Free Book of the Month: December 2019

The FBOTM and extras have gone live.
They are all commentaries in the Brazos series: Jaroslav Pelikan on Acts, Stanley Hauerwas on Matthew, and Peter Leithart on 1 & 2 Kings.
Thanks Logos!
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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The website is acting a little funky today. Must be in a turkey coma still. All three are greyed out and can't be added to my cart on the Free Book of the Month page even though I don't own them. Under my wife's account the free book is greyed out but not the other two even though she doesn't own it.
Don't forget the other free books
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I am having the same problem. They are all three greyed out even though I don't own any of them.
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I had the same problem. However, if you go directly to the normal product page for those books you can add them to your cart from there. I was able to get the Acts commentary no problem for the normal product page.
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This is also free at the moment: