Logos 8.6 Beta 1 (

To immediately update to the current beta enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for updates.
Excited to see what happens with the selection menu. Looks good so far.
Also the whole app seems much more responsive on Windows for me!! Big difference. Anyone else?
One thing that would be nice if Ctrl/Cmd-L also made the 'Find resources' bar active with the cursor in it, so we can just start typing search.
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Kevin said:
One thing that would be nice if Ctrl/Cmd-L also made the 'Find resources' bar active with the cursor in it, so we can just start typing search.
It should, if you are in another tab and hit CTRL+L it should go to the open Libray panel and have the cursor in Find Resources. Can you let me know in what way that is not working for you?
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It just does not put the cursor in the bar for me for the first launch of the Library panel.
If I have already launched the panel, and have manually clicked into the Find Resources bar, then the cursor will still be there with the new functionality when Ctrl+L switches back to it.
It never did before this release either, so not actually anything to do with this particular beta, I was just hoping if they are in that code it might be an easy fix [:)]
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Philana R. Crouch said:
It should, if you are in another tab and hit CTRL+L it should go to the open Libray panel and have the cursor in Find Resources. Can you let me know in what way that is not working for you?
I just tested it and it's not working for me, either, on Windows. The library opens, but the cursor isn't in the box.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Kevin said:
One thing that would be nice if Ctrl/Cmd-L also made the 'Find resources' bar active with the cursor in it, so we can just start typing search.
I've created a case for this bug.
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"CTRL/CMD+L will now bring focus to an instance of My Library already open. The application will open a new instance in a floating window if My Library is already in focus or not open."
I'm so glad to see this issue has been fixed. That has been a big annoyance to me since the introduction of multiple instances of the Library.
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BUMMER: Command-L now opens the Library panel in a docked pane. Bring back the floating window. A giant step backward. [N]
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Jack Caviness said:
BUMMER: Command-L now opens the Library panel in a docked pane. Bring back the floating window. A giant step backward.
It should open in a floating window, it only brings a docked instance into focus if it is already docked. Can you provide steps for when it is opening in a docked window for you?
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Philana R. Crouch said:
Can you provide steps for when it is opening in a docked window for you
Simple: With an empty layout, type Cmd-L, and the Library opens in a docked pane. Same thing if I type Cmd-L from a layout.
I almost never leave the Library open when I am not accessing it, and I have no desire to have it open docked at any time.
BTW—Mac OS 10.14.5
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Philana R. Crouch said:
It should open in a floating window, it only brings a docked instance into focus if it is already docked. Can you provide steps for when it is opening in a docked window for you?
Cmd L opens in a docked panel for me even it the layout is fully populated.
I too only ever want the Library panel momentarily and would prefer it to open in a floating window by default.
MacOS 10.14.5
Logos latest Beta
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:
Cmd L opens in a docked panel for me even it the layout is fully populated.
Must be a Mac-only bug. It opens in a floating window in Windows.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Mark Barnes said:
Must be a Mac-only bug. It opens in a floating window in Windows.
FWIW, I'm also on macOS 10.14.5 and it's working correctly for me.
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Can anyone confirm if this beta will run on OS X Catalina 10.15 beta? The public release does not and the iOS apps crash when adding a new tab.
I’m in a bit of a pickle as I beta test Apple software for my job but also need Logos working. If this beta won’t I’ll hold off but the quicker I can get on Catalina the better overall.
If anyone knows let me know!0 -
This has been addressed in this thread Catalina (Mac OS 10.15) as of June 4, 2019 Follow that thread for future information
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Jack Caviness said:
BUMMER: Command-L now opens the Library panel in a docked pane. Bring back the floating window. A giant step backward.
One datapoint more: Ctrl-L opens the library in a floating window for me - or gives focus to that floating window, should it be open - which is exactly the way I wish Logos was behaving (using a two-monitor setup under Windows 10), whereas hitting the button seemingly designed to do that, does nothing.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Has the default right click menu been sped up at some point in the last while?
