Favorites feature in Logos 9

Paul Watson
Paul Watson Member Posts: 79 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

So I'm  watching the Notes, clippings  and favorites 5 min video.  I get that a note is anything that  you  want to remember  connected to a certain  verse or passage. A clipping is any piece  of text from a resource that you want to connect to a certain verse or passage.

Now... if your notes and clippings are already linked toa given  passage...

Not clear what favorite-ing adds to this...

Everything  is already linked to the verse



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    Well, Paul. Logos routinely offers alternative choices. Indeed, when something doesn't work, enthused Logosians are quick to offer the work-around, rather than just fix the experienced problem.

    Now, in my case, I'm not a Notes person (I keep notes in separate software). Nor a clippings-person (ditto, again). I even erase the highlights documents periodically. Keeps my books nice and clean. Smiling.

    But I do use a fourth choice, you left out. Layouts can be verse-based too. My layouts connect diverse resources on a specific passage. Very useful on OL reviews.

    And then there's the famous missing fifth: marking a page like in Kindle.  Angry, angry birds.

  • Paul Watson
    Paul Watson Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    so in other words, Logos offers 50 wways to do everything and anything, and you get to mix and match and choose what you like? And Im not hating on that... the learning curve is steep but
    once you start, you get excited a
    about what you will be able to do, once you sort it all out

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,133

    Not clear what favorite-ing adds to this...

    Everything  is already linked to the verse

    While I don't use Favorites much, the Tool does provide the ability to keep things "together":

    and to link in other things as well such as Passage Lists and Searches

  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802

    It's a fair criticism that we have too many overlapping tools in Logos. We occasionally merge similar tools or phase one out in favor of another. There's more consolidation work to do.

    We'd like to eventually merge Notes and Clippings. They really don't need to be two separate systems. I'm not sure when we'll get to it, but we agree they're similar enough to be unified into a single system that can handle both sets of needs.

    We'd also like to merge Favorites and Shortcuts. They, too, are very similar. Shortcuts ought to just be a kind of favorite.

    While we're on the topic, we also need to explore consolidating resource collections, multiple resource sets, comparison resource sets, and a few other things that just amount to ordered lists of resources (not unlike we've already done with parallel resource sets and resource collections).

    I'd think of Notes/Clippings as an information management system (analogous to something like Evernote).

    I'd think of Favorites/Shortcuts as a link management system (analogous to your web browser's bookmarks/favorites system).

    I can appreciate that there's a lot of similarity between even those. The main difference is that Notes/Clippings stores content and/or anchors to text or references, while Favorites/Shortcuts are really just hyperlinks in folders.

    We're currently exploring some ideas for expanding Favorites to be a sort of universal organization system, where we'd

    1. Add the Favorites star through the application to make it one-click easy to create a favorite from anywhere.
    2. Add searching to Favorites to make it easy to retrieve something you've saved.
    3. Embed Favorites as a new kind of left sidebar in many panels to make it really easy to create, organize, and access your favorites in the context of a particular panel. So, favorite searches in the Search sidebar, favorite documents in the Docs sidebar, favorite resources in the Library, favorite notes in the Notes tool, favorite resource locations within a resource, etc.—and the ability to mix and match different kinds of links within the same folders.
  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Phil Gons........  I like your thinking!!!!!!

    Whatcha think...... all that will be done maybe by next week? lol [8-|]


    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,765

    We'd like to eventually merge Notes and Clippings. They really don't need to be two separate systems. I'm not sure when we'll get to it, but we agree they're similar enough to be unified into a single system that can handle both sets of needs.

    Please hurry on this one

    We'd also like to merge Favorites and Shortcuts. They, too, are very similar. Shortcuts ought to just be a kind of favorite.

    Makes sense although I have little vested interest in this remember bookmarks are hidden in favorites.

