Getting Search results

Can anyone advise?
What is the Search criteria to get the result for people in the bible who deceived or lied...or is there a particular book that has a chart or data
Preach the Word said:What is the Search criteria....
There is no precise criteria, as there is no label or datatype that would include that as an attribute of a person.
You can enter liar OR deceiver in Books Search, and restrict it to bible commentaries (type:bible-commentary) and the Old Testament
You will get many hits on Satan, so try (liar OR deceiver) NOT NEAR Satan instead.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Preach the Word said:
What is the Search criteria to get the result for people in the bible who deceived or lied...
Welcome [:D]
Bible Sense Lexicon has many senses for nouns, verbs, adverbs, & adjectives about deceived/lied. A Bible Search suggestion is:
sense:"to misinform" OR sense:="lying" OR sense:"deception (act)" OR sense:=deceptive OR sense:dishonesty OR sense:falsehood OR sense:="to be deceitful" OR sense:"to deal falsely" OR sense:="to testify falsely"
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I think I would use KS4J's suggestion to make a clause search, hit analysis, and group by subject.
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