SUGGESTION: Ability to disable sycning to Logos Servers please

Its seems to me, and maybe others, that there would be merit in being able to disable syncing of personal content back to Logos.
A new option, in like style of "Automatic Updates = OFF", but something like "Sync to Logos = OFF" would be nice.
This would address traffic limits or costs concerns, and address some aspects of privacy or security concerns.
If a user elects to have "Use Internet = OFF", but uses any of:
"Update Now"
- "Update Resources"
- "Sync Now"
then the Application could perform that function, and only by direct command of the user.
Perhaps it would help to know that currently:-
(from Barnes said:I have tested Logos with Internet=OFF, and confirm that with this
setting:- Manually running the command "Update Now" does connect to the
internet. - Manually running the command "Sync Now" does connect to the
internet. - Going to the home page or changing your preferred Bible does not
connect to the internet.
I've been running Logos for quite a while with the internet setting
turned off, and monitoring what it does. Apart from me issuing those
manual commands, it did not attempt to connect to the internet at all. I
see this as perfectly acceptable - indeed, it is good that I can switch
the internet connection off then manually over-ride the setting as a
one-off with a command.Dave
===Windows 11 & Android 13
0 - Manually running the command "Update Now" does connect to the
Thanks Dave and Mark.
I have been trying hard not to just keep posting, until I am every 2nd post in a thread. So, in some cases, I have said nothing, and not thanking people for helpful comments as I already think I've said too much.
More impact if the comments are kept to one simple clear idea, and then left for others to review/reflect on for a while.
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Jim, I think it is a great suggestion. I, too, would like to have more control over it. In another of your threads, Jacob Hantla mentioned its importance for missionaries in closed countries and that is what really drove it home for me. Of course in a situation like that, even the login would possibly be problematic.
Perhaps you can start a thread in the suggestion area. I've seen quite a few posts from you about this as you've been gathering information, and that way it won't get lost.
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The wiki used to list on the Command page "Set Sync to Yes|No" It didn't work so I deleted it to prevent confusion. Its presence on the list suggests that once Logos had the ability (does any of the secret Beta participants remember?) or planned to implement it and didn't. For whatever reason they didn't give us the option. Why? I don't know.
Prov. 15:23
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Use Internet is ambiguous and confusing - it has has been the subject of much debate. It needs to be replaced with independent settings:-
Sync Data = Yes/No ==> affects synchronisation of documents, preferences and metadata.
Automatically Download Updates = Yes/No ==> affects downloads of software and resources (no change in function)
The command "Sync Now" can override Sync Data at the user's discretion.
The commands "Update Now" and "Update Resources" should be consistent with the Automatically Download Updates setting ie. provide the option to download or not as necessary (it is OK if they always prompt to download).Dave
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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During the private beta there was the option of switching syncing off while they ironed out some kinks related to the syncing and timezones or something; but it was taken out once all those problems were resolved...
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Dave Hooton said:
I have tested Logos with Internet=OFF, and confirm that with this setting:
Dave Hooton said:
Manually running the command "Sync Now" does connect to the internet.
Going to the home page or changing your preferred Bible does not connect to the internet.I didn't scientifically test this...but I turned Internet=OFF, and ran the synch and update manual commands several times over a couple weeks, but I was not seeing the features that my co-laborers were talking about in recent updates. After a couple weeks I turned it back on, and lo and behold Logos4 d/l some new updates and installed them on my next session. So I am not confident those work seamlessly, but like I said, I am not 100% positive...
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Jim Towler said:
Its seems to me, and maybe others, that there would be merit in being able to disable syncing of personal content back to Logos.
A bit drastic, but on my laptop I can turn the WLAN off with a switch. I have not found a way to do this on a desktop - either with a hardware or software switch.
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Floyd Johnson said:
I have not found a way to do this on a desktop - either with a hardware or software switch.
