Only Index New Resource

Logos is indexing my entire library, even though, It did not update the entire library.
Is it possible that after each resource is installed Logos only indexes that resource and not the entire library?
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
Somewhere in this forum Bob commented that due to the indexing being very tight, there was no way to add the information from one book without compromising the index. As it stands it needs to be rebuilt each time.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Groannnnnn. The interlinears are killing me. My laptop is Pentium 4, 3.06 procesor 1GB of Ram (133MHZ yes I know I was cheated here) 60 GB Drive. One of the problems is that half of the Ram is built in on the mother board.
How about designing the program so that the when a book is released a seperate file is downloaded which tells the software, what is in the book. The patch is added, and there is no need to reindex.
The indexing will be a sore point to many using 4.0. Especially if they have several interlinears like what comes in the Gold edition. Each time I index it has to go through about 1900 resources. Some can take as long as twenty minutes to index.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Yup, several hours into my beta 2 install now and I've got 2,598 resources yet to index. (sigh)
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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tcblack said:
Yup, several hours into my beta 2 install now and I've got 2,598 resources yet to index. (sigh)
It should let you into the program shortly, it can use your old index and re-build the index while you use the program, yes it does suck that you can't search your new resources until that new index is built, the devs are working on improving this though.
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Thanks George, I'm already into the program (and was when I wrote that) but yes, as you noted it "inhales greatly" that I can't search yet. :-)
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.