Logos 8 removed the button to change preferred Bibles

I work in both English and Spanish almost daily and sometimes switch several times a day. I could go to the Home Page and switch preferred Bibles and load my appropriate workspace. I upgraded to Logos 8 and when I go to now to change my preferred Bible to the correct language so that hyperlinks work in either language, there is NO BUTTON on the Home Page like before.
I'm very frustrated by this change and will be contacting Logos to change back to version 7 until this is fixed. Please get this fixed right away!
Roland Bowen said:
I upgraded to Logos 8 and when I go to now to change my preferred Bible to the correct language so that hyperlinks work in either language, there is NO BUTTON on the Home Page like before.
Just to make you aware there are already plans to bring similar functionality back - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019175372-Changes-from-Logos-7-to-Logos-8#h.kuwra76she2s - but I don't know any timescales.
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You can also do this in Logos 8: go to the Library, click upper left right on the three dots and select prioritize. Put you preferred Bible for the moment on top and your are done. Easy!
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Luuk Dondorp said:
In all fairness to the OP, that is not nearly as streamlined as the old method. Easy, maybe, but if you change the PB out often, a real pain compared to the button that used to be there.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Doc B said:Luuk Dondorp said:
In all fairness to the OP, that is not nearly as streamlined as the old method. Easy, maybe, but if you change the PB out often, a real pain compared to the button that used to be there.
Agreed but it is possible. No need to turn back to 7 while waiting for re-implementation of missing features
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Understand the OP's frustration as the button did make that function easy. Logos is working to bring it back in L8 so as Luuk stated no need to switch to L7 just for this point. Yes it has been an issue for many, but the many benefits of L8 outweigh the move back to L7.
Suggest prioritizing your top 5 bibles in the priority table than at least they are handy to switch.
In Christ,
Lenovo Yoga 7 15ITL5 Touch Screen; 11th Gen Intel i7 2.8Ghz; 12Gb RAM; 500Gb SDD;WIN 11
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Agreed. I don't understand the thinking why they removed this functionality in the first place. Something easy to see for something "hidden". Something that can be done fast to something slow. Something intuitive to something that require more UI knowledge. Now we wait for it to be brought back.
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I could be wrong, but similar to removing the 'i' button from resource panels, I suspect the intention is to try to simplify the interface. I get that. Therein lies a challenge. Some aspects of a UI probably don't statistically get used a lot, but to those that use them, it is essential in their workflows.
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Why should we have to do anything but change the layout from Spanish to English, etc.? Why can't Logos make the preferred Bible selection in a custom layout be saved along with the other resources?
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Welcome to the forums. The preferred Bible is used (invisibly) throughout the system so it is not a simple as associating a Bible with a layout. It could be done but would likely be a considerable amount of work. Suggest it in the Suggestions forum and Uservoice to see what support there is for this feature. It would certainly be helpful to bilingual users.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Randall Tidmore said:
Why should we have to do anything but change the layout from Spanish to English, etc.? Why can't Logos make the preferred Bible selection in a custom layout be saved along with the other resources?
- Why is it easier to switch layouts when you switch interface language?
- Which is preferred if you have multiple bibles in a layout (Prioritization is independent of layout and interface language)?
You could request that Preferred bible (in Prioritization) be dependent on interface language, and you would not have switch anything else after changing interface language. But the problem would be that an English bible cannot be preferred when the interface language is Spanish.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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It was better when with one click we chose our preferred Bible from the home screen.
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I was just writing a post about this issue when this thread came up in the sidebar. Graham Criddle's answer was just what I was looking for. Thanks.
“It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people. ”
― John Wesley
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“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara