Possibly about to make a MAJOR Change. (Shift all notes to Logos?)

Brandon Cannon
Brandon Cannon Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I am thinking about moving all my notes over to Logos. Before I finally decide to do it, can someone help me with a few questIons...

- I currently use Evernote. I have for years because it is good at cross platform and I mainly study with my ipad. Does Logos do well with storing notes on it’s mobile site?

- I am obsessed with keeping up with all my notes. Evernote allows me to keep various stacks and folders. Is there anything like that in Logos? 

- Is there a way to export notes? I am wanting to slowly work on a NT commentary for my kids. My wildest dream is to have it for them to use one day as their dad walking them through the Bible. Is there a way to export files in a way that makes sense like that? 

Why would you use Logos to keep all your notes rather than any other digital system? 

Thank you. 



  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    I can begin to respond.  If you create notes within the program, you can access them on the app and web.  If you create a personal book with your notes, those notes would only be available in the Logos program on your pc.

    I am sure others will chime in

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Mark said:

    I can begin to respond.  If you create notes within the program, you can access them on the app and web.  If you create a personal book with your notes, those notes would only be available in the Logos program on your pc.

    I am sure others will chime in

    I'll chime in..... at one time... I used MS Word for my notes. I then got into WordSearch... moved some of my notes there... then WS became Logos...

    I then experimented with notes in Logos... I made Notebooks.... put various notes in various Notebooks... played with them in mobile app and such and found they worked great! I then moved more of my notes from MS Word and all of my notes from WordSearch and am happy about it all.

    I set up different Icons for different Notebooks...  I "chain" notes so that if I start at one note about a subject... then I can just click and go to the next note about the same subject as a way of studying, expecially with non-Christians and such.  This way I take my phone or tablet and I'm ready to go.

    I have one Notebook that serves as an Index.... that has a verse... and the begining of the study on that subject.

    I had set up all this in MS Word.... so that with my WordSearch.... I had my Word doc open also... but With WordSearch the mobile app did not have the capability of the Logos mobile app.  I find the ability to see Sermons, Passage Lists and Notes on the mobile app is fantastically Wonderful!!!  Love it!!

    Now as I have time.... I am moving all my notes in Word.... into Logos Notes. I just had lots of notes... and I'm slow!  lol

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    Maybe you already made your MAJOR change!

    I thought you'd get more ideas.  I think external notes are good when:

    - You want a commentary for somebody. Kids, local church, web, etc. Export to a Logos Personal Book from external. You can specially format, etc, etc

    - You use multiple Bible software. I use 3, plus my own, where I keep my notes, and export to the packages.

    Internal  to Logos is good, when Logos is it. And they keep improving notes, so, future value as well.

  • Brandon Cannon
    Brandon Cannon Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    This is good info. Thank you very much. 

    I have experienced the same response when talking to pastors I have a personal relationship with. Many are not really confident in their note keeping strategy or have something that works just for them and wouldn’t really be worth commenting. 

    I get it. 

    I think for the time being, I am going to stay with using Evernote cause I still pull from a lot of different sources. Also, I do most of my research from my iPad and I’m just content with the mobile app yet. It does a lot but there’s just sooooo much more available on the desktop app. 

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    Back in 2012 I made the decision to make all my ministry resources digital and I did that. When Logos 8 released the Notes feature had a major overhaul and from that point going forward I make all my ministry notes in Logos. The major reason I do this is because of the Notebooks and more importantly the tagging system in the Notes. You can tag your notes in Logos and then search them. It's very powerful so think through a tagging system, make the switch to Logos notes and off you go. 

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    With Logos 9 the Notes in Logos sync to Desktop, Mobile, and Web App. Morris Proctor recently added Camp Logos for Mobile on his website. You should check it out because he shows how powerful the Mobile platform is and I learned some new things with the Camp.

  • Jack Hairston
    Jack Hairston Member Posts: 1,089 ✭✭✭

    Logos Notes has the additional feature of referencing more than one anchor for a Note. That alone saved me much typing or copying.

    When the relational database is combined with the powerful search that can search all my Notes based on multiple words in any language, that's real power.

    I also have the goal of leaving my studies to my children, so I published my Notes to Faithlife documents as public. My kids can see them from their own (free) Logos accounts. These published Notes can be updated, although not automatically (yet). In addition, Notes can be exported to Word documents and distributed as PDFs to Bible teachers in poor countries around the world who do not have access to commentaries.