Shortcut to Commentary Series

kingsidepawn Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, I am fairly new to Logos, and wondered if it is possible to shortcut a whole Commentary Series, rather than just one book.

When I drag the WBC to the shortcut list, it just makes a shortcut to lets say Malachi, and then when I am in Joshua and drag the commentary down, it goes to Malachi, rather than Joshua, where I am at.

How can I make a shortcut that always opens at the right book, when I want to open the commentary series that way?

Thanks for helping out!



  • Welcome [:D]

    An alternate idea is prioritization of Commentary Series: e.g. One Commentary Series (UBS Handbooks) and custom "Top 2 Commentaries" series are in my Top 5 resources with Bible Indexing. Right Click in a Bible allows me to click Reference then Lookup for opening one of my highest prioritized commentaries to that reference:

    94B3 LEB Jsh 1 1 Right Click Lookup New Tab

    Screen shot shows Right Click in Joshua 1:1 with Look-up having a hover pop-up preview. Previously opened commentary (for screen shot) followed by clicking "+" for new tab that shows Commentaries having Joshua 1:1 in my prioritized order. My Custom "Top 2 Commentaries" Series has 5 Resources sorted in alphabetical order (chronological from my title customizations). Word Bible Commentary is the second technical commentary for Joshua in my custom "Top 2 Commentaries" series =>

    Custom Top 2 Series thread => Creating a New Series of Commentaries

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • kingsidepawn
    kingsidepawn Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Thank you!

    So I assume creating a shortcut to a whole commentary series is not possible then.

  • So I assume creating a shortcut to a whole commentary series is not possible then.

    Shortcut opens a specific resource.  One option is using Multiview Resources with a single volume commentary that has secondary series (follows location of primary). Single volume commentary could have a shortcut: use command box open command => drag commentary to shortcut bar.

    Open command can specify series & location: e.g.

    open wbc to joshua

    94B3 Open WBC To Joshua

    Screen shot shows two WBC resources (out of 61 WBC resources in my library).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133

    when I am in Joshua and drag the commentary down, it goes to Malachi, rather than Joshua, where I am at.

    Have a Bible linked to a commentary in your layout. If it is part of a series, the commentary will follow the bible from Malachi to Joshua. You can change the commentary in the same tab using Parallel Resources.


    Windows 11 & Android 13