BUG: Personal Book Builder> Semicollon breaks surrface text but not reference

Daniel Wurzberg
Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi all,

not sure if this was addressed somewhere else, and maybe it's filed under "it's not a bug it's a feature", but this is what happened if there's a semicollon in reference text:

[[(2:5–9; 16)>>Heb 2:5–9; 16]] 

For some reason, Logos renders the reference perfectly as you can see in the screenshot below, but it ALSO leaves the surface text code so my book shows the surface text and reference. 


As you can see, I even tried swapping ; with & to see if it makes any difference, but it doesn't.



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,202

    not sure if this was addressed somewhere else, and maybe it's filed under "it's not a bug it's a feature", but this is what happened if there's a semicollon in reference text:

    [[(2:5–9; 16)>>Heb 2:5–9; 16]] 

    This example actually works fine for me whereas the slightly different syntax you used in your screenshot: 

    [[(3:7 – 4:11 & 12:5-8)>>Heb 3:7 – 4:11;12:5-8]]

    will break the detection of the [[xxx >> yyy]] syntax for me. I'll test some more - it may be the right side of the term that breaks it, rather than the left.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    I just realized, it's not the semicollon in surrface text but in ref text that breaks the code, tho the reference still work. 

    As soon as I split the refference into two, it worked well, with semi sitll in surrface...

    let me look into what you have shared with me, 

    tnx a lot

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,202

    let me look into what you have shared with me, 

    This is the full text of the word file, first line is formatted as Heading 1:

    TESTFILE said:

    Test PB complex verse


    This [[(2:5–9; 16)>>Heb 2:5–916]] 

    And this [[Heb 2:5-9;16 >> Heb 2:5-9;16]]

    And this simple Heb 2:5-9; 16 without the >>

    Alternatively [[Heb 2:5-9 & 16 >> Heb 2:5-9;16]]

    And [[Heb 2:5-9.16 >> Heb 2:5-9;16]]

    -        All work form e.

    From screenshot:

    Applied directly to Christians in Hebrews [[(3:7 – 4:11 & 12:5-8)>>Heb 3:7 – 4:11;12:5-8]], while others …. Xx [[8:1-6;10:1-18>>Heb 8:1-6;10:1-18]]. Supremely, ….

    The difference I see is that the first examples have another verse in the same chapter, which will resolve as one reference (possibly containing the excluded verses 10-15) whereas the ones from your screenshot have another chapter. When detecting such complex references automatically, the PB compiler will build multiple references, even in the first thing line three, the Heb 2:16 reference stands for itself. I assume that the first actually work is a slightly imprecise gratuity (instead of breaking it even then). The syntax [[xxx >> yyy]] can resolve only one verse (range), not two. If I was you I'd use two such terms to resolve the reference to two different chapters.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    Sorry, I'm having a hard time following but I think I get what you are saying. What I'm puzzled with is this. I've had it set up like this

    [[(vv. 2:5-9;16) >> Heb 2:5-9;16]]

    The reference par works great in Logos, when you hover you get Heb 2:5-9 and Heb 2:16 respectively. The issue is that the left side is not hidden but it's shown completely.

    When I deleted the ; on the right side I would get Logos to work properly and only show

    (vv. 2:5-9) in blue like a ref link, without the left side. 

    So I was just confused cause Logos had no issue figuring out the Bible reference, but for some reason it would break the syntax of the left side.

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    So far this is how it looks now in docx file

    [[(3:7 – 4:11;>>Heb 3:7 – 4:11]] [[ 12:5-8)>>Heb12:5-8]]

    which gives me a working Bible reference in Logos:

    (3:7 – 4:11; 12:5-8)