Duplicate entries & typos in Factbook: list here
MJ. Smith said:
logos4:Factbook;ref=bio.BernardClairvaux Bernard of Clairvaux is not Greek Orthodox ... think Catholic please.
Actually, i think the best course might be to assign him to the Medieval Church (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25MedievalEra_Denom).
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Sean Boisen said:SineNomine said:
376. Scholasticism - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Scholasticism_Belief is not a "Belief".
"Belief" here needs to be understood very broadly, covering both religions, philosophies, theologies, particular religious practices, and even political views like Marxism (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Marxism_Belief).
Scholasticism is not a religion, philosophy, theology, particular religious practice, or a political view. It is a method of teaching (or learning). Designating "Scholasticism" a "Belief" is like designating "Phonics" as a "Belief".
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Sean Boisen said:MJ. Smith said:
logos4:Factbook;ref=bio.BernardClairvaux Bernard of Clairvaux is not Greek Orthodox ... think Catholic please.
Actually, i think the best course might be to assign him to the Medieval Church (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25MedievalEra_Denom).
That article boasts two Lutherans in its list of four members right now...
What exactly is the intention of the 'denomination' "Medieval Church"? Is every Christian from some time period to be assigned to it? What about, e.g., the Cathari? Popes? St. Gregory Palamas? St. Thomas Aquinas?
I prefer the way that the Passage Guide handles denominational assignment for medieval Christian figures.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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379. Orthodoxy - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Orthodoxy - According to the Catholic Encyclopedia Key Article and the dictionary entries I have, this article is about "orthodoxy". According to the "Books in Your Library", this article is about "Eastern Orthodoxy" (e.g., Interpreting the Bible the Orthodox Way, Orthodoxy and Catholicism: What are the Differences?).
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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SineNomine said:Sean Boisen said:SineNomine said:
376. Scholasticism - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Scholasticism_Belief is not a "Belief".
"Belief" here needs to be understood very broadly, covering both religions, philosophies, theologies, particular religious practices, and even political views like Marxism (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Marxism_Belief).
Scholasticism is not a religion, philosophy, theology, particular religious practice, or a political view. It is a method of teaching (or learning). Designating "Scholasticism" a "Belief" is like designating "Phonics" as a "Belief".
Ok. We can drop Belief and leave it unlabeled (beyond Concept): we don't really have a better 'kind' label.
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SineNomine said:Sean Boisen said:
Actually, i think the best course might be to assign him to the Medieval Church (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25MedievalEra_Denom).
That article boasts two Lutherans in its list of four members right now...
What exactly is the intention of the 'denomination' "Medieval Church"? Is every Christian from some time period to be assigned to it? What about, e.g., the Cathari? Popes? St. Gregory Palamas? St. Thomas Aquinas?
'denomination' is something of a misnomer here (internally we call them "era groups"): we're trying to provide some useful way to group authors together, consistent with modern denominational groupings, even though "denomination" in the modern sense doesn't really apply prior to the Protestant reformation.
We're only categorizing authors by denomination (not all individuals), and we still have lots of data cleanup to do. Would you say it's wrong to categorize Aquinas as part of the Medieval Church?
SineNomine said:I prefer the way that the Passage Guide handles denominational assignment for medieval Christian figures.
I believe it's actually the same data. You can see in this screenshot authors from the "Patristic" era (which is likewise not a denomination).
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Unitas Fratum is a Concept record. This is the official name of the Moravian Church/denomination
The Moravian Church is a denomination ... not a person as created for its role as "author"
Jan Huss needs an also known as Jan Hus as all the related events use the later spelling.
Okay make up your mind. You say re: John Huss [quote]Jan Hus is considered the first Church reformer,
And you title Jan Milíč [quote](Pre-Hussite Reformers)
so we have a category of reformers before the first reformer? My Catholic Aristotelian logic objects ...
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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The entry for Arcanum shows it as not in the library while Verbum has encyclicals back to 1740. It is [[Leo XIII, Arcanum >> https://ref.ly/logosres/papency1878?ref=PapalEncyclicals.Arcanum]] | The Papal Encyclicals: 1878–1903. Even if it requires user input, it is important to have the actual text of the encyclical attached to the Factbook record.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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The Key Article for "Book of Isaiah" is the entry on the Servant Songs, rather than the book of Isaiah as a whole. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25BookOfIsaiah_Writing
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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MJ. Smith said:
The entry for Arcanum shows it as not in the library while Verbum has encyclicals back to 1740. It is [[Leo XIII, Arcanum >> https://ref.ly/logosres/papency1878?ref=PapalEncyclicals.Arcanum]] | The Papal Encyclicals: 1878–1903. Even if it requires user input, it is important to have the actual text of the encyclical attached to the Factbook record.
There's a large set of writings where we have a Factbook page and the actual text is available in a Logos resource but we don't yet have the two connected. That's in our plans, but it will take some time to accomplish.
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Justin Gatlin said:
The Key Article for "Book of Isaiah" is the entry on the Servant Songs, rather than the book of Isaiah as a whole. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25BookOfIsaiah_Writing
Yes, we should have a Factbook page that is specific to the Servant Songs for this: we'll work on getting that fixed.
(Based on the other links in the Dictionaries section, it looks like we linked multiple LBD articles to Book of Isaiah: when that happens, we don't have a way to indicate which is the primary article. We're working on removing these multiple link instances for this reason.)
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Sean Boisen said:SineNomine said:Sean Boisen said:SineNomine said:
376. Scholasticism - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Scholasticism_Belief is not a "Belief".
"Belief" here needs to be understood very broadly, covering both religions, philosophies, theologies, particular religious practices, and even political views like Marxism (https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Marxism_Belief).
Scholasticism is not a religion, philosophy, theology, particular religious practice, or a political view. It is a method of teaching (or learning). Designating "Scholasticism" a "Belief" is like designating "Phonics" as a "Belief".
Ok. We can drop Belief and leave it unlabeled (beyond Concept): we don't really have a better 'kind' label.
That works from my perspective.
Sean Boisen said:We're only categorizing authors by denomination (not all individuals), and we still have lots of data cleanup to do. Would you say it's wrong to categorize Aquinas as part of the Medieval Church?
I would say that it might be wrong to do so. Is every Christian from some time period to be assigned to it? What about, e.g., the Cathari? Depending on what is meant by "Medieval Church", it may be inappropriate to have such a construct.
Sean Boisen said:SineNomine said:I prefer the way that the Passage Guide handles denominational assignment for medieval Christian figures.
I believe it's actually the same data.
The PG classifies Aquinas as Catholic (likewise Nicholas of Lyra and Peter Lombard), and there is no "Medieval Church" denomination in the PG data whatsoever, as far as I can tell.
Sean Boisen said:You can see in this screenshot authors from the "Patristic" era (which is likewise not a denomination).
The Patristic situation is a meaningful different case, because the Fathers of the Church (and their congregants/followers/affiliates) were nearly all in communion with each other most of the time. That progressively ceases to be the norm after the Patristic era. Consider Aquinas, Palamas, and Jan Hus, all of whom you could define as "medieval".
Sean Boisen said:MJ. Smith said:The entry for Arcanum shows it as not in the library while Verbum has encyclicals back to 1740. It is [[Leo XIII, Arcanum >> https://ref.ly/logosres/papency1878?ref=PapalEncyclicals.Arcanum]] | The Papal Encyclicals: 1878–1903. Even if it requires user input, it is important to have the actual text of the encyclical attached to the Factbook record.
There's a large set of writings where we have a Factbook page and the actual text is available in a Logos resource but we don't yet have the two connected. That's in our plans, but it will take some time to accomplish.
I'm very happy that this is planned.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Jehu (King) says that there is no key article, but the LBD does have an entry on Jehu that shows up under dictionaries. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Jehu.2_Person
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Justin Gatlin said:
Jehu (King) says that there is no key article, but the LBD does have an entry on Jehu that shows up under dictionaries. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Jehu.2_Person
That LBD article and a number of others on King Jehu have been erroneously applied to Jehu (Name) - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Jehu_Person
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Ran into an odd one today. It appears that "Joh Konrad Wilhelm Loehe (Gymnasium)" is the same as "William Loehe".
As much as I want to claim him for my Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, he was a Bavarian Lutheran. He sent quite a few missionaries to LCMS, but actually started by working with the Joint Synod of Ohio before working with Missouri, and after working with Missouri, his followers set up the Iowa Synod. So label him Lutheran instead of LCMS.
"William" is the article that includes the works published in Logos. But the "Gymnasium" is the fuller article on him.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Alfred Ernest Garvie has two records
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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380. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25IsaacPenington_Person is erroneously noted as being subject matter of LLS:RTRTTHMSMRTN.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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381. Eustratios of Constantinople - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.eustratiosconstaninople & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.eustratiosconstantinople
382. J. J. Brazil - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.pulitzerprizewinnerjjbrazil_2 & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.pulitzerprizewinnerjjbrazil_1
383. Correct name of https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.tle%3aintervarstiychristian3 to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Spreads to Canada
384. Delete https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.phd_1
385. Dozens of misnamed articles here: https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?txt=Ph+D ("Ph D" should be removed.)
