Important Passages - Shared Senses

Joe Mayden
Member Posts: 320 ✭✭
Watching Morris Proctor Training Videos
What’s New in Logos 8 Important Passages in Guides Types of Cross References
Using John 1:1 as the Bible reference - focusing on Important Passages and then the Types, Morris highlights 'Shared Senses' and gets a number of references - Mo points out Genesis 1:1 as a shared sense with John 1:1.
When I do the same thing on my systems which finds 'shared senses' with other passages I enter in the Reference box I do not get any shared senses with John 1:1 in the reference box. What am I missing?
Thanks for the help!
I don't have access to Morris' seminars so can't see what he does in the video but I don't get a reference to Gen 1:1 as a shared sense to John 1:1 either.
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I will send this link to support and see what they have to say.