What does Your Desk Look Like?



  • Paul Fermer
    Paul Fermer Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Here will be mine humble yet powerful resources and programs to study GOD'S WORD!

    Set Up:  32" inch samsung monitor to see things on screen larger!,,,Logos Ultimate on Toshiba icore 7, alonside OliveTree Complete Bible Software!

    2 laptop Dell, with BibleWorks10, and Accordance Professional English with all graphics resources!

  • fr.paul
    fr.paul Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Hi Paul Fermer,

    I took a look at the picture and it came to my mind somehow....

    One Logos to rule them all, One Logos to find them,

    One Logos to bring them all and in the Light of Christ bind them (modified J.R.R. Tolkien) [:)][:P][:D][H]


  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Hi Paul Fermer:

    So far the one with the most variety: what about Wordsearch?

    I can understand having Olive Tree to get resources not downloadable abroad, in your opinion what are the strengths of Accordance, Bibleworks, Olive T. as compared to Logos?

    Ultimate to study God's Word seems like an overkill, do you also do Systematic Theology, or Practical theology?

    What do you consider ultimate to be best for?

    Some persons think that studying the Bible is done with the objective of finding truth. But then you also have tradition in the equation.

    Systematics deal also with: evaluating doctrine, developing doctrine, communicating doctrine... Do you find ultimate helpful in any of those?

    Just curious, hope you do not mind I ask you to share your mind with us.

    Peace and grace.

  • Paul Fermer
    Paul Fermer Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Hi Hamiltom Ramos:

    Don't mind sharing my thoughts on it!...

    Yes, I do own Wordsearch Premier and all the resources from E-Sword as well, Why do I have all these programs?....Cause each program is unique when it comes to God's Word.

    E-Sword for example has one resource that not even Logos or Accordance has it on their Libraries which is The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury.

    The strength of Logos is its massive library both in English and Spanish which will be an advantage over any other bible software, the strength of BibleWorks will be is rapid search engine and the cool high-resolution manuscript images it brings!.....Accordance has the best graphics resources for bible study and it is fast as well....OliveTree has a nice smooth interface for reading books more easily and others books that I can't find in Logos and the same is true for Wordsearch. One cool feature in Wordsearch is the Dietessaron (Harmony of The Gospels), which is color coded to see the differences of each gospel narrative.

    All these softwares have great practical application for in-depth Bible Study.

    My main program will be Logos of course cause not only I use it for systematic theology, apologetics, eschatology, exegesis and eisegesis, I think will not have enough time to read them all!.......But Logos has more information!...Yes I will find Ultimate very helpful in my studies.

    Hope this information will help. 


  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Yes, thank you Paul:

    I will have to check the ultimate xref treasury, not sure if I have it.

    Do have WS, I like the offers they sometimes make live, and the resources that are fairly new can be obtained there faster.

    Olive tree has some interesting resources not found in the other progs. Also when I am unable to download a particular resource in L8 (region cause), I can usually get in Olive T.

    Never tried Accordance, even though I think is originally written for Mac.

    Bible works, didn't it go down? If I remember well, there was an offer for ex BW people to get Logos and some resources were dynamically priced or something like that.

    My main program will be Logos of course cause not only I use it for systematic theology, apologetics, eschatology, exegesis and eisegesis, I think will not have enough time to read them all!.......But Logos has more information!...Yes I will find Ultimate very helpful in my studies.

    Which brings up the topic of prioritization: do you have a particular way to prioritize the areas of research you do? Or do you just go with the situation that comes up in your ministry to then check that particular relevant area.

    Most of us react to situations as they come, I wonder if there is a way to be more proactive...


    I think the following excerpt is an interesting list:

    "revealed religion

    1. The notion of religion

    2. Natural religion exists in man

    3. Revelation merits the assent of human reason

    4. Revelation is morally necessary for us in the present order

    5. The Gospel—senses of the word: one and four

    6. The genuineness of the four Gospels was acknowledged by Christian antiquity

    7. The witnesses who assert the genuineness of the Gospels are worthy of belief

    8. The four Gospels contain true history

    9. Jesus Christ truly came into the world as a divine legate

    10. The prophecies prove this divine mission to be fulfilled in Christ

    11. Christ’s miracles prove His divine mission

    12. Christ’s prophecies prove His divine mission

    13. The resurrection of Christ rests on arguments that are certain

    14. The wonderful propagation and perpetuity of Christianity prove its divine origin

    15. Christian virtues versus pagan vices

    16. Martyrdom is a testimony of the truth of the Christian religion

    17. The internal nature of Christian doctrine proves its divinity


    the church

    18. Jesus Christ instituted a society which was to last forever which He called His Church

    19. The Church was to continue Christ’s own life on earth

    20. The Church is hierarchically constituted

    21. Heretics and schismatics are not members of the Church

    22. The Church is necessary for all men to attain their salvation

    23. The true Church of Christ can be recognized by certain notes

    24. Sanctity of principles and members belongs only to the true Church of Christ

    25. Unity of faith and government belongs only to the true Church of Christ

    26. Catholicity belongs only to the true Church of Christ

    27. Apostolicity belongs only to the true Church of Christ

    28. Among the apostles Peter received the primacy of jurisdiction in the Church from Christ

    29. Peter founded his chair at Rome and instituted a Roman bishop as his successor in the primacy

    30. The Roman pontiffs have always attributed the primacy to themselves

    31. Bishops were the legitimate successors of the apostles

    32. The Church is infallible in transmitting Christ’s doctrine

    33. The Roman pontiff is infallible when teaching ex cathedra

    34. The bishops assembled in ecumenical council have always been recognized as infallible judges of the faith


    sacred scripture and tradition

    35. There are sacred books, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that have God as their author

    36. Inspiration consists in God’s action moving the mind and the will of the hagiographer to the mode of the instrument

    37. The primary object of this inspiration are things pertaining to salvation

    38. Inspiration truly extends to all parts of Scripture, even in some sense to the words themselves

    39. The writer, the revelation, and the divine assistance

    40. No error can be found in the sacred books

    41. Sacred tradition is also a true font of revelation

    42. This tradition completes Scripture through an authentic interpretation

    43. Apostolic tradition has always been regarded as a rule of faith

    44. All progress in dogma, however, is not to be rejected


    one god

    45. The existence of God can certainly be known through the natural light of reason

    46. Man can draw knowledge of God from the order of the visible world

    47. Man can draw knowledge of God from the governing of providence

    48. Man can draw knowledge of God from the dictates of conscience

    49. This knowledge is somehow inborn in all men

    50. The essence of God is His very existence. His name is Yahweh

    51. God is per se independent existence

    52. The divine attributes are really the same as the divine substance

    53. God is utter simplicity, and admits of no composition whatever

    54. God is omnipotent

    55. Creatures can be elevated to the vision of God, and this is done for the angels and the blessed

    56. God knows all things in a single gaze, not only those things which are, but those things which will be

    57. God foreknows everything which is future in the free will of man

    58. God has providence for all of His creatures

    59. God wants all men to be saved

    60. God “predestined some to eternal life, most merciful dispenser of grace”

    61. Predestination for faith and justification is completely gratuitous


    the triune god

    62. From the first three centuries it is clear from tradition that God is triune

    63. Against Arianism the later Fathers appealed to this constant tradition

    64. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct, and yet One

    65. There are three persons in the unity of one nature

    66. The most holy Trinity is a mystery

    67. The Father alone does not proceed

    68. The Son was not made

    69. The Son was truly born of the Father

    70. The Son is coeternal with the Father

    71. The Son is consubstantial with the Father

    72. The Holy Spirit is God

    73. That the Holy Spirit is God is proved by His operation

    74. The Holy Spirit is consubstantial with the Father and the Son

    75. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son

    76. The divine Persons are distinguished among themselves only by relations

    77. Operations outside are common to the three Persons

    78. Creation takes place through the Word

    79. Sanctification takes place through the Holy Spirit

    80. The Son is sent by the Father

    81. The Holy Spirit is also sent by the Son



    82. God created all things

    83. God created all things out of nothing

    84. God creates freely

    85. God created out of His goodness

    86. The world (matter) is not eternal

    87. There exist angels created by God

    88. Many angels, having attained eternal beatitude, have already been confirmed in the good

    89. Many angels, however, having committed grave sin, rushed into eternal damnation

    90. The good angels are ministers of God and aid men in the business of salvation

    91. Man is composed of body and soul

    92. The human soul is immortal

    93. Man is free

    94. The human soul is created by God

    95. Before the fall, our first parents were endowed with gifts of nature not due them: original justice

    96. Our first parents were free from concupiscence

    97. Our first parents were immune from the necessity of dying



    98. Sin is a turning from God and a conversion to creatures

    99. Our first parents, having committed grave sin, lost original justice

    100. Death is the effect of Adam’s sin

    101. Through sin Adam lost the other free gifts

    102. Adam’s sin has passed on to all men

    103. On the fate of infants dying without baptism


    actual grace

    104. For every good salutary work grace is absolutely necessary

    105. Without grace man can place certain acts naturally good

    106. Without grace man cannot keep the Law for any length of time

    107. Even for the beginning of faith and conversion grace is necessary

    108. Without grace man cannot resist for long concupiscence and grave temptations

    109. No one can be completely immune from concupiscence and small sins without a special privilege of grace

    110. Final perseverance is a great gift of God

    111. There is some grace which truly suffices to produce its effect, but nevertheless does not actually produce it (gratia sufficiens)

    112. However there is another grace which efficaciously moves the will (gratia efficax)

    113. Grace does not destroy free will

    114. God infallibly knows beforehand in what way free will is to make use of the aid of grace

    115. Grace surpasses all the exigencies of nature

    116. Grace is essentially gratuitous

    117. To no one, not even the unfaithful, does God deny grace sufficient for faith and salvation


    habitual grace

    118. Among the gifts which God has bestowed on His creatures, some are natural, others are supernatural

    119. In justification there is infused a permanent supernatural gift, habitual grace

    120. Sins are truly blotted out

    121. Man is renewed internally

    122. The Holy Spirit dwells in man

    123. Man becomes a sharer of the divine nature

    124. Man becomes the adoptive son of God

    125. Man must dispose himself for justification through faith

    126. Man also disposes himself for justification through the acts of the other virtues

    127. Habitual grace is lost by mortal sin

    128. Man can never be certain of his righteousness

    129. The just can have true merit

    130. The just can merit eternal life


    the incarnate word

    131. The ante-Nicene tradition testifies that Christ is true God

    132. Only the Son of God is incarnate, nor is He other than Jesus Christ

    133. Jesus Christ assumed a true human nature, not one that was merely apparent

    134. Therefore Christ has a true body formed from the substance of Mary

    135. Christ also has a rational soul

    136. And so Christ is consubstantial with us, being of Adam’s race

    137. “What is not assumed is not healed”

    138. The incarnation is a mystery

    139. The Word assumed a human nature so that there are two natures truly distinct

    140. The two natures are somehow united

    141. The two natures of Christ are united by a personal union

    142. There are two operations in Christ: one divine, the other human

    143. In Christ there is a true communication of idioms

    144. The man Christ is the natural Son of God, not the adopted Son

    145. Christ, completely filled with grace, had complete sanctity

    146. Christ is to be adored as man

    147. Christ was free from personal sin

    148. Christ had a body capable of suffering

    149. Christ freely suffered and died

    150. On the question of ignorance in Christ

    151. The purpose of the incarnation and passion of Christ is the salvation of men

    152. The purpose of the incarnation and passion of Christ is a manifestation of love towards men

    153. Christ Himself was both Priest and Host

    154. Christ offers Himself by way of true vicarious sacrifice

    155. Christ ascended into heaven according to His human nature

    156. Christ will judge the living and the dead


    mary, mother of god and virgin

    157. Mary was truly the Mother of God

    158. Mary was a virgin in conceiving

    159. Mary was a virgin during Christ’s birth

    160. Mary remained a virgin after Christ’s birth

    161. Mary was conceived immaculate

    162. Mary’s body was assumed into heaven


    the sacraments

    163. The sacraments are sensible signs which signify and at the same time confer grace

    164. Physically the sacraments are constituted of things (matter) and words (form)

    165. Among the sacramental rites the imposition of hands signifies in a special manner the conferring of grace

    166. The sacraments confer more abundant grace on the recipient who is better disposed to receive

    167. The sacraments do not confer grace when an obstacle is present, but when it is removed the sacraments revivify and grace is infused

    168. The sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and orders imprint on the soul a spiritual and indelible sign

    169. And so these sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and orders can never be repeated

    170. The sacraments confer grace from the power of the Holy Spirit which is in the rite

    171. Christ is the author of the sacraments and instituted all of them immediately

    172. The sacraments are morally Christ’s actions, using the ministry of men

    173. The worth of the sacraments does not depend on the faith of the minister

    174. The worth of the sacraments does not depend on the probity of the minister

    175. To receive the sacraments licitly and with fruit, certain dispositions are required in an adult

    176. The holy Fathers knew of all of our sacraments

    177. Baptism is a true sacrament instituted by Christ

    178. The remote matter is natural water

    179. The proximate matter, however, is the washing with the water

    180. Baptism may be performed by immersion, infusion, or sprinkling

    181. In the form of baptism, it is essential that there be a distinct expression of God as One and Three

    182. The minister of solemn baptism is the bishop and the priest, or, in case of necessity, a deacon

    183. Any man, using the right matter, form, and intention, baptizes validly, even licitly, in case of necessity

    184. And so, even heretics may validly baptize

    185. Baptism is necessary for all for salvation, both children and adults

    186. For adults the baptism of desire can take the place of the baptism of water

    187. For adults, and infants as well, martyrdom can take the place of the baptism of water

    188. The Church has always recognized that even infants are capable of receiving baptism

    189. The effect of baptism is a spiritual regeneration, which consists in the remission of every sin and punishment and the infusion of the first grace

    190. Confirmation is a true sacrament

    191. The remote matter is blessed oil (chrism)

    192. The proximate matter is the unction of the chrism made on the forehead in the form of a cross

    193. The ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop

    194. The extraordinary minister is any priest

    195. The effect of confirmation is a more abundant effusion of grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit

    196. The sacrament of the Eucharist was instituted by Christ in memory of His passion and death

    197. In the words which John records (6:48 ff.) Christ promised that He would give Himself, flesh and blood, in a real sense, in food and drink

    198. Christ is really present in the Eucharist under the species of bread and wine

    199. The truth of the real Presence is evident from the words of institution

    200. This Presence of Christ does not depend on the faith and disposition of the receiver

    201. The bread and wine through the words of consecration are converted into the body and blood of Christ

    202. The matter of the Eucharist is bread and wine

    203. The minister of the Eucharist to be confected is the priest

    204. For licit and fruitful communion the state of grace is required

    205. The Mass is a true sacrifice

    206. The Mass is a representation of the sacrifice of the cross

    207. Christ is the victim offered in the sacrifice of the Mass

    208. The Church received from Christ the power of remitting or retaining sins

    209. This power of remitting or retaining sins extends to all sins committed after baptism

    210. Of all sins, the greatest were adultery, homicide, and apostasy or heresy

    211. In the early Church a public penance was imposed for the most serious external crimes

    212. However, “reconciliation” was made by the imposition of hands, ordinarily by the bishop

    213. Penance is necessary to obtain the remission of sin

    214. Some confession not made only to God, but external, is required for the remission of sins

    215. Because of the intercession of martyrs some of the canonical penance could be remitted

    216. In the Church there exists a treasury of merits, from which an indulgence for sinners can be applied for punishment due

    217. Extreme unction is a true sacrament, whose effect is to blot out the residue of sin and to increase the forces of the soul and the body

    218. Holy orders is a true sacrament

    219. In the Church, the clergy constitute a distinct order from the laity

    220. Episcopacy, priesthood, and diaconate constitute major orders

    221. The bishops constitute a superior order to the priests

    222. The deacons are assistants of the bishops and priests in holy functions

    223. Subdeacons are assistants of the deacons, instituted by the Church at a later time

    224. In the early Church women could be consecrated to God in a special manner as deaconesses or widows; however, they received no order properly so called

    225. The matter of orders is the imposition of hands

    226. The form of orders is the prayer which is conjoined with that imposition

    227. Already the ancient custom in the Church was that celibacy be imposed on clerics in major orders, or at least that they be prohibited from a second marriage

    228. The purposes of matrimony are the generation of children, mutual conjugal help, and a remedy for concupiscence

    229. Christian matrimony is a true sacrament

    230. Matrimony effects a bond which is completely indissoluble

    231. The sacrament of matrimony effects an exclusive bond

    232. The Church has authority to establish impediments to marriage

    233. Matrimony is licit and good

    234. Celibacy and especially virginity are however preferable to marriage


    the last things

    235. Death is a separation of the soul from the body

    236. After death there is no possibility of meriting or demeriting

    237. The soul undergoes a particular judgment when it leaves the body

    238. Even before the general judgment souls are either saved or lost

    239. Purgatory exists, where the souls—for whom something more must be expiated—undergo temporary punishment

    240. The souls of the dead detained in purgatory can be helped by the suffrages of the living

    241. Those who die in mortal sin are cast into hell

    242. The pain of the damned is twofold: (a) damnation—the privation of God

    243. The pain of the damned is twofold: (b) the pain of sense—true and corporeal fire

    244. The punishments of the damned will be eternal

    245. Various signs precede the end of the world

    246. The dead shall rise

    247. The dead will rise with their same bodies

    248. Afterwards, the general judgment will be given

    249. The object of beatitude is God alone

    250. Perfect beatitude in heaven consists in the vision and the love of God

    Table of Reference to Rouët de Journel’s Enchiridion Patristicum

    Index to the Church Fathers

     Willis, J. R. (Ed.). (2002). The Teachings of the Church Fathers (pp. vii–xviii). San Francisco: Ignatius Press.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    My wife and I made desks in our office using kitchen cabinets that we bought from Lowe's.  I just cut the bottoms off of them, and they were the perfect height.  The pictures below are from when we first completed the project:

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Paul Fermer
    Paul Fermer Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    WOW, you sent me a whole testament!..[:D]....

    I do prioritize the way I do my research, I'm doing so by subject or doctrine, and by keywords,

    For example, when I take the word "save" or "saved" I can pull out all the bible verses and doctrine relevant to that subject.

    I use KJV/RV1960 as my main study bible.....and then, other versions for comparison!.

    Subject: Salvation
    Isaiah 45:22

    Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

    Subject: Salvation                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jeremiah 8:20

    The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

    Subject: Salvation
    Matthew 1:21

    And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.

    Subject: Salvation
    Luke 19:10

    For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

    Subject: Salvation
    John 3:17

    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    Accordance was originally written for Mac, but now it is written natively for windows as well , Bibleworks went out of business but I still find it a useful tool to keep using for years to come!....There is a way you can get L8 resources without region restriction!!!!...find me on icq GSN FERMER.

  • Paul Fermer
    Paul Fermer Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I forgot to mention even the "minor" programs in my workstation like Swordsearcher that has a powerful tool that beats L8 and Accordance when it comes to Reciprocral Xref....there are others too!, but that is a different story!!....[:)][:D][H]


  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    HI Paul F.:

    Have been busy, sorry for late reply. 

    Unable to join icq. keeps popping error message. [I hope they are not serious about email password, I do not give that to a company I do not know].

    Thanks for the SwordSearcher link, I will check it. I think I may have the precursor of it, when it was free, and I still use it.

    Do you know if SwordSearcher works in Catalina?

    Doing a little research on Precepts in Logos a while ago, look at what I got:

    A. DIDACTIC UTTERANCES.—1. The moral teaching of Christ concerned itself with general principles rather than with precepts. The Sermon on the Mount, which contains the chief elements of His ethical teaching, is not a code of injunctions, but a declaration of the fundamental principles that underlie His Kingdom; and the particular instances of right conduct mentioned in that discourse are not commandments, but illustrations of these principles. When He teaches His disciples regarding righteousness and sin, He avoids laying down laws regarding special acts, but goes at once to the very heart of moral distinctions, revealing the general principles which rule all special cases. Thus He solved all questions of meat by a single sentence, which ‘made all meats clean’ (Mk 7:19 RV); and He answered all questions of casuistry regarding Sabbath observance by pointing out the beneficent principle which led to its institution. In a word, He reduced all right action, whether towards God or towards man, to a fulfilling, and all wrong action to an outraging, of the one all-embracing commandment of Love. And thus His teaching finds its application in every act in every age.

    There is but one exception recorded in our Gospels,—that in reference to divorce (Mk 10:11, 12, cf. Mt 5:32, 19:9). In this case He gives a concise and direct precept; but a precept, obedience to which purifies the human race at its source.

    Grierson, C. T. P. (1906). Prophet. In J. Hastings (Ed.), A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels: Aaron–Zion (Vol. 2, p. 435). Edinburgh; New York: T&T Clark; Charles Scribner’s Sons.

    [The bold highlight is mine for added emphasis].

    So now I find out that there are three different ways to go about gleaning gold from Scripture:

    1 Propositional truths. (which I have not found a resource that list the key ones from the Bible).

    2 Precepts like someone mentioned and found the following:


    Do good.—Gal. 6:10.

    Obey God.—Acts 5:29.

    Worship God.—Rev. 22:9.

    Keep thyself pure.—1 Tim. 5:22.

    Be strong in the Lord.—Eph. 6:10.

    Take heed how ye hear.—Luke 8:18.

    Avenge not yourselves.—Rom. 12:19.

    Pray without ceasing.—1 Thess. 5:17.

    Rejoice in the Lord alway.—Phil. 4:4.

    Give attendance to reading.—1 Tim. 4:13.

    In everything give thanks.—1 Thess. 5:18.

    Fight the good fight of faith.—1 Tim. 6:12.

    Hold fast that which is good.—1 Thess. 5:21.

    Be not conformed to this world.—Rom. 12:2.

    Bless them which persecute you.—Rom. 12:14.

    If thine enemy hunger, feed him.—Rom. 12:20.

    Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.—Col. 3:17.

    Preach the Gospel to every creature.—Mark 16:15.

    Be thou an example to the believers.—1 Tim. 4:12.

    Have fervent charity among yourselves.—1 Pet. 4:8.

    Abstain from all appearance of evil.—1 Thess. 5:22.

    Pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands.—1 Tim. 2:8.

    Fear God, and keep his commandments.—Eccl. 12:13.

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God.—2 Tim. 2:15.

    Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.—2 Tim. 2:1.

    Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine.—1 Tim. 4:16.

    Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.—1 Cor. 10:31.

    Do all things without murmurings and disputings.—Phil. 2:14.

    Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.—2 Tim. 2:3.

    Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.—Matt. 26:41.

    Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.—Rom. 12:9.

    Abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.—1 Pet. 2:11.

    Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.—Rom. 12:21.

    Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.—2 Cor. 6:14.

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.—Matt. 6:33.

    Be kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love.—Rom. 12:10.

    Pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.—Matt. 5:44.

    Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.—Col. 3:2.

    Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.—1 Cor. 16:13.

    Obey them that have the rule over you, for they watch for your souls.—Heb. 13:17.

    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.—Matt. 5:16.

    Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.—1 Jno. 2:15.

    If any man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness.… Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.—Gal. 6:1, 2.

    As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.… The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.—Gal. 6:10, 18.

    Kauffman, D., & Stauffer, J. L. (1930). Helps for Ministers and Other Christian Workers (pp. 155–157). Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House.

    And then 3 Principles as suggested by the first quote above.

    Using my experience and reason, I recall that based on Fowler's theory of Stages of Faith, and Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Principle directed faith and morals is one of the highest attainable levels.

    Through principles, a person can more aptly decide and act right given new circumstances or the ones that involve complexity and uncertainty.

    Have you got an opinion on all of the above?


  • MWW
    MWW Member Posts: 427 ✭✭

    I like your setup DAL!

    (Matthew 13:52 (NKJV) 52Then He said to them, “Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.”


  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,506 ✭✭✭

    Glad to see you share your space with your wife and her electronics.  I suppose those are her gadgets.  

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    GaoLu said:

    Glad to see you share your space with your wife and her electronics.  I suppose those are her gadgets.  

    Or  is a tent maker, LOL.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    GaoLu said:

    Glad to see you share your space with your wife and her electronics.  I suppose those are her gadgets.  

    Or  is a tent maker, LOL.

    Lol, yeah, she used to sew a alot, but she doesn't as much now, so those machines are usually covered.  She now works from home four days a week, so she gets a lot out of her computer setup.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Paul Merck
    Paul Merck Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
  • Paul Merck
    Paul Merck Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Thanks Paul for the info.

    My problem is with apps that want to know the password for the email account, I rather pay than compromise privacy, especially when I do not know if there is an ungodly agenda underlying the company.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,596

    My problem is with apps that want to know the password for the email account, I rather pay than compromise privacy, especially when I do not know if there is an ungodly agenda underlying the company.

    I've never seen a company do this although it is common to use the email account as the user id and have the user set up a separate password for the app.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I've never seen a company do this although it is common to use the email account as the user id and have the user set up a separate password for the app.