386. Quadratus of Athens - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.quadratusathens & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Quadratus_Person
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Not really a typo or duplicate but...
Can the phrase "Rosh Hashanah" be added as an alternative title to the article "New Year"/"New Year Festival"? Also, can dictionary entries with Rosh Hashanah as the title be added to the Factbook entry?
Link to Factbook: https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25NewYear
Dictionaries with entries on Rosh Hashana:
Encyclopedia of Judaism: https://ref.ly/logosres/encycjud?ref=VolumePage.V+1%2c+p+45&off=767
HarperCollins Bible Dictionary: https://ref.ly/logosres/hcbbldict?hw=Rosh+Hashanah (points to "New Year Festival" article)
JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words: https://ref.ly/logosres/jpsdicjewrds?hw=Rosh+Hashanah
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387. The timeline events for the birth and death of George Eldon Ladd have been swapped (as noted by Bill Shewmaker - https://community.logos.com/forums/p/202206/1175666.aspx#1175666).
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388. Regarding https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25PrimitiveMethodistChurch : LLS:DSSAPSTLICAG & LLS:FATHKNOWBEST are not about or related to the "Primitive Methodist Church" and should not show up in the "Books in Your Library" section of that article.
389. LLS:GDCHRSTGRGNZNZS is neither about https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Arianism_Belief or by an Arian.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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This isn't exactly a typo, but there is a weird inconsistency in the way prefixes are handled. So it is neoorthodoxy, but neo-Thomism and Neo Conservative Movement. It would be nice if the system parsed all of those the same, but typing neo-orthodoxy in the Factbook points to a book I have, not the article.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Samuel Baletine is not Samuel E. Balentine whose works have been erroneously attributed to. See Samuel E. Balentine | Union Presbyterian Seminary (upsem.edu) Hint: What are the chances that a man born in 1999 wrote major commentaries in 2002 and 2006??
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Samuel Baletine is not Samuel E. Balentine whose works have been erroneously attributed to. See Samuel E. Balentine | Union Presbyterian Seminary (upsem.edu) Hint: What are the chances that a man born in 1999 wrote major commentaries in 2002 and 2006??
MJ is referring to https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.samuelbalentine & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.samuelebalentine_1
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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The entry for Liberalism (belief) points to the article on Postmodernism in Compton's Encyclopedia, which seems bizarre, especially since the article is about postmodernism in literature and art. The taxonomy at the top is Protestantism > Liberalism.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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Likewise, Christianity > Protestantism > Evangelicalism points to Evangelism, Ethical Aspects of in the Pocket Dictionary of Ethics. Some of the entries in the dictionaries section are right, but Compson's points to Televangelism.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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SineNomine said:
390. Rename the now post-merge article https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25RomanCatholicism_Belief as Catholicism, correcting the rather unclear and (at best) tendentious term Roman Catholicism.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Please merge the articles on the Hasmoneans and the Hasmonean Dynasty:
Hasmoneans (Group of people): https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Hasmoneans_People
Hasmonean Dynasty (Concept): https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25HasmoneanDynasty
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There are duplicate entries for Samuel Logan Brengle:
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391. Peter Martyr Vermigli (Italian Protestant Reformer) - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25PeterMartyrVermigli_Person & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.petervermiglimartyr
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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392. Edward VI (King of England) - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.edwardvi_1 & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25KingEdwardVIEngland_Person
393. Resolve whatever problem makes searching Factbook for "John Calvin" return a bunch of timeline events and then hide him even from the expanded search page, while searching "Jean Calvin" correctly returns the article "John Calvin".
394. John Calvin - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.johannescalvin_1 & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.JohnCalvin
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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395. Henry II (King of England) - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.HenryII & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25HenryII_Person
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396. Pope Francis - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.francis & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.popefrancis_1
I respectfully urge that this merger be carried out immediately. Thank you.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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397. Feast of the Visitation - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25visitation needs to be split so that encyclopedia entries about the celebration of the Feast of the Visitation stop being lumped in with articles about liturgies about visiting people, divine visitations in the Old Testament, and other unrelated matters.
SineNomine said:396. Pope Francis - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.francis & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.popefrancis_1
I respectfully urge Sean et al. that 396. be carried out immediately, and that if technical reasons must delay that merger, that a timeline be provided. Thank you.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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I'm wondering if the following two entries can be merged:
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussive_Language (Language, Morphology)
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussive_Language (Language, Syntax)
There is also an separate entry on "Jussive / Cohortative Options":
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussiveVerbOptions_Language (Language, Morphology)
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In addition to my previous post I have noticed that most of the Hebrew binyanim (verb stems) have duplicate entries.
