Library in the Cloud vs on Local PC

Irving Salzman
Irving Salzman Member Posts: 129 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would like to install Logos on my local PC.  However, my hard drive is not very big, and over the years that I've been a Logos customer, I've amassed a significant amount of resources.  I have heard that recent builds of Logos come with the ability to maintain the bulk of one's library in the cloud and to download resources on an "as needed" basis.  Is this accurate, and is there something I need to indicate during the installation process that tells Logos not to download all my resources?  Much obliged for any helpful feedback.  I know all about the Logos Web App, so please no suggestions in that regard.  Thanks.



  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802

    This help article should help: Select Which Library Resources to Download.

  • Irving Salzman
    Irving Salzman Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    Phil, the video was helpful.  However, it addresses how to remove resources locally, once the application is already installed.  And it also provides Settings directions to stop the future automatic download of resources (again, once the application is already installed).  But what I would like to know is how to install the Logos application on a new device and NOT have it initially download all my resources (at the time of the initial installation).  As you know the default setting in Logos is set to automatically download all resources.  I believe this means that any time one installs the application for the first time, all resources will be automatically downloaded.  I'm trying to stop this.  Ideas?  Thanks in advance.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,467

    If you install the current version of the application, then the first time you run after installing, you will be prompted to select a minimal, recommended, or complete set of resources to download.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Irving Salzman
    Irving Salzman Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    Thanks, Andrew.  So you mean that the program won't automatically download all my resources during the installation process?  I know it used to do that in the past.  It's been a long time since I installed Logos though.  But I just got a brand new laptop.  It has a solid state drive that does not have a huge amount of hard drive space.  So, the last thing I need to have happen is that all of my massive resource collection is automatically downloaded when I go to install Logos on my new machine.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,467

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Irving Salzman
    Irving Salzman Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    One other question.  On the PC that I already have Logos installed on, I tried to reduce the number of local resources by following the procedure laid out in the video that Phil Gons sent the link to.  For whatever reason, the example given in the said video was to remove resources rated less than 2 and higher than zero.  The syntax of the filter was as follows: 'rating:<2 AND >0'.  Not having any other frame of reference to work with, I followed that example to remove some local resources.  It turns out that cleared 1415 resources.  However I still have well over 12,000 resources stored locally.  So, the amount of hard drive space gained was minimal, proportionally.  Question: Is there some other recommended way to reduce resources without having to peruse through over 12,000 resources one by one?  Is there some way to go to the "Recommended" number of resources that is available to users when they either first install the program, or when they log into it for the first time?  Again, thanks in advance.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    For whatever reason, the example given in the said video was to remove resources rated less than 2 and higher than zero.  The syntax of the filter was as follows: 'rating:<2 AND >0'. 

    The actual syntax was rating:<2 AND rating:>0, which uses other users' rating for resources that you have not rated. It could easily remove resources that you like, and not remove other resources! If you have extensively rated your resources, then you could use a more meaningful syntax e.g. myrating:<3  (note that it will remove resources you have not yet rated).

    Is there some other recommended way to reduce resources without having to peruse through over 12,000 resources one by one?  Is there some way to go to the "Recommended" number of resources

    Unless you have extensively rated or tagged your resources, you will have to peruse them manually. I would  remove non-essential resources by Type e.g. in type:bible, type:bible-commentary, type:lexicon, type:encyclopedia, type:bible-cross-reference, type:bible-harmony, type:calendar-devotional, type:grammar, type:lectionary. You need resources from these types, so choose carefully what you delete.

    You can delete all resources from other types; including type:monograph (the most extensive). If you need them later, they can easily be restored from Library.


    Uninstall Logos and remove the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Logos folder. Then install Logos using the "Recommended" resources.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Irving Salzman
    Irving Salzman Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    Great answer, Dave.  Thank you.  And I erred; I actually did use the syntax of the library filter you indicated above.  I do have one other question raised by one of the suggested videos in this thread above.  One of the videos suggested that you could go into program settings and turn off automatic new resource downloading.  My question in that regard would be this: Assuming I set that setting to 'Off,' will Logos somehow still notify me that a new resource is available for download, should I be interested to do so (i.e., download it)?  Thanks again.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    One of the videos suggested that you could go into program settings and turn off automatic new resource downloading.  My question in that regard would be this: Assuming I set that setting to 'Off,' will Logos somehow still notify me that a new resource is available for download, should I be interested to do so

    The setting is "Download New Resources", which means they will appear in Library as "Cloud" resources if you choose "No". And there is no notification. You can check for new resources if you filter Library by Devices > Not on this device, and then sort by "Last Updated".


    Windows 11 & Android 13