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Thanks Philana [Y]
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Nathan Cameron said:
Can anyone confirm if this beta will run on OS X Catalina 10.15 beta? The public release does not and the iOS apps crash when adding a new tab.
I’m in a bit of a pickle as I beta test Apple software for my job but also need Logos working. If this beta won’t I’ll hold off but the quicker I can get on Catalina the better overall.
If anyone knows let me know!Nathan,
We won't start supporting 10.15.0 until it ships to users in the Fall, we never support beta versions of OS.
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Nathan Cameron said:
I’m in a bit of a pickle as I beta test Apple software for my job but also need Logos working. If this beta won’t I’ll hold off but the quicker I can get on Catalina the better overall.
Does Web App => https://app.logos.com work on Catalina ? (unsupported by Faithlife, but might be viable while waiting for application update and stable Catalina release)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks for the info Philana!
Please don't hear me wrong here. I often get in these kinds of discussions with companies (I'm a Bible Professor and I manage 200 iPads at a private school on the side lol). In my opinion it is a spectacular practice to ensure zero day compatibility with upcoming software releases. This is only accomplished by the company dedicating testing devices to the beta versions of that upcoming software. I'm assuming you do this of course and want to be clear that I'm not saying I consider lack of compatibility at this point to be a bug of any sort. I'm just hoping that, at some point, the necessary changes for Catalina make their way into the beta version of Logos so "in use" bugs can get squashed based on user feedback prior to public release.
I'm leaving to do some Logos training for some students in the Philippines in 8 days! I'm just going to stay away from Catalina so I can do it effectively.
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Nathan Cameron said:
I'm just hoping that, at some point, the necessary changes for Catalina make their way into the beta version of Logos so "in use" bugs can get squashed based on user feedback prior to public release.
User feedback from a beta is potentially useful, so it is not discouraged. Faithlife will make changes when the impact for Logos can be properly assessed, but the release version may also introduce something that affects Logos. So the only guarantee is that Logos 8 will support the new version (Logos 7 and earlier are not supported). Changes may be introduced via a Service Release, which can occur earlier than changes made in the beta cycle.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Keyboard shortcuts not working with text selection menu. I had a shortcut when selecting text for a Red Marker with the Key R and it is now not working. Also the shortcut for copy text is not working Control C. I like the text selection menu but I would like both options available. Not all colors are available without opening up the highlight marker from the text selection menu which takes longer. I like the concept but would still like to keep shortcut keys available.
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This is being worked on: e.g. https://community.logos.com/forums/p/181938/1052510.aspx#1052510 for the highlightsJohn Brumett said:Keyboard shortcuts not working with text selection menu.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Jack Caviness said:
Simple: With an empty layout, type Cmd-L, and the Library opens in a docked pane. Same thing if I type Cmd-L from a layout.
I almost never leave the Library open when I am not accessing it, and I have no desire to have it open docked at any time.
BTW—Mac OS 10.14.5
This bug has been fixed in 8.6 Beta 3.
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Jack Caviness said:
Thanks for confirming Jack, this one was tricky because only one person on the team could actually reproduce it.
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Philana R. Crouch said:
Thanks for confirming Jack, this one was tricky because only one person on the team could actually reproduce it.
I recommend him/her for a promotion and a pay raise [H]
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It's no longer Fall and Logos still isn't working on mine. Please, I put off loading Catalina as long as I could!
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John R. said:
It's no longer Fall and Logos still isn't working on mine. Please, I put off loading Catalina as long as I could!
please create a new thread and explain your issue clearly, providing appropriate details
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
John T. Reed II said:
It's no longer Fall and Logos still isn't working on mine. Please, I put off loading Catalina as long as I could!
Logos 8.8 and newer work on macOS 10.15 Catalina (personally using Logos 8.11 Beta 1 on macOS 10.15.2)
One idea is manually replacing Logos application => https://www.logos.com/install
JT (alabama24) said:please create a new thread and explain your issue clearly, providing appropriate details
Concur with new thread suggestion.
Keep Smiling [:)]