FYI The less frequent Hebrew stems and all the Aramaic stems have only one entry each.
398. Qal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalStem_Language
399. Qal Passive Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalPassive_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalPassiveStem_Language
400. Nifal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25nifal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25nifalStem_Language
401. Piel Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25piel_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pielStem_Language
402. Pual Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pual_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pualStem_Language
403. Hithpael Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hitpael_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hithpaelStem_Language
404. Hifil Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hifil_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hifilStem_Language
405. Hofal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hofal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hofalStem_Language
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SineNomine said:
397. Feast of the Visitation - https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25visitation needs to be split so that encyclopedia entries about the celebration of the Feast of the Visitation stop being lumped in with articles about liturgies about visiting people, divine visitations in the Old Testament, and other unrelated matters.
SineNomine said:396. Pope Francis - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.francis & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.popefrancis_1
I respectfully urge Sean et al. that 396. be carried out immediately, and that if technical reasons must delay that merger, that a timeline be provided. Thank you.
Hi there SineNomine! The merge has been done and it should be reflected on the platform after we export the next dataset update (which will happen before the end of the month).
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Hi everybody!
We're still working our way through this and other forums regarding user feedback, duplicates, typos, etc. Please know that every comment is read and taken into consideration.
The duplicates/typos up until #396 have been reviewed and the corresponding actions have been taken care of. Some might already be fixed in the platform and some others will continue to be updated throughout the year.
We truly appreciate your input and are committed to bring you the best experience possible!0 -
Iker Flores said:
Hi there SineNomine! The merge has been done and it should be reflected on the platform after we export the next dataset update (which will happen before the end of the month).
Thank you!
Iker Flores said:Please know that every comment is read and taken into consideration.
The duplicates/typos up until #396 have been reviewed and the corresponding actions have been taken care of. Some might already be fixed in the platform and some others will continue to be updated throughout the year.Excellent news!
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Iker Flores said:
Hi everybody!
We're still working our way through this and other forums regarding user feedback, duplicates, typos, etc. Please know that every comment is read and taken into consideration.
The duplicates/typos up until #396 have been reviewed and the corresponding actions have been taken care of. Some might already be fixed in the platform and some others will continue to be updated throughout the year.
We truly appreciate your input and are committed to bring you the best experience possible!Thanks so much for your hard work in working through this list.
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Makes sense to merge them. Will do.HJ. van der Wal said:I'm wondering if the following two entries can be merged:
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussive_Language (Language, Morphology)
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussive_Language (Language, Syntax)
There is also an separate entry on "Jussive / Cohortative Options":
https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25jussiveVerbOptions_Language (Language, Morphology)
Thank you HJ!0 -
HJ. van der Wal said:
In addition to my previous post I have noticed that most of the Hebrew binyanim (verb stems) have duplicate entries.
FYI The less frequent Hebrew stems and all the Aramaic stems have only one entry each.
398. Qal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalStem_Language
399. Qal Passive Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalPassive_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25qalPassiveStem_Language
400. Nifal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25nifal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25nifalStem_Language
401. Piel Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25piel_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pielStem_Language
402. Pual Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pual_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25pualStem_Language
403. Hithpael Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hitpael_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hithpaelStem_Language
404. Hifil Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hifil_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hifilStem_Language
405. Hofal Stem - merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hofal_Language & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25hofalStem_Language
Noted and merged.
Thanks again!0 -
Brian D. McLaren is blessed with 7 record.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Richard Rohr should be labeled Catholic - Franciscan order
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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SineNomine said:
105. https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.elizabethanscombe was not a man, although Ludwig Wittgenstein famously treated her like one.
Please merge https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.elizabethanscombe & https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25GertrudeAnscombe_Person
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406. For https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25womb, split off "fetus" (in Also:) as its own article. (A womb is not a fetus.)
407. Split https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25sacredMarriage in two, creating a new "Sacrament of Marriage" article, and assign that topic to https://ref.ly/logosres/cathency?hw=Sacrament+of+Marriage (The sacrament of marriage is not "sacred marriage".)
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25Doukhobors should be a denomination not a concept.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bio.ellengwhiteestate is coded as an author ... copyright holder maybe but I think https://ref.ly/logos4/Factbook?ref=bk.%25EllenGouldWhite_Person is the author.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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are the same person.