    I always use my email, then a specific password for that app. In this case I did something like icqmac for password and it rejected it. It seems that they want my actual email password, and I won't give it to anyone I do not trust  (not that I have anything to hide), is just a matter of principle.

    See people that are far from God need to keep track of all, eavesdrop, phishing, etc. that is the only way they can try to take control, true believers need not do that because there is a discernment of Spirits gifts that pretty much allows believers to roughly know where the person / institution lays in the adverse against God continuum.

    There has been a lot of apps for both phone and computer that want to know my password, which is unethical in my view. I just drop them like hot potato, I do not use such. Some people are so desperate to know what you are up to, what you write about, etc., (which is ridiculous)  instead of looking for God...

    Psalm 127:1ff "Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain".

    But there will always be worldview clash, until the end when people will be separated and each to their destiny.

    This even happens in FL, there are some posters that say they will share a paper with you, then direct you to a place that if you do not give your email and actual password you cannot download the paper... give a break... if you are part of violating the privacy of someone, do not even bother offering stuff....  Christian behavior?... hardly.

    Do you think I care about any of the personal things of any of the posters? not at all, the gift of discernment roughly tells you what each is about.

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,456

    This even happens in FL, there are some posters that say they will share a paper with you, then direct you to a place that if you do not give your email and actual password you cannot download the paper... give a break... if you are part of violating the privacy of someone, do not even bother offering stuff....  Christian behavior?... hardly.

    Hamilton – As I have a general interest in nefarious behaviour on the internet and have never yet found an example of what you describe I wonder if you would be so kind as to share one of the links.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,060

    My wife and I made desks in our office using kitchen cabinets that we bought from Lowe's.  I just cut the bottoms off of them, and they were the perfect height.  The pictures below are from when we first completed the project:

    I like the music in the TV, reminds the time when I was a teenager

    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    This even happens in FL, there are some posters that say they will share a paper with you, then direct you to a place that if you do not give your email and actual password you cannot download the paper... give a break... if you are part of violating the privacy of someone, do not even bother offering stuff....  Christian behavior?... hardly.

    Hamilton – As I have a general interest in nefarious behaviour on the internet and have never yet found an example of what you describe I wonder if you would be so kind as to share one of the links.

    I am confused by this as well and would like to see an example, but I keep wondering if he's talking about apps and such that give you the option to log in with your Gmail or Facebook accounts.  Concerning sharing a paper, I am thinking he's talking about logging in via google to share a document from someone else.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    I like the music in the TV, reminds the time when I was a teenager

    I had to zoom in to see what you were talking about!

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.

  • Rick
    Rick Member Posts: 2,013 ✭✭

    I always use my email, then a specific password for that app. In this case I did something like icqmac for password and it rejected it.

    I'm guessing that they rejected it because it is not a "Strong" password. Not enough characters, special symbols, numbers etc.

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Hi Mike:

    Just try to join icq with the computer option, but try to do it without giving your email password (i.e. make one up) to see if you can join.

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Exactly Joseph.

    For sites I trust, I do not mind giving my password, but I do not understand why one has to give the actual password of your email account to download a copy of a paper, seems like by doing so, one is renouncing to privacy rights, which would be no problem if you knew what the app does with that info.

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033 ✭✭

    Hi Rick, that is a possibility, but usually the message explains that you need to add capital letters, one number etc. when that is the case.

    In contrast, I have joined many apps for phone, computer etc. in which I make a password up for my email, just in a way I remember what is about, and I can join with no problem.

    So I divide apps in two: the ones that seem to infringe privacy rights without a cause, and the ones that do not. Obviously you can tell which I join.

  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,870 ✭✭✭

    Exactly Joseph.

    For sites I trust, I do not mind giving my password, but I do not understand why one has to give the actual password of your email account to download a copy of a paper, seems like by doing so, one is renouncing to privacy rights, which would be no problem if you knew what the app does with that info.

    I see what you are saying, but those sites which offer to take your Facebook or Google passwords also offer for you to create an account as below:

    Just make a new account with whatever password you want.  If you are trying to download files from sites that require you to log in to your Google account, and you don't know the person sharing the document, then just don't.  Often times I will look to see if there is a .pdf of a book or some other document, and I will be presented with such sites.  I always assume those are scams.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.