Unplug the modem cable. [:)]
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There are also various software ways of disabling your network connection via the Control Panel if your cable is hard to reach. Either select the Local Area Connection in your Network Connections and click "Disable this network device" or right-click on the former and choose Disable from the context menu.
This Control Panel app is kind of hard to find. In Vista, you can get to it from the Network and Sharing Center by clicking on Manage network connections:
And if you're not in Classic View and can't find Network and Sharing Center, you can get to it by clicking on View network status and tasks in Control Panel home. Man, Microsoft sure doesn't make this easy with all their confusing inconsistent terminology!
If you're using XP or Windows 7, sorry I can't help you, but explore around and I'm sure you'll eventually stumble on it.
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Dave Hooton said:
Use Internet is ambiguous and confusing - it has has been the subject of much debate. It needs to be replaced with independent settings:-
Sync Data = Yes/No ==> affects synchronisation of documents, preferences and metadata.
Automatically Download Updates = Yes/No ==> affects downloads of software and resources (no change in function)
The command "Sync Now" can override Sync Data at the user's discretion.
The commands "Update Now" and "Update Resources" should be consistent with the Automatically Download Updates setting ie. provide the option to download or not as necessary (it is OK if they always prompt to download).YES - its that simple.
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Rosie Perera said:
Unplug the modem cable.
Regarding what I wish here, its not that simple.
I DO WANT updates, Homepage News and new resources from time to time. Thats all good, and there are already controls that allow me to turn them on an off at will.
What I cant do within the program, is the ability to NEVER sync my personal files, notes etc upstream to Logos.
See next post.
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Using Fiddler (I forget who to thank for the tip about this tool - sorry), I have watched the traffic for a while:
Starting up Logos4, talks to and using HTTPS ==> encrypted traffic relating to my login and private settings etc I assume.
After a short delay, it then talks to using HTTPS. It also talks to only here after a "Sync Now" command.
So, I AM GOING TO PLACE A BLOCK ON and hope all other aspects of the program will continue to operate correctly. I DO NOT want it to sync!
The Homepage talks to, (NOT a Logos site), and using plain HTTP.
I got to say, it kind of breaks my heart that I feel I need to do this.
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OK - I think its working.
Adding the line "" to my <windows directory>/drivers/etc/hosts file disables syncing with Logos4, as it fails to be able to find the Logos servers. Its not a block, rather a mis-direct, so the sync fails. I got a yellow "sync failed" error at the top now, and I love it!!!
The Home Page still works fine, and I hope updates, downloads and new resource will be fine, and are controlable with the traffic controls already in Logos4.
NOTE: I dont expect this "fix" will be supported by Logos, but for me, I like being in control of my data. I deleted most everything and synced before I added the block.
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Cool discovery, Jim. Thanks for doing the legwork to figure that out. I'm guessing some other Logos users will want to try this, even though I'm sure Logos would not encourage it. It might be worth putting a link to this thread on the "Tips from the Forum" page on the wiki, though. Would you be up for doing that? Then people can find it again if other users ask about this in the future. As an MVP I'm not sure I should be actively promoting this hack, though. So I'll leave it up to you to make the wiki edit if you want to. Also, I would put a strong disclaimer in that anyone using this trick is responsible for doing your own backups of your all your files in the Documents folder, as these will no longer be backed up on Logos's servers if you disable syncing. That will include all your collections, layouts, bookmarks, favorites, notes, clippings, highlights, handouts, reading plans, passage lists, tags, visual filters, etc.
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The most important question I would have about Jim's hack is do license files come down from If they do then getting any new purchases would be problematic for this hack. (Jim, there are some free resources that you may not have such as The Scripture Alphabet of Animals or The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac - Eugene Field that you could "buy" to see if new purchases can be discovered by Logos when the is blocked)
Prov. 15:23
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Kevin Becker said:
The most important question I would have about Jim's hack is do license files come down from If they do then getting any new purchases would be problematic for this hack. (Jim, there are some free resources that you may not have such as The Scripture Alphabet of Animals or The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac - Eugene Field that you could "buy" to see if new purchases can be discovered by Logos when the is blocked)
YES - Important to know if that aspect still works. I just looked up those two named titles, are they are not now free. Instead, I remembered a free Finnish Bible which I can't read or need, so I "purchased" that instead.
Well, after an "Update Now", it showed up as a new download, while still having my sync error at the same time.
Seems license files and related info about me comes from services and clientservices named sites, NOT
The actual file for the bible is comming from yet another site, so for now, it seems is ONLY for sync data. The very thing I want to be able to turn off.
As Rosie points out, no backups, no syncing, no bets, and not supported, but until there is the option to do it from the program, I see no other way to get what I want in this regard. I'm still unsure I really want to always operate the application this way, but I want the option.
Download is 71% as I type this. I have no doubt my new "purchase" and its related license will work just fine with my sync-block in place.
(P.S. I just got back from the Microsoft release presentation for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Azsure, which is a Cloud Computing and Storage set of products and services. The guy talked about NOT storing sensitive data in the cloud, and how some countries have laws about storing some kinds of data off-site, or out of the country etc. The very points from earlier in the other thread this all relates too. I.E. He has had people from all around the world express grave concerns about where their data is, who has it, and how one can be sure its safe.)
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Rosie Perera said:
It might be worth putting a link to this thread on the "Tips from the Forum" page on the wiki, though. Would you be up for doing that?
To be honest, I would rather wait for a few things first. At least some or all of the following:
1) I test it for longer and make sure there are no issues.
2) Someone in Logos maybe confirms that does user data and nothing else.
3) Bob gets back from Leave, and has time to reflect on the comments in this thread, and the other big one. I value his views even if I dont agree with all of them fully. I guess I would like Bob to endorse this as an acceptable solution and/or commit to adding a disable setting to the application, but its his company and his product, and he might feel quite differently. I'm sure he would have spoken up long before now if he was not away, given how much he seems to care, and provide balanced feedback on many threads.
4) I would not really want to push my work-around without people fully understanding the implications re no backups.
Its interesting to note on the HELP page, that one of the "fixes" for a conflict between backup software attempting to access database files open and locked by Logos4, is to configure the backups to EXCLUDE the Logos data directories!!! In such a case, the data is protected in only ONE place - Logos Servers. If both the backup software exclude AND the disable-sync hack were both implemented, the user data would be protected in ZERO places!!! A user would need to know what they are doing, and where their data is, before blocking or excluding backups or syncs. The risk is too high for those that dont know whats going on and what it means.0 -
Jim Towler said:Kevin Becker said:
(Jim, there are some free resources that you may not have such as The Scripture Alphabet of Animals or The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac - Eugene Field that you could "buy" to see if new purchases can be discovered by Logos when the is blocked)
I just looked up those two named titles, are they are not now free. Instead, I remembered a free Finnish Bible which I can't read or need, so I "purchased" that instead.
They're still free. You might have been looking at the "You Save" column by mistake:
Ah, but now you get to enjoy the Finnish Bible! Maybe you'll find some of it easier to pronounce than the Icelandic volcano Ejafjallajökull [:)]
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Rosie Perera said:
They're still free. You might have been looking at the "You Save" column by mistake
I love that you are my sister in Christ.
Saves me from being unsure if I am happy you are always so helpful, or grummpy I'm stupid yet again [:)]
I fear to download the Animals now, and risk a 6-hour reindex ...
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Jim Towler said:
I love that you are my sister in Christ.
Saves me from being unsure if I am happy you are always so helpful, or grummpy I'm stupid yet again [:)]
Don't worry about it - in Rosie's presence we all feel that way sometimes. [:D]
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Rosie Perera said:
Cool discovery, Jim. Thanks for doing the legwork to figure that out. I'm guessing some other Logos users will want to try this, even though I'm sure Logos would not encourage it.
Precisely - it would behove Logos to provide simple unequivocal Program Settings along the lines suggested here. It is not that we are requesting any functional change (or minor at best) it's just that the function of Use Internet is unclear.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I'd just like to try your "fix" but...I'm ignorant of how to "put a block on"
can you explain?
If it makes any difference, I'm using windows defender.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
I'd just like to try your "fix" but...I'm ignorant of how to "put a block on"
can you explain?
Did you see Jim's post where he explained how he did it?
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Robert Pavich said:
I'd just like to try your "fix" but...I'm ignorant of how to "put a block on"
can you explain?
While it may be possible to redirect Logos 4's synch address to a flashdrive and avoid the persecution squads, it may be wiser to ask Bob Pritchett to do it and wait for a response. The EULA specifically prohibits hacking.
I know everybody's intentions are presumably good. Hopefully Logos will adopt the suggestions Jim Towler & Dave Hooton have enumerated before a lot of data & installations are corrupted. As Rosie cautions, backup everything first.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Please don't apply those EULA terms to what I am doing.
I do not wish to change the actual source or object code, steal a license or a resource, discover the source etc. I am happy to purchase products and services from the Logos company - have done so, and expect to continue to do so.
I have blocked my personal content, to which I have copyright if you want to see it from that angle, being copied off my computer to a country I don't live in, and am not a citizen of.
And I have asked Logos to officially give us this option, for those that wish to be able to do the same, but without geek techniques.
Please don't confuse two quite different kinds of things.
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Jim Towler said:
I have blocked my personal content, to which I have copyright if you want to see it from that angle, being copied off my computer to a country I don't live in, and am not a citizen of.
If you notice I replied to Robert's request for you to aid him in altering the functionality of Logos code. That would not be a case of you protecting your own intellectual property or copyright but in fact interfering (even though invited) in a transaction between Logos & Robert. It walks the line on the "adapting the software" clause.
Jim Towler said:Please don't apply those EULA terms to what I am doing.
My opinion doesn't matter. Logos can disable your license if they feel your are violating it. If you want only 50% functionality, I'm ok with that. [:P]
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Robert Pavich said:
I'd just like to try your "fix" but...I'm ignorant of how to "put a block on"
can you explain?
I have already explained the exact steps required, and the why at length. I regret, for now, I will withold from explaining in more detail.
My hope is that Logos will soon add it as an optional setting, for those wishing/needing it.
For now, this must be my last word in this thread, and the other one too. There are just too many attacks at times fired off without a full understanding of the subtle concerns, and very specific technical descriptions I gave.
I will repeat, what I have described disables the backup of personal content to Logos only. Everything else is fully operational. I would suggest to the other poster above, that my Logos4 application is running 100% as designed. Not 50.
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Jim Towler said:
too many attacks at times fired off without a full understanding
Don't take it personally if some people don't agree with you. Also, don't dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as being somewhat ignorant of the bigger picture. Some people do know a lot of what goes on, and have weighed the risks, and made informed decisions on who they deal with. Only you know if your personal data is so sensitive you can't share it with Logos servers. Only I know if I can afford to share mine.(Some of us CIA agents know how to properly spoof our metadata [H] ) Everybody here can have an opinion, even if it is an incorrect one. We are all family.
Jim Towler said:my Logos4 application is running 100% as designed. Not 50.
You can probably sell your fix to Bob and squash this whole thread now. [;)] Seriously, You've raised some good issues and suggested some good solutions. I do hope some can be implemented for those who need them. I apologize if you felt personally attacked. Not everybody can tweek stuff like you do. They don't know those risks either.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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This is going to be a big concern now that many carries, including AT&T and Comcast are setting data caps and are going to start charging for overages to the cap. Now the need for an option will be vital if I'm even to use Logos.
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I saw Jim's post but that doesn't help me at all because I have no idea the steps to take to do what he said.
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Michael R. Jones said:
I saw Jim's post but that doesn't help me at all because I have no idea the steps to take to do what he said.
Hi Michael,
Try this Wiki page and see if it helps.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition