Logos 9 Wishlist



  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I wondered.  Am I going nuts?  So I moved the mouse over the icon on a closed tab, the X appears, and I click on the X, and  (wait for it)

    voila!  the tab opens.  Then I click on the X again, and it disappears.

  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 311 ✭✭✭

    I wondered.  Am I going nuts?  So I moved the mouse over the icon on a closed tab, the X appears, and I click on the X, and  (wait for it)

    voila!  the tab opens.  Then I click on the X again, and it disappears.

    I'm running Logos on macOS Mojave and Windows 10.  The X works as intended.  It appears when I hover over an unfocused tab and closes as expected when clicking the X.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Larry, i suggest you open a new thread for this problem (so we don't hijack the Wishlist: sorry i started us down that road). 

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,064

    The library updating up-and-down movement generates errors when the user hits a line that is different than a moment ago. L9 might be the time to fix it!


    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    I wish Logos would create a way to "loan a resource" to another user. If I would lose access to that resource while it is loaned to another user, it could fit within my understanding of a single-user license. In my honest opinion, this would make ebooks even MORE attractive than Dead tree. I would have my whole digital library on a portable device AND I could loan resources to those I am mentoring (including those in my family).

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Ask for user input files to:

    • add predefined reading plans that are making the rounds (user provides reading plan; FL converts to predefined) - examples
      • chronological reading plans
      • Orthodox Advent readings (fixed dates - perhaps better as a Reading cycle)
      • Heidelberg Catechism - one year reading plan for which it was designed
      • Summa Theologia in a bit over two years
      • Book of Concord - various lengths
    • add additional workflows supplied by users and edited by FL

    You could either offer a small credit OR simply rely on the generosity of the Christian community.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Ryland Brown
    Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭

    I'm happy with Logos 8.  It'l take some amazing features for me to want to upgrade. 

    Some features I would like to see are 

    1. A more refined sermon editor to be used by academics.

    2. An ability to preach from logos.  Maybe a presentation mode of the sermon editor?

    3. A way to clip material into the last clippings document instead of having to right click, then scroll down until I find it on the menu. Maybe a keyboard shortcut?

    4. Notebooks within notebooks, like ever note. 

    5.  Bookmarks for books.  I know it opens up to the last place you were at, but this could be a refined experience.

    I've had Logos for over a year now and it has changed the way I study for sermons.  I had many bound books and barely scratched the surface each week.  Logos is like a firehouse on full blast.  It's an amazing product. 

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Here’s an illustrated version of the features requested for the sermon editor: 



  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    What are the most important things we should solve for Logos 9?

    • What general themes or areas should we focus on?
    • What bugs should we fix?
    • What improvements should we make to existing features?
    • What new features should we add?
    • What new data sets should we build?
    • What new books should we include?

    Please specify desktop, mobile, and/or web, where appropriate.

    What does your ideal Logos 9 upgrade look like? What would make Logos 9 an irresistible upgrade for you?

    If different, what should we do to win the next generation of new users?

    Please include links to forum threads, User Voice requests, etc. where applicable.

    We've reviewed the User Voice feedback for desktop, mobile, and books, but I want to make sure that the priorities there are reflective of the current priorities of our forum community.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback!

    There are places in the software like Thematic Outlines where you can copy to something and my options are Microsoft or Libre, but I use Nota Bene exclusively now so can we get that software added to the list?

  • CharlyG
    CharlyG Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Shouldn't the propsitional outline visual filter work for that.

  • CharlyG
    CharlyG Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
  • CharlyG
    CharlyG Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    Take advantage of the free training. I use both Morris(Proctor/Logos) and John(Fallahee/LearnLogos), and sometimes it takes both to "get it". I do support both guys by buyng a few lessons as well. With John you can get the Logos 8 bundle for next to nothing. I am now trying to hook it into  my writing. I'm using Scrivener,OneNote, Zotero, and Office Lens. I'm still organizing categories. I am also trying to figure out BibleNote.

  • CharlyG
    CharlyG Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I would like to suggest SSD drives for those with a need for speed. Download ALL of your resources. My PlLatinum Reformed takes up around 35gb.

  • CharlyG
    CharlyG Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I have Platinum Reformed Logos 8 and I have spent almost $13,000 since I installed the first version way back. It started to get really good at version 4.

  • David Betts
    David Betts Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

    All audio resources, e.g. Lexham Greek New Testament Interlinear, need word indicator like in NA28.
    NA28 needs interlinear.

  • John Brumett
    John Brumett Member Posts: 298 ✭✭

    I would like to see in Logos 9 a compare commentaries tool. I think that the power lookup tool could be improved to allow for this:

    1. The ability to choose collection- Like all study Bibles

    2.  The ability to read in Columns like the reading view.

    3.  Allow the complete commentary to appear as opposed to abbreviated view.   

    4.  Have corresponding words visual filters

    Say I want to study Acts 9:2 and want to read all my commentaries just on that passage. Further I just want to look at all my Study Bibles dealing with the concept of letters sent. I could pick my Study Bibles then only have my commentaries that comment on letters and then read only that passage in my commentaries in columns one after another in reading view.    

    Multiview has the ability to only practically list up to 10 commentaries side by side and then not all commentaries mentions that passage or comments on everything in that passage.  


    Powerlook does not have the ability to choose collections and use corresponding words visual filter.

    Passage list has collections but are listed in Alphabetical order and not by prioritized order as in power lookup and there is no ability to add visual filters and you can't read in column view.    

  • Pastor Don Carpenter
    Pastor Don Carpenter Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭

    This is a great thread and so many good suggestions!  Here are my top Logos 9 wishes:

    • First and foremost...  DO NOT RELEASE IT UNTIL YOU HAVE THE MAJOR BUGS WORKED OUT take your time and get it right
    • Make it possible to copy translation wheels into notes and other documents.
    • Finish the Sermon editor.
    • Finish the Canvas... make it much easier to do stuff
    • Let us add labels to notes
    • Make the Modern English Version reverse interlinear capable like the other major translations.  There are not many modern works based on the T.R. and it would be a great tool for those of us in KJV/ TR churches
  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭

    Please do SOMEthing with maps.  I am a bit of a map freak, so just spent about 40 minutes determined to master maps and somehow make them work no matter the cost. I give up. My experience was awful.  Figuring out how to access maps, find what I want without waiting for the cows to jingle home left me more frustrated than how my map adventure twice crashed Logos.

    Just give me half a dozen simple indexed maps with about 50 locations that work fast.  Start there. You already have some decent "luxury" maps, so just make those work. 

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795

    +1 Maps have been a constantly requested area of focus going back to Logos 2 before series X. I appreciate what has been done and it is not like there has not been any investment at all, but if Logos 9 could make maps rock along with a fresh focus on archeology, that would be awesome!

  • John Brumett
    John Brumett Member Posts: 298 ✭✭

    GaoLu said:

    Please do SOMEthing with maps. 

    I agree!

    They can improve Logos 5 Maps and make them so more useful.  They have refused to listen to suggestions with the argument we have invested so much in Logos 7 maps so we won't improve Logos 5 maps.  Why not?  Logos 5 Maps are more colorful and they are not dependent on the internet so finding thing can potentially be a lot faster.  

    1.  Versify Logos 5 Maps so you can link with a Bible.  I have already created verses for each Map.  Feel free to use that.  

    2.  Create the ability to click once in you Bible and then the Map will Zoom in to the place.  You don't have to retag the cities but find a way to link with the Bible city. 

    3. Create visual filter in your bible for locations in contextual Maps so the reader can easily follow the event.

  • Pastor Don Carpenter
    Pastor Don Carpenter Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭

    Kevin said:

    The ability to create Reading Plans based on divisions in the table of contents of resources.


  • Pastor Don Carpenter
    Pastor Don Carpenter Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭

    Kevin said:

    The ability to create Reading Plans based on divisions in the table of contents of resources.


  • Pastor Don Carpenter
    Pastor Don Carpenter Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭

    MWW said:

    Add built-in PDF import for Personal Books. Some of us don't use Word at all. A lot of articles are PDF to begin with and need to be converted to DocX by the user.


    Also a new feature that would be beneficial for preachers would be a sermon planner/scheduler and perhaps even a sermon log.

    A sermon planner/ scheduler would be great.  In fact to add some sermon series planning/ graphics to the sermon editor would be awesome!  To be able to interface that with something like google calendar would be neat!

  • Pastor Don Carpenter
    Pastor Don Carpenter Member Posts: 123 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I am surprised that prioritization hasn't shown up several times in this thread - a version or two back it was a big issue and it still is an unsatisfactory mess.

    You are absolutely right.  It would be great if the resources were divided by type, THEN give us the ability to prioritize.  Also, I would be happy if Logos offered their own tag for each resource and then give us an opportunity to edit those tags.  This is especially necessary for commentaries... 

  • Dan Cleghorn
    Dan Cleghorn Member Posts: 209 ✭✭

    Make the Modern English Version reverse interlinear capable like the other major translations.  There are not many modern works based on the T.R. and it would be a great tool for those of us in KJV/ TR churches

    This would be very helpful [Y]

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    When I work in WORD, the program can be set so that it will save my work every few minutes if I wish.  

    I would like to see Logos save my work as I go.

    For example, just now, I did something that totally changed the layout.  Instead of columns, I now had half columns.  To back to my old layout, I had to go to my saved layout, and while the format was the same, the resources were different.  

    I suppose another way to say this is to have an undo button, or buttons.  Word and Excel can undo your work up to I think 10-20 steps.  Logos needs something like this.

    Oh, the reason I lost my layout.  I was trying to highlight some material, and, like often, Logos wasn't responding to the mouse, so I clicked on the mouse too much apparently, and I clicked on something, and voila, layout rearranged.

  • Batman
    Batman Member Posts: 426 ✭✭

    Phil Gons 

    Last year I was extremely frustrated once again with Logos because I was able to find the verse in a fraction of a second doing a Google search for the verse where Jesus says to "deny yourself", while in Logos, it never showed up. Well, it turns out it is actually "deny themselves" (or, vice versa). I added more than just "deny yourself" of course, but, the point is, Fuzzy search did not work for me. :( 
    This type of situation has made me loathe Logos for ten years, rendering it an expensive but useless software for me. So, what I would LOVE to see in L9 is the ability to find verses better. I can't really explain this other than for whatever reason, I am not able to find the simplest of things with Logos or it takes much too long. 

    I've been told it is next to impossible for Logos to have our library show a collection. While not a programmer, I do not understand why 32 volume collections, for example, cannot be connected. Other software lists these volumes together; but, somehow we have to do this manually. I have a relatively small library of only 3400 books and there's no way I want to waste time organizing the library in volume order, when it should be done so automatically. Another frustration I have had with Logos that has made me regret ever getting involved with this whole system. 

    If somehow these two obstacles could be fixed, I am sure I would love Logos a lot more and get a lot more out of it.
    Thanks for at least asking. Don't know if it can be incorporated; I'm just hoping so. 

  • jth
    jth Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    What improvements should we make to existing features?

    It's quite annoying when the System Narrator can't read Greek words or sentences when you are listening to a commentary. It spells them letter by letter. Please make the System Narrator to recognize Greek words and read them fluently within English texts.

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Two Feat(ures) Forward, One Sprint Back

    I'm not ready for Logos 9, so I'm not going to try to answer that. While there have been tremendous advances with Logos 8, I don't feel it has been fully delivered. So, my reply doesn't apply to Logos 9 and is more meta, but I thought I'd toss my 2 cents in here anyway.

    I agree with most of the other posts in this thread. I would love to see Faithlife make a focused effort towards reducing the backlog of bugs, performance and usability issues, and especially, unfinished features. It's become far too unbalanced. All the wonderful new tools are terrific, in promise, but do little more than pull the whole down when they are left unfinished and buggy, full of limitations, not thoroughly integrated.


    In inner cities, some buildings are beautiful and clean, while others are rotting hulks. Why? Researchers in the field of crime and urban decay discovered a fascinating trigger mechanism, one that very quickly turns a clean, intact, inhabited building into a smashed and abandoned derelict.


    A broken window.


    One broken window, left unrepaired for any substantial length of time, instills in the inhabitants of the building a sense of abandonment—a sense that the powers that be don’t care about the building. So another window gets broken. People start littering. Graffiti appears. Serious structural damage begins. In a relatively short space of time, the building becomes damaged beyond the owner’s desire to fix it, and the sense of abandonment becomes reality.



    I understand that new features drive sales and that there are diminishing returns in fixing bugs. It costs more to go back than forward. But there's a balance point between bugs and features, a balance point between a business and its customers that, as exemplified in this thread, has tilted the wrong way. It's tilted in favor of too many bugs and unfinished features, it's titled too far away from the customer. While there are a lot of bugs that, in isolation, could be excused as not being economical to fix, when taken as a system, as a whole, they gain more significance. They tilt the scales. If you build a reputation for creating unfinished features how are you going to sell that?

    Please consider a more focused effort to finish the features that you've started, to work on the backlog of bugs. For every couple of features you implement, take a short sprint to work on the backlog. Maybe consider extending or doubling the release cycle? From six weeks to twelve: ten weeks on new features, two weeks on backlog, then release, repeat. Maybe that would reduce the pressure on releasing new features with each release so that explicit time could be allocated for the backlog? Just throwing that out there as illustration--I have no idea what works right for Faithlife. (And I wanted a spiffy title for my post.) But making some focused, explicit effort towards restoring balance would definitely improve Logos and, more importantly, our perception of it. Because as it stands, it's starting to feel a bit of a shambles. That's not at all a comment on the abilities of the people working on it, it's a comment on the business decision to let it tilt this far out of balance.

    Moving forward, my votes will be for finishing features, fixing bugs, improving usability, improving performance, and on the very few new features that address longstanding usability issues like a Search Builder, a redo of Prioritization, etc.

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    Ok, I'll apologize right off. But FL isn't stupid. Last major update, and the one before that too, the 'users' (aka customers) were loudly insisting on fix-it and responsiveness. FL delivered 2,000 (exaggerated) new incomplete or promised features, and the users were so thrilled. "Oh, wow ... priotitizing is still bad ... this is great!!" "We love this 3 sec's faster opening!!"

    The butter is always on the 'new' side of the bread.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Dave Palmer
    Dave Palmer Member Posts: 60 ✭✭

    I have been monitoring this thread for a couple of weeks now and I too echo some of the wishes for improvements in the Logos maps and Atlas tool, however my biggest wish for Logos 9 is for more polishing of Notes. Of all the tools in Logos, Notes is the one that I use and value the most. I thought the new Notes engine in Logos 8 was a significant upgrade but my biggest complaint is around the overall performance. When I create a new note I often find myself having to wait up to 10 seconds before I can begin typing. During this time Logos is unresponsive (indexing?) and if I just start blindly typing sometimes Logos catches up and sometimes what I have typed never materializes. When I am studying and have a thought I want to capture I don't want to wait. I want to capture the thought and quickly move on. If Logos 9 delivered nothing more than that I would consider it to be worth the upgrade.

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I can second that.  I have my print Bible on my desk, and a lot of times I get tired of waiting for Logos to move that I just start doing my Bible reading in that.  I have an SSD coming, but this happens way too often and it shouldn't.  I have plenty of RAM, though I have more coming there too.

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    Batman said:

    Phil Gons 

    Last year I was extremely frustrated once again with Logos because I was able to find the verse in a fraction of a second doing a Google search for the verse where Jesus says to "deny yourself", while in Logos, it never showed up. Well, it turns out it is actually "deny themselves" (or, vice versa). I added more than just "deny yourself" of course, but, the point is, Fuzzy search did not work for me. :( 

    <snip />

    That definitely seems like a fuzzy search failure: i'll pass that along to see if we can remedy it (seems likely). 

    However, note we sometimes offer an alternative search (as in this case): so a better set of results is one click away. That doesn't change my desire to have better results for the original query, though. 

  • Mark Galer
    Mark Galer Member Posts: 69 ✭✭

    As you scroll with your mouse down the Bible verses, have the current verse highlighted to make it easier to read. I came from WordSEARCH 10 and they have this built into their system, and I sure miss it.

  • Batman
    Batman Member Posts: 426 ✭✭

    Thanks Sean.

    Batman said:

    Phil Gons 

    Last year I was extremely frustrated once again with Logos because I was able to find the verse in a fraction of a second doing a Google search for the verse where Jesus says to "deny yourself", while in Logos, it never showed up. Well, it turns out it is actually "deny themselves" (or, vice versa). I added more than just "deny yourself" of course, but, the point is, Fuzzy search did not work for me. :( 

    <snip />

    That definitely seems like a fuzzy search failure: i'll pass that along to see if we can remedy it (seems likely). 

    However, note we sometimes offer an alternative search (as in this case): so a better set of results is one click away. That doesn't change my desire to have better results for the original query, though. 

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    When I paste Hebrew and Syriac lexical information in my notes, the text is tiny.  The English is normal.  It is very tedious to highlight each occurrence and then enlarge the text.  I need a 20 pt for Hebrew and even larger for the Syriac.  If I just highlight it all, the English is huge and the note becomes very long.

    I think this is a flaw and should take priority over a new feature.

    Just saying.

    Thank you

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    When prioritizing resources, I right click.  It asks if I want to prioritize the book or the entire series.  If I click on just that one book, nothing happens.  If I drag the book to the priority column, it does the whole series.  I know there is a key stroke move that does that, but I forgot what it was and tried several things that didn't work.

    The point is the process should be simple and intuitive.  Either when I drag a resource, it then asks if I want to include the whole series, or when I right click on the resource first, then let whatever I choose be what happens when I drag the resource.

    You need to make the program to be less reliant on all these video courses.  

    Thank you

  • Phil
    Phil Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    New windows for reading content always seem to open on the right... Add an option to toggle this between right and left, as I always have to manually move the content from the right half of the screen to the left half of the screen, which seems like a waste of time if I am doing that every time I open a resource...

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Denise said:

    Ok, I'll apologize right off. But FL isn't stupid. Last major update, and the one before that too, the 'users' (aka customers) were loudly insisting on fix-it and responsiveness. FL delivered 2,000 (exaggerated) new incomplete or promised features, and the users were so thrilled. "Oh, wow ... priotitizing is still bad ... this is great!!" "We love this 3 sec's faster opening!!"

    The butter is always on the 'new' side of the bread.

    😂😂😂 Gotta love your straight forward way of saying things! No apologies needed 👍😁👌

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭

    Phil said:

    New windows for reading content always seem to open on the right... Add an option to toggle this between right and left, as I always have to manually move the content from the right half of the screen to the left half of the screen, which seems like a waste of time if I am doing that every time I open a resource...


  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Phil said:

    New windows for reading content always seem to open on the right... Add an option to toggle this between right and left, as I always have to manually move the content from the right half of the screen to the left half of the screen, which seems like a waste of time if I am doing that every time I open a resource...

    If you click on the window that is opened before opening another resource, it will open the other resource to the opposite side.  Example: My preferred Bible or any book will initially open to the right, the next one will open to the left.  If I want another resource to open to the left instead of to the right, I just click anywhere on the resource to the right so when I open another resource it will open to the left.  Same if I want a resource to open to the right — click on the resource to the left before opening another book and it will open it to the right.  Does that make sense? It works for me.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    10 more volumes of Greek Migne; 10 volumes of Latin Migne; support for liturgical prayer such as:

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    How do you draw in the next generation of users?

    One thing that I think would make a difference is making sure you have the books in Logos that are being used.

    You have a lot of seminaries that you work with. Many keep a master list of syllabi in the library. Keep your thumb on the pulse of the books and authors that are being recommended to them.

    IF you are working with a seminary (I noticed you're doing more with my own, which I appreciate) and a student has the academic discount (then you know what seminary they are with) show them books by class. Eg prs 6201 and have ALL the books for that class purchasable as a group.

    Secondly there are only a couple of software platforms (moodle for instance) that schools use for online classes. you already have web browser elements built in as I recall, just give it a make over and allow it people to use it to log in to peoples classes, and bring up value added elements within logos. For instance if Class 1, has books 1-4, have a link that brings up each text book,in another panel link other books recommended by different important people across the church. EG you're in a preaching class? Spurgeon recommended books X, Y, and Z. You have these 2 in your library already (here are links to open them) and the third one is available from the store for whatever price, click here to see it. Oh you you're studying this topic? here is an interactive that is topically applicable. Plus whatever else your wonderful brains cook up thats related. I think you see what I'm envisioning.

    Thirdly  integrate the theological tags project platform wide. its stalled out. We've exceeded the complexity limit for several of the rules, and there are hundreds perhaps thousands of books left to include.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Ask for user input files to:

    • add predefined reading plans that are making the rounds (user provides reading plan; FL converts to predefined) - examples
      • chronological reading plans
      • Orthodox Advent readings (fixed dates - perhaps better as a Reading cycle)
      • Heidelberg Catechism - one year reading plan for which it was designed
      • Summa Theologia in a bit over two years
      • Book of Concord - various lengths
    • add additional workflows supplied by users and edited by FL

    You could either offer a small credit OR simply rely on the generosity of the Christian community.

    I would like to see Robert Murray Mcheyne's reading plan. twice through the new testament, and once through the old in a year, four passages a day.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    integrate the theological tags project platform wide. its stalled out. We've exceeded the complexity limit for several of the rules, and there are hundreds perhaps thousands of books left to include.

    Yes, please. I’d like to get rid of the many complex collections that slow things down and mostly rely on tags where possible.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Thirdly  integrate the theological tags project platform wide. its stalled out. We've exceeded the complexity limit for several of the rules, and there are hundreds perhaps thousands of books left to include.

    IIRC we've already been told they've started on this project ... whether it is a one year or five year project, I don't know.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Thirdly  integrate the theological tags project platform wide. its stalled out. We've exceeded the complexity limit for several of the rules, and there are hundreds perhaps thousands of books left to include.

    IIRC we've already been told they've started on this project ... whether it is a one year or five year project, I don't know.

    like the personal book store, and syncing personal books between devices :P

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭

    Show one icon as a speaker label and then expand it with mouseover.  Here is why:

    1. If one speaker, then reveal the speaker on mousover.

    2. If more than one speaker then special icon to indicate multiple speakers.

         a. Mousover reveals all the speakers.

         b. Click on quicktip to enable ability to mouseover all the speakers and identify them

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    Phil said:

    New windows for reading content always seem to open on the right... Add an option to toggle this between right and left, as I always have to manually move the content from the right half of the screen to the left half of the screen, which seems like a waste of time if I am doing that every time I open a resource...

    If you click on the window that is opened before opening another resource, it will open the other resource to the opposite side.  Example: My preferred Bible or any book will initially open to the right, the next one will open to the left.  If I want another resource to open to the left instead of to the right, I just click anywhere on the resource to the right so when I open another resource it will open to the left.  Same if I want a resource to open to the right — click on the resource to the left before opening another book and it will open it to the right.  Does that make sense? It works for me.

    I think Phil is referring to opening a resource from a blank layout, in which case the resource always opens on the right side.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara