pericopes?
You can't restore the behaviour of Logos 7 because it used the GO Box for references with pericopes and for topics, and Logos 8 has combined the functionality of the GO and Command boxes (so you can't readily distinguish a reference from a lookup command, or a command from a topic). The way to approximate the Logos 7 behaviour is:-
- Study {Bible Reference} will suggest the Passage Study layout with pericope ranges if Reference intersects a Pericope e.g. Study Jn 3:16
- Study {Topic} will suggest the Passage Study layout if Topic intersects a Pericope e.g. Study Salvation
See Layout in for more information.
===Windows 11 & Android 13