Highlighted Resources Not Appearing in Notes Filter

Why would some of my highlighted resources not appear under the resources drop-down in notes filter?
Can you provide us with more detail and a screenshot? That would help us diagnose the issue.
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Danny Baskin said:
For example, Bird's Evangelical Theology, which I've highlighted appears but Plantinga's Not the Way It's Supposed to Be does not. I was under the impression that ANY highlighted resource would appear as an option under the resources section of notes filter, but that's not happening for me.
Hey Danny,
I can't tell from your screenshot but is there a "More" option at the bottom of the resource list? You can also search for the resource using the magnifying glass in the filter panel.
Let me know if the resource shows up after using those two methods. One of my frustrations with the program is that it lists resources by number of annotations rather than alphabetical.
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Thanks so much, David! While Not the Way It's Supposed to Be still does not appear after clicking "more," it did appear in search. I'm wondering if the list of resources within the filter column is limited to a certain length?
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Danny Baskin said:
Thanks so much, David! While Not the Way It's Supposed to Be still does not appear after clicking "more," it did appear in search. I'm wondering if the list of resources within the filter column is limited to a certain length?
It is limited, though I don't remember the number. But the more link should show up again until you have gone down your entire list.
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Hmm. Strange. The more link only appears once. My entire list of highlighted resources does not appear.
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Danny Baskin said:
Hmm. Strange. The more link only appears once. My entire list of highlighted resources does not appear.
Yes - I'm afraid this is a current limitation
It doesn't show more than 30 entries in a section - the exception is for biblical books.
This was discussed quite a bit when Logos 8 (with the new Notes system) shipped and I don't recall if there are plans to change this behaviour
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Thanks so much for the clarification, Graham!