    While we're on the topic, we also need to explore consolidating resource collections, multiple resource sets, comparison resource sets, and a few other things that just amount to ordered lists of resources (not unlike we've already done with parallel resource sets and resource collections).

    Don't forget equivalent resources which need a bit of updating now rather than later as they are incomplete. This project also ought to include visibility of Faithlife defined collections and implicit collections/exposure of hidden attributes.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Paul Watson
    Paul Watson Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    Good to see someone at HQ is listening to those in the trenches...
    Let me ask this... I was doing a Lectio Divina this morning

    (I wish I could get to the Lectio Divina in the App, I know you can do it online)

    On Matt 11:25-28. I asked myself the question... why would the Son take delight that the Father had hidden things from the learned? I found the answer in the FSB commentary... I wanted to connect the citation to the verse & to where I wrote the question in the work flow. I couldn't highlight the question or the answer in my note... so there was no way to draw attention to my question or the answer that I found . Is that asking to much?
    I'm going to dig into the notes, clippings and favorites videos today at work to try to figure it out.
    Also somebody mentioned evernote... I'm using evernote as I watch the self help videos to list the features that I'm trying to understand and integrate into my usage of logos. On one hand it would seem that you should be able to do that within logos but on another hand it almost seems better to do it outside of logos so that
    I have a 3 screen set up and trying to go to 4 or 5 soon
    I can keep evernote open to my notes on how to use the program...
    While I'm actually using it on the other 2 screens

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,133

    I couldn't highlight the question or the answer in my note... so there was no way to draw attention to my question or the answer that I found . Is that asking to much?

    You can do this - but you need to do it in the Notes Tool, not within the Workflow.

    When you wrote your question you should have seen an icon appear on the right. From that, you can open a dropdown menu and open the note that was automatically created in the Notes Tool

    If you highlight text in the Notes Tool, that does then appear in the workflow comment

    And if you copy text from a study guide (such as FSB) into the note, it also appears (and is linked) in the workflow comment

    Faithlife made the (in my view, correct) decision to have workflow comments stored in the Notes database so it is important to understand how they work together.

    Does this help at all?

  • Rifhen
    Rifhen Member Posts: 33 ✭✭

    I tend to use favorites as bookmarks.  The bookmarks tool itself (which is on the bottom of favorites) isn't customizable enough for me.  So I have folders in favorites organized by the projects I'm working on.  E.g., "Genesis Study" and then I include in that the favorites folder links to my spots in each related book or commentary that I'm working through.  As I study, I will just add in the new "favorite" when I finish and delete the old one.  I haven't been able to figure out a better way to do this than using favorites rather than bookmarks.  

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Not clear what favorite-ing adds to this...

    I like to use favorites to group my docs. e.g. for a sermon I always create a note file (based upon my workflow), a clipping file and a sermon doc - using favorites I can group all 3 docs in one folder for the text. I can also nest 1 sermon in 2 different folders (one for the key text and one for the time of year)

    I have also used favorites to group notes for multiple books that were each required for one doctoral Seminar.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Bill Shewmaker
    Bill Shewmaker Member Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    I use Favorites as a "File Cabinet" with multiple "drawers." Each "drawer" has nested file folders in them. Any of the searches that I do, goes into the appropriate drawer/folder and can the be run again without having to rebuild each individual search. Passage lists go into the appropriate topic folder and in a folder under the Biblical book/chapter...It works well for me, but it might not work for everyone else.


  • Paul Watson
    Paul Watson Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    I'm having an Ah-ha moment here....
    Logos guru's please dont dump favorites or bookmarks...
    Can you just do a better job of explaining how to get to them

    I happened to stumble across a commentary on Acts 2:4 from the Bible Exposition Commentary. It brought clarity to the idea of their being different dialects in the room on the day of pentacost. I will never find this excerpt again so I favorite'd  the whole passage. Put in a folder, that I labeled misc favorites.

    Book marks... if I am in say a Lectio Divina and come across something that I want to go back to, just for that study and don't want to go through the process of favoriting , I can use a a keyboard short cut to add it to the bookmarks list.
    I was wondering if Logos had something similar to the verse history list found in Olivetree... but this bookmarks application is way more useful because it can apply to anything in any resource...
    So now I see light in this two features

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,133

    I happened to stumble across a commentary on Acts 2:4 from the Bible Exposition Commentary. It brought clarity to the idea of their being different dialects in the room on the day of pentacost. I will never find this excerpt again so I favorite'd  the whole passage. Put in a folder, that I labeled misc favorites.

    At the risk of causing confusion - I would use a Note for this, not a Favorite!

    I would create a note for Acts 2:4 in a Bible and then position the BKC to the place of interest. Then I would copy (using the panel menu) that location as a URL

    I would enter some descriptive text into the Note I had created and select a word I wanted to use as a link to the commentary article

    Then paste in the URL and click Save

    This will result in a link to the article from within the note itself

    Now, whenever I come to that verse in the text I will see a notes icon indicating a comment which will enable me to easily refer to the article 

  • Chris Garrett
    Chris Garrett Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    Great use of links, Graham! I had usually just copied and pasted the text of the commentary or resource into the note, but I really like your idea of just hyperlinking to it. Much cleaner and it makes for more concise notes.  I'm going to start using this in my workflow. Thanks! 

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    We'd also like to merge Favorites and Shortcuts. They, too, are very similar. Shortcuts ought to just be a kind of favorite.

    Yes! Yes! And again I say, YES!

    Embed Favorites as a new kind of left sidebar in many panels to make it really easy to create, organize, and access your favorites in the context of a particular panel. So, favorite searches in the Search sidebar, favorite documents in the Docs sidebar, favorite resources in the Library, favorite notes in the Notes tool, favorite resource locations within a resource, etc.—and the ability to mix and match different kinds of links within the same folders.

    This sound dreamy and altogether delightful! PLEASE bring this to fruition!

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • Paul Watson
    Paul Watson Member Posts: 79 ✭✭

    I see light in what you propose... but, my main use for logos, is to study the Bible for me, my own personal happiness and spend time with Jesus, cause he sorta told me praying was not enough  I had to read...

    My package makes absolutely no sense

    And to be able to read books, like s
    says Unseen Realm... where may not have verses to tie the note... to.

    I need something that will allow me to mark a passage or citation , from anything, any where in logos, so I can find it later...

    my own personal... Ill get back to you, when I finish with this, list

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,133

    I need something that will allow me to mark a passage or citation , from anything, any where in logos, so I can find it later.

    Favorites would do that nicely - unless I am missing your point

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 380 ✭✭✭

    We'd like to eventually merge Notes and Clippings


    We'd also like to merge Favorites and Shortcuts.


    we also need to explore consolidating resource collections, multiple resource sets, comparison resource sets, and a few other things that just amount to ordered lists of resources

    Need more info on this please

    Add the Favorites star through the application to make it one-click easy to create a favorite from anywhere.


    Add searching to Favorites to make it easy to retrieve something you've saved.


    Embed Favorites as a new kind of left sidebar in many panels to make it really easy to create, organize, and access your favorites in the context of a particular panel. So, favorite searches in the Search sidebar, favorite documents in the Docs sidebar, Yes favorite resources in the Library, favorite notes in the Notes tool, favorite resource locations within a resource, etc.—and the ability to mix and match different kinds of links within the same folders.

    Too soon old. Too late smart.

  • Sally Bruce
    Sally Bruce Member Posts: 2

    Your system is exactly what I was looking for! I am a psychology professor, and I find that I use the same verses over and over when integrating the Bible into the curriculum or just challenging the students to think Christianly about topics. With only 9 bookmarks, that doesn't give me enough. With notes and hyperlinks, I can find the verses quickly with my commentary already added in the notes for a quick copy and paste. 

    Thank you for sharing!