Adam: Questions on cross-reference resources

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,769
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Thank you for the list of resources contributing to the cross-reference guide. It is raising some questions:

  1. NASB 2020 has fewer cross-references than the NASB - will it be added to the list?
  2. TNIV does not offer me cross-references as a Search field ... I've double checked the support data on the version. Any ideas?
  3. The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Hebrew Text. is included in the list but not The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Translation. which also has cross-references. Is that intentional?

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."



  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,237

    I should have some more information for you on Monday or Tuesday. If all goes according to plan by then you should see a great deal more resources.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,769

    Thank you Kyle ... I will add anything else I find from Andrew's list to the post. Could I please get an updated list of everything contributing to cross-references when you are done?  Thanks.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,237


    Here you go:

    A Commentary on James: Text (en) (LLS:COMMJAMES)

    A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor Prophets: Text (en) (LLS:COMMBKOF12)

    A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments, Vols. I–VI: Bible Text (en) (LLS:CMNTRYOTNTBIBLETEXT)

    A Liberal Translation of the New Testament, Vols. I & II (en) (LLS:LIBTRANSNTHARWOOD)

    A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts) (en) (LLS:NETSOXFORD)

    A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew (en) (LLS:TRANSOTSPURRELL)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Greek Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYGK)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Peshito-Syriac Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYPSY)

    Alkitab: Berita Baik (ms) (LLS:MS-TDYMALAYV)

    Alkitab: Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini (id) (LLS:ID-BIMK)

    Alkitab: Terjemahan Baru (en) (LLS:ID-ITB)

    Almeida Revista e Atualizada (pt) (LLS:1.0.3000)

    Amplified Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.681)

    An Attempt toward Revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ (en) (LLS:NTIMPROVNEWCOME)

    An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospels according to Mark and Luke, Volume II: Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKABBOTTBIB)

    Bibel-82 (en) (LLS:1.0.640)

    BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene: Xitsonga Bible – 1989 Translation (ts) (LLS:BBLXITSONGA1989)

    BIBELE Taba ye Botse: Sepedi Bible – 2000 Translation (nso) (LLS:BBLINSEPEDI2000)

    Bibelen 2011 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL2011)

    Bibelen 2011 (Nynorsk) (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK2011)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:1.0.3024)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Nynorsk) (no) (LLS:1.0.3023)

    Bibelen. Den hellige Skrifts kanoniske Bøger (da) (LLS:1.0.615)

    Bible, překlad 21. století (cs) (LLS:CZBBL21CE)

    Bible: Český Studijní Překlad (en) (LLS:CZECHSB)

    Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (es) (LLS:BIBJERUSALEN)

    Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Século 21 (pt) (LLS:BBLALMDSCL21)

    Biblia Textual 4 Edición (es) (LLS:LABIBTEXTIVED)

    Bivhili Khethwa: Mafhungo Maḓifha (ve) (LLS:BBLTSHVND1998)

    Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:CSB)

    Codex Taurinensis (Y) (en) (LLS:CODEXTAURINENSIS)

    Cohelet, or, The Preacher: Translated from the Hebrew, with a Study on the Age and Character of the Book (en) (LLS:CHLTRPRCHRCTRBK)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Authorised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERAU)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Revised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERRE)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. I, St. Matthew: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR01)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. II, St. Mark: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR02)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. III, St. Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR03)

    Commentary on the Revelation: Text (en) (LLS:REVSMITH)

    Common English Bible (en) (LLS:CEB)

    Complete Jewish Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.91)

    Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:BB_SBB_ENCEVDK)

    Das Neue Testament, Die Psalmen, Die Sprüche in deutscher Fassung (de) (LLS:DSNTSTMNNDSPRCH)

    De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (en) (LLS:1.0.514)

    Den heilage skrifta Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK7885)

    Den hellige skrift Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL7885)

    Deuteronomy and Joshua: Text (en) (LLS:JOSHROBINSONTXT)

    Die Bibel mit Erklärungen: Bibeltext (de) (LLS:DBBLMTRKLRNGN)

    Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (1984) (de) (LLS:1.0.591)

    Die Bibel nach Martin Luthers Übersetzung, revidiert 2017 mit Lemmatisierung (de) (LLS:LUTBIB2017)

    Die Bibel: Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift (de) (LLS:NHTSBRSTZNG2017)

    Die Bibel: Neue revidierte Fassung 2000 (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLSCHL2000)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (de) (LLS:1.0.596)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (neue Rechtschreibung) (de) (LLS:EINHEIT2)

    Die Heilige Schrift, übersetzt von Hermann Menge (de) (LLS:MENGE)

    Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments, Teil II: Text mit Apparat: Text (de) (LLS:VONSODEN02)

    Elberfelder Übersetzung (Edition CSV Hückeswagen) (de) (LLS:LBRFLDRBHCKSWGN)

    English Revised Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLOTNT1895)

    English Standard Version (en) (LLS:1.0.710)

    English Standard Version Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:ESVCATHOLIC)

    Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testament: Translation (en) (LLS:NOTESOTNTTRANS)

    Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (en) (LLS:CNTRYBBLNHMSTHRTXT)

    First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament (en) (LLS:FRSTNTNSNTSTMNT)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel 2018 (de) (LLS:GNB2018)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel: Mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments (de) (LLS:1.0.594)

    Hoffnung für Alle 2015 (de) (LLS:HOFFNUNGFRALLE)

    Holi Baebol: wetem Diutrokanon (en) (LLS:SI-PIJINBBL)

    Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version (en) (LLS:HBEHV)

    Holy Scriptures: Tree of Life Version (en) (LLS:HLYSCRPTRSLVRSN)

    Hosea Translated from the Hebrew (en) (LLS:HSTRNSLDBIBLE)

    Hosea: Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Explanatory and Critical (en) (LLS:MINPROHORSLEY)

    IBHAYIBHELI ELICWENGILEKO: isiNdebele Bible – 2012 Translation (nr) (LLS:BBLSNDBL2012)

    International Children's Bible: The Version Children Can Read and Understand (en) (LLS:WS_156CC02B3D3E4BD89B48E7E0AE215BFB)

    International Standard Version (en) (LLS:ISV)

    International Standard Version, New Testament (en) (LLS:1.0.180)

    Joel: A Translation, in Metrical Parallelisms, according to the Hebrew Method of Punctuation (en) (LLS:MINPROROWLEY)

    King James Version (en) (LLS:KJV1900)

    Ko E Tohitapu Katoa (en) (LLS:TONGANBBL)

    La Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:1.0.690)

    Lectures on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Ephesians, with a New Translation: Translation (en) (LLS:EPHESIANSKELLYTRA)

    LIBHAYIBHELI LELINGCWELE: Siswati Bible – 1996 Translation (ss) (LLS:BBLSISWATI1996)

    Modern English Version (en) (LLS:MEV)

    Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition (en) (LLS:NA28)

    Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece, 28. Auflage (de) (LLS:NA28GBS)

    NeÜ bibel.heute (de) (LLS:NEU)

    Neues Testament Psalmen: Neue Genfer Übersetzung (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLGBRSTZNG)

    New American Bible: Revised Edition (en) (LLS:NABRE)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.70)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:NASB2020)

    New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition: Paragraph Version (en) (LLS:NASB95PARA)

    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (en) (LLS:1.0.71)

    New Century Version (en) (LLS:1.0.20)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBL)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible for Women: Promise and Purpose from God’s Word (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBLWMN)

    Nova Almeida Atualizada (pt) (LLS:NVLMDTLZDN)

    Nova Versão Internacional (pt) (LLS:SL_PG_BI_NVI)

    Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio (en) (LLS:NOVAVULGATA)

    Nueva Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:NBLH)

    Nuevo Testamento Judío: Una traducción del Nuevo Testamento que expresa su carácter judío (en) (LLS:NVTSTMNTJD)

    Parole vivante: Transcription dynamique du Nouveau Testament (en) (LLS:EC_BLFBIBPV2009)

    Reina Valera Contemporánea (es) (LLS:RNVLRCNTMPRNRVC)

    Reina Valera Revisada (1960) (es) (LLS:1.0.502)

    Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:RSV2CE)

    Santa Biblia: Versión Reina-Valera Actualizada, Edición 2015 (es) (LLS:RVA2015)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Alternativer Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXTALT)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXT)

    Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) (en) (LLS:1.0.150)

    Thai Holy Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.210)

    The American Patriot’s Bible (en) (LLS:AMPATBBL)

    The Apocalypse of Ezra (2 Esdras 3–14) (en) (LLS:DCAPOCBOX)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 11: The Isaiah Targum (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL11)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 12: The Targum of Jeremiah (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL12)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 13: The Targum of Ezekiel (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL13)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 14: The Targum of the Minor Prophets (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL14)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 15: The Targum of Job and The Targum of Proverbs and The Targum of Qohelet (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL15)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 16: The Targum of Psalms (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL16)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 18: The Two Targums of Esther (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL18)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 19: The Targum of Ruth and The Targum of Chronicles (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL19)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1A: Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 2: Targum Neofiti 1: Exodus and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL02)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 4: Targum Neofiti 1: Numbers and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL04)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5A: Targum Neofiti 1: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 6: The Targum Onqelos to Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL06)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 7: The Targum of Onqelos to Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL07)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 8: The Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and The Targum Onqelos to Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL08)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 9: The Targum Onqelos to Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL09)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. III: The Text of Acts: Codex Vaticanus (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCTS03VATICANUS)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. IV: English Translation (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCMM04TRANS)

    The Beginnings of Gospel Story: A Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Sources and Structure of the Gospel according to Mark (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKBACONTXT)

    The Bohairic Coptic New Testament in English (en) (LLS:BOHAIRICENG)

    The Book of Daniel: Text (en) (LLS:NWCNTRYBBLDNLTEXT)

    The Book of Isaiah according to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus), Volume 1 (Translation from the Greek) (en) (LLS:BKISOTTLEY01GK)

    The Book of Job, with Introduction and Notes: Text (en) (LLS:GIBSON18JOB)

    The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings: The Common Version Revised with an Introduction and Occasional Notes (en) (LLS:JOSHCONANT)

    The Books of Samuel: Translation (en) (LLS:SAMMATTHEWSTRA)

    The Books of the Prophets Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah with Introduction and Notes (en) (LLS:MINPROWADE)

    The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version (en) (LLS:AV1873)

    The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah (en) (LLS:CHALDEEPARA)

    The Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:1.0.25)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (en) (LLS:DSSBIBLE2002)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls of Job from Cave 4 and Cave 11 (en) (LLS:MNSCRPTTRGMJBCV)

    The Earliest Gospel: A Historical Study of the Gospel according to Mark: Greek Text (en) (LLS:MARKMENZIESGRK)

    The Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EOBNT)

    The Ecclesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha (en) (LLS:DCECCLBALL)

    The Emphasized Bible (en) (LLS:EMPHBBL)

    The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSGIFFORD)

    The Epistle to the Hebrews: Bible Text (en) (LLS:HEBGOODSPEEDTXT)

    The Epistle to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSSADLER)

    The Epistles to the Colossians and to the Ephesians: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PLNPSALEXANDERTXT)

    The Expanded Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EXPBBLNT)

    The Good News Translation (en) (LLS:1.0.160)

    The Good News Translation with Apocrypha (en) (LLS:GNT)

    The Gospel according to Mark with Introduction and Notes (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKTAYLORBIB)

    The Gospel of Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CHRCNSLCOM63LU)

    The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic: Gothic Text (en) (LLS:GSSTMRKGTHGT)

    The Greek Testament (Text and Notes) (en) (LLS:ALFGRKNTTXT)

    The Holman Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.351)

    The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (en) (LLS:HLYBBLBAPTIST)

    The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLWEBSTER)

    The Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version (en) (LLS:WS_436C92504D4B46D8AB9FD9D6A83765A2)

    The Holy Bible: Being a Revision of the Authorised English Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLSHARPE)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version (Anglicised Edition, 2011) (en) (LLS:ANGLNIV2011)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version—Anglicised (1984) (en) (LLS:1.0.11)

    The Holy Scriptures, Faithfully and Truly Translated (en) (LLS:HLYSCRIPCDALE)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition (en) (LLS:LELXX2)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition: Alternate Texts (en) (LLS:LELXX2AT)

    The Minor Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi (en) (LLS:MINPRODRIVER)

    The NET Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.1026)

    The NET Bible: Greek Text (en) (LLS:NETBIBLEGREEK)

    The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with the Apocrypha: King James Version (en) (LLS:NCPBWITHAPOCR)

    The New Covenant, Commonly Called the New Testament: Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:THOMPSONNT)

    The New Dispensation: The New Testament Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:NWDISPENWEEKES)

    The New English Bible (en) (LLS:NEB)

    The New International Version (en) (LLS:NIV2011)

    The New Jerusalem Bible: Text (en) (LLS:NJBCT)

    The New King James Version (en) (LLS:1.0.30)

    The New Testament in Modern Speech: An Idiomatic Translation into Everyday English from the Text of “The Resultant Greek Testament” (en) (LLS:NTMODSPEECH)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union (en) (LLS:NTCEV)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Revised from the Authorized Version with the Aid of Other Translations and Made Conformable to the Greek Text of J. J. Griesbach (en) (LLS:NTLSJCTAYLOR)

    The Newe Testament (en) (LLS:TYNDALEBBL1536)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Hebrew Text (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYHEB)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Translation (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYENG)

    The Passion Translation: New Testament (en) (LLS:PSSNTRNSLTNSNGS)

    The Psalms: A Study of the Vulgate Psalter in the Light of the Hebrew Text, Volumes 1 & 2: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PSLMSSTVLGTPSLTBIB)

    The Revised English Bible (en) (LLS:REB)

    The Scriptures (en) (LLS:SCRIPTURES1998)

    The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament: English Translation (en) (LLS:BRENTONLXXEN)

    The Swanson New Testament Greek Morphology (UBS 4th Edition) (en) (LLS:1.0.328)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Galatians–Philemon (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH69GA)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Luke (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH63LU)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Mark (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH62MK)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Matthew (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH61MT)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Romans–Corinthians (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH66RO)

    The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch; With the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum: From the Chaldee (en) (LLS:TARGUMSPENT)

    The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures: Carefully Translated according to the Massoretic Text, on the Basis of the English Version, after the Best Jewish Authorities; and Supplied with Short Explanatory Notes (en) (LLS:24BKHLYSCRIPT)

    The Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures (en) (LLS:DCAPOCCHURTON)

    The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus) (en) (LLS:DCBENSIRAOESTERLEY)

    The Wisdom of Solomon (en) (LLS:DCWISDOESTERLEY)

    Tillägg Till GT-82: De apokryfa eller deuterokanoniska skrifterna. (en) (LLS:1.0.648)

    Today’s New International Version (en) (LLS:TNIV)

    Two Unknown Hebrew Versions of Tobit (en) (LLS:DCTOBITGASTER)

    Voices from Babylon; or, The Records of Daniel the Prophet: Bible Text (en) (LLS:VCSBBYLNDNPRPHTBIB)

    Wisdom and the Jewish Apocryphal Writings (en) (LLS:DCWISDSTEVENSON)

    Zürcher Bibel (de) (LLS:ZURCHERBBL2007)

    พระคัมภีร์ฉบับมาตรฐาน (th) (LLS:TSV)

    공동번역성서 개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.542)

    성경 (한국 가톨릭 교회 공용 성경) (ko) (LLS:KRNCTHLCBBL)

    성경전서 개역개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.541)

    성경전서 개역한글판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.544)

    성경전서 새번역 (ko) (LLS:1.0.543)

    우리말 성경 (ko) (LLS:WRMLBBLDKRNVRSN)

    中文当代译本修订版圣经(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CHNSCNTMPRRYBBL)

    中文新標點和合本研讀本聖經(神版)-經文(繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CUVTWTRDCHN)

    現代台灣客語繁體聖經 (繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:HKKBBLTRD)

    繁體中文聖經和合本-神版 (zh-Hant) (LLS:HLYBBLTRDSHNDTN)

    聖經新譯本(繁體•神字版) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CHNSNWVRSN)

    《中文新标点和合本研读本圣经》(神版)-经文(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CUVTWSIMPCHN)

    A Commentary on James: Text (en) (LLS:COMMJAMES)

    A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor Prophets: Text (en) (LLS:COMMBKOF12)

    A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments, Vols. I–VI: Bible Text (en) (LLS:CMNTRYOTNTBIBLETEXT)

    A Liberal Translation of the New Testament, Vols. I & II (en) (LLS:LIBTRANSNTHARWOOD)

    A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts) (en) (LLS:NETSOXFORD)

    A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew (en) (LLS:TRANSOTSPURRELL)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Greek Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYGK)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Peshito-Syriac Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYPSY)

    Alkitab: Berita Baik (ms) (LLS:MS-TDYMALAYV)

    Alkitab: Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini (id) (LLS:ID-BIMK)

    Alkitab: Terjemahan Baru (en) (LLS:ID-ITB)

    Almeida Revista e Atualizada (pt) (LLS:1.0.3000)

    Amplified Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.681)

    An Attempt toward Revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ (en) (LLS:NTIMPROVNEWCOME)

    An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospels according to Mark and Luke, Volume II: Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKABBOTTBIB)

    Bibel-82 (en) (LLS:1.0.640)

    BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene: Xitsonga Bible – 1989 Translation (ts) (LLS:BBLXITSONGA1989)

    BIBELE Taba ye Botse: Sepedi Bible – 2000 Translation (nso) (LLS:BBLINSEPEDI2000)

    Bibelen 2011 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL2011)

    Bibelen 2011 (Nynorsk) (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK2011)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:1.0.3024)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Nynorsk) (no) (LLS:1.0.3023)

    Bibelen. Den hellige Skrifts kanoniske Bøger (da) (LLS:1.0.615)

    Bible, překlad 21. století (cs) (LLS:CZBBL21CE)

    Bible: Český Studijní Překlad (en) (LLS:CZECHSB)

    Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (es) (LLS:BIBJERUSALEN)

    Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Século 21 (pt) (LLS:BBLALMDSCL21)

    Biblia Textual 4 Edición (es) (LLS:LABIBTEXTIVED)

    Bivhili Khethwa: Mafhungo Maḓifha (ve) (LLS:BBLTSHVND1998)

    Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:CSB)

    Codex Taurinensis (Y) (en) (LLS:CODEXTAURINENSIS)

    Cohelet, or, The Preacher: Translated from the Hebrew, with a Study on the Age and Character of the Book (en) (LLS:CHLTRPRCHRCTRBK)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Authorised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERAU)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Revised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERRE)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. I, St. Matthew: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR01)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. II, St. Mark: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR02)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. III, St. Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR03)

    Commentary on the Revelation: Text (en) (LLS:REVSMITH)

    Common English Bible (en) (LLS:CEB)

    Complete Jewish Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.91)

    Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:BB_SBB_ENCEVDK)

    Das Neue Testament, Die Psalmen, Die Sprüche in deutscher Fassung (de) (LLS:DSNTSTMNNDSPRCH)

    De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (en) (LLS:1.0.514)

    Den heilage skrifta Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK7885)

    Den hellige skrift Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL7885)

    Deuteronomy and Joshua: Text (en) (LLS:JOSHROBINSONTXT)

    Die Bibel mit Erklärungen: Bibeltext (de) (LLS:DBBLMTRKLRNGN)

    Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (1984) (de) (LLS:1.0.591)

    Die Bibel nach Martin Luthers Übersetzung, revidiert 2017 mit Lemmatisierung (de) (LLS:LUTBIB2017)

    Die Bibel: Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift (de) (LLS:NHTSBRSTZNG2017)

    Die Bibel: Neue revidierte Fassung 2000 (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLSCHL2000)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (de) (LLS:1.0.596)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (neue Rechtschreibung) (de) (LLS:EINHEIT2)

    Die Heilige Schrift, übersetzt von Hermann Menge (de) (LLS:MENGE)

    Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments, Teil II: Text mit Apparat: Text (de) (LLS:VONSODEN02)

    Elberfelder Übersetzung (Edition CSV Hückeswagen) (de) (LLS:LBRFLDRBHCKSWGN)

    English Revised Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLOTNT1895)

    English Standard Version (en) (LLS:1.0.710)

    English Standard Version Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:ESVCATHOLIC)

    Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testament: Translation (en) (LLS:NOTESOTNTTRANS)

    Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (en) (LLS:CNTRYBBLNHMSTHRTXT)

    First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament (en) (LLS:FRSTNTNSNTSTMNT)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel 2018 (de) (LLS:GNB2018)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel: Mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments (de) (LLS:1.0.594)

    Hoffnung für Alle 2015 (de) (LLS:HOFFNUNGFRALLE)

    Holi Baebol: wetem Diutrokanon (en) (LLS:SI-PIJINBBL)

    Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version (en) (LLS:HBEHV)

    Holy Scriptures: Tree of Life Version (en) (LLS:HLYSCRPTRSLVRSN)

    Hosea Translated from the Hebrew (en) (LLS:HSTRNSLDBIBLE)

    Hosea: Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Explanatory and Critical (en) (LLS:MINPROHORSLEY)

    IBHAYIBHELI ELICWENGILEKO: isiNdebele Bible – 2012 Translation (nr) (LLS:BBLSNDBL2012)

    International Children's Bible: The Version Children Can Read and Understand (en) (LLS:WS_156CC02B3D3E4BD89B48E7E0AE215BFB)

    International Standard Version (en) (LLS:ISV)

    International Standard Version, New Testament (en) (LLS:1.0.180)

    Joel: A Translation, in Metrical Parallelisms, according to the Hebrew Method of Punctuation (en) (LLS:MINPROROWLEY)

    King James Version (en) (LLS:KJV1900)

    Ko E Tohitapu Katoa (en) (LLS:TONGANBBL)

    La Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:1.0.690)

    Lectures on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Ephesians, with a New Translation: Translation (en) (LLS:EPHESIANSKELLYTRA)

    LIBHAYIBHELI LELINGCWELE: Siswati Bible – 1996 Translation (ss) (LLS:BBLSISWATI1996)

    Modern English Version (en) (LLS:MEV)

    Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition (en) (LLS:NA28)

    Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece, 28. Auflage (de) (LLS:NA28GBS)

    NeÜ bibel.heute (de) (LLS:NEU)

    Neues Testament Psalmen: Neue Genfer Übersetzung (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLGBRSTZNG)

    New American Bible: Revised Edition (en) (LLS:NABRE)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.70)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:NASB2020)

    New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition: Paragraph Version (en) (LLS:NASB95PARA)

    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (en) (LLS:1.0.71)

    New Century Version (en) (LLS:1.0.20)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBL)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible for Women: Promise and Purpose from God’s Word (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBLWMN)

    Nova Almeida Atualizada (pt) (LLS:NVLMDTLZDN)

    Nova Versão Internacional (pt) (LLS:SL_PG_BI_NVI)

    Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio (en) (LLS:NOVAVULGATA)

    Nueva Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:NBLH)

    Nuevo Testamento Judío: Una traducción del Nuevo Testamento que expresa su carácter judío (en) (LLS:NVTSTMNTJD)

    Parole vivante: Transcription dynamique du Nouveau Testament (en) (LLS:EC_BLFBIBPV2009)

    Reina Valera Contemporánea (es) (LLS:RNVLRCNTMPRNRVC)

    Reina Valera Revisada (1960) (es) (LLS:1.0.502)

    Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:RSV2CE)

    Santa Biblia: Versión Reina-Valera Actualizada, Edición 2015 (es) (LLS:RVA2015)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Alternativer Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXTALT)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXT)

    Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) (en) (LLS:1.0.150)

    Thai Holy Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.210)

    The American Patriot’s Bible (en) (LLS:AMPATBBL)

    The Apocalypse of Ezra (2 Esdras 3–14) (en) (LLS:DCAPOCBOX)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 11: The Isaiah Targum (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL11)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 12: The Targum of Jeremiah (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL12)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 13: The Targum of Ezekiel (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL13)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 14: The Targum of the Minor Prophets (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL14)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 15: The Targum of Job and The Targum of Proverbs and The Targum of Qohelet (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL15)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 16: The Targum of Psalms (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL16)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 18: The Two Targums of Esther (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL18)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 19: The Targum of Ruth and The Targum of Chronicles (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL19)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1A: Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 2: Targum Neofiti 1: Exodus and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL02)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 4: Targum Neofiti 1: Numbers and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL04)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5A: Targum Neofiti 1: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 6: The Targum Onqelos to Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL06)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 7: The Targum of Onqelos to Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL07)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 8: The Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and The Targum Onqelos to Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL08)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 9: The Targum Onqelos to Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL09)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. III: The Text of Acts: Codex Vaticanus (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCTS03VATICANUS)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. IV: English Translation (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCMM04TRANS)

    The Beginnings of Gospel Story: A Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Sources and Structure of the Gospel according to Mark (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKBACONTXT)

    The Bohairic Coptic New Testament in English (en) (LLS:BOHAIRICENG)

    The Book of Daniel: Text (en) (LLS:NWCNTRYBBLDNLTEXT)

    The Book of Isaiah according to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus), Volume 1 (Translation from the Greek) (en) (LLS:BKISOTTLEY01GK)

    The Book of Job, with Introduction and Notes: Text (en) (LLS:GIBSON18JOB)

    The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings: The Common Version Revised with an Introduction and Occasional Notes (en) (LLS:JOSHCONANT)

    The Books of Samuel: Translation (en) (LLS:SAMMATTHEWSTRA)

    The Books of the Prophets Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah with Introduction and Notes (en) (LLS:MINPROWADE)

    The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version (en) (LLS:AV1873)

    The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah (en) (LLS:CHALDEEPARA)

    The Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:1.0.25)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (en) (LLS:DSSBIBLE2002)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls of Job from Cave 4 and Cave 11 (en) (LLS:MNSCRPTTRGMJBCV)

    The Earliest Gospel: A Historical Study of the Gospel according to Mark: Greek Text (en) (LLS:MARKMENZIESGRK)

    The Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EOBNT)

    The Ecclesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha (en) (LLS:DCECCLBALL)

    The Emphasized Bible (en) (LLS:EMPHBBL)

    The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSGIFFORD)

    The Epistle to the Hebrews: Bible Text (en) (LLS:HEBGOODSPEEDTXT)

    The Epistle to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSSADLER)

    The Epistles to the Colossians and to the Ephesians: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PLNPSALEXANDERTXT)

    The Expanded Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EXPBBLNT)

    The Good News Translation (en) (LLS:1.0.160)

    The Good News Translation with Apocrypha (en) (LLS:GNT)

    The Gospel according to Mark with Introduction and Notes (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKTAYLORBIB)

    The Gospel of Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CHRCNSLCOM63LU)

    The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic: Gothic Text (en) (LLS:GSSTMRKGTHGT)

    The Greek Testament (Text and Notes) (en) (LLS:ALFGRKNTTXT)

    The Holman Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.351)

    The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (en) (LLS:HLYBBLBAPTIST)

    The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLWEBSTER)

    The Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version (en) (LLS:WS_436C92504D4B46D8AB9FD9D6A83765A2)

    The Holy Bible: Being a Revision of the Authorised English Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLSHARPE)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version (Anglicised Edition, 2011) (en) (LLS:ANGLNIV2011)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version—Anglicised (1984) (en) (LLS:1.0.11)

    The Holy Scriptures, Faithfully and Truly Translated (en) (LLS:HLYSCRIPCDALE)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition (en) (LLS:LELXX2)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition: Alternate Texts (en) (LLS:LELXX2AT)

    The Minor Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi (en) (LLS:MINPRODRIVER)

    The NET Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.1026)

    The NET Bible: Greek Text (en) (LLS:NETBIBLEGREEK)

    The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with the Apocrypha: King James Version (en) (LLS:NCPBWITHAPOCR)

    The New Covenant, Commonly Called the New Testament: Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:THOMPSONNT)

    The New Dispensation: The New Testament Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:NWDISPENWEEKES)

    The New English Bible (en) (LLS:NEB)

    The New International Version (en) (LLS:NIV2011)

    The New Jerusalem Bible: Text (en) (LLS:NJBCT)

    The New King James Version (en) (LLS:1.0.30)

    The New Testament in Modern Speech: An Idiomatic Translation into Everyday English from the Text of “The Resultant Greek Testament” (en) (LLS:NTMODSPEECH)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union (en) (LLS:NTCEV)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Revised from the Authorized Version with the Aid of Other Translations and Made Conformable to the Greek Text of J. J. Griesbach (en) (LLS:NTLSJCTAYLOR)

    The Newe Testament (en) (LLS:TYNDALEBBL1536)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Hebrew Text (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYHEB)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Translation (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYENG)

    The Passion Translation: New Testament (en) (LLS:PSSNTRNSLTNSNGS)

    The Psalms: A Study of the Vulgate Psalter in the Light of the Hebrew Text, Volumes 1 & 2: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PSLMSSTVLGTPSLTBIB)

    The Revised English Bible (en) (LLS:REB)

    The Scriptures (en) (LLS:SCRIPTURES1998)

    The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament: English Translation (en) (LLS:BRENTONLXXEN)

    The Swanson New Testament Greek Morphology (UBS 4th Edition) (en) (LLS:1.0.328)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Galatians–Philemon (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH69GA)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Luke (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH63LU)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Mark (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH62MK)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Matthew (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH61MT)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Romans–Corinthians (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH66RO)

    The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch; With the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum: From the Chaldee (en) (LLS:TARGUMSPENT)

    The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures: Carefully Translated according to the Massoretic Text, on the Basis of the English Version, after the Best Jewish Authorities; and Supplied with Short Explanatory Notes (en) (LLS:24BKHLYSCRIPT)

    The Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures (en) (LLS:DCAPOCCHURTON)

    The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus) (en) (LLS:DCBENSIRAOESTERLEY)

    The Wisdom of Solomon (en) (LLS:DCWISDOESTERLEY)

    Tillägg Till GT-82: De apokryfa eller deuterokanoniska skrifterna. (en) (LLS:1.0.648)

    Today’s New International Version (en) (LLS:TNIV)

    Two Unknown Hebrew Versions of Tobit (en) (LLS:DCTOBITGASTER)

    Voices from Babylon; or, The Records of Daniel the Prophet: Bible Text (en) (LLS:VCSBBYLNDNPRPHTBIB)

    Wisdom and the Jewish Apocryphal Writings (en) (LLS:DCWISDSTEVENSON)

    Zürcher Bibel (de) (LLS:ZURCHERBBL2007)

    พระคัมภีร์ฉบับมาตรฐาน (th) (LLS:TSV)

    공동번역성서 개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.542)

    성경 (한국 가톨릭 교회 공용 성경) (ko) (LLS:KRNCTHLCBBL)

    성경전서 개역개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.541)

    성경전서 개역한글판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.544)

    성경전서 새번역 (ko) (LLS:1.0.543)

    우리말 성경 (ko) (LLS:WRMLBBLDKRNVRSN)

    中文当代译本修订版圣经(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CHNSCNTMPRRYBBL)

    中文新標點和合本研讀本聖經(神版)-經文(繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CUVTWTRDCHN)

    現代台灣客語繁體聖經 (繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:HKKBBLTRD)

    繁體中文聖經和合本-神版 (zh-Hant) (LLS:HLYBBLTRDSHNDTN)

    聖經新譯本(繁體•神字版) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CHNSNWVRSN)

    《中文新标点和合本研读本圣经》(神版)-经文(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CUVTWSIMPCHN)

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,769

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,769

    A Commentary on James: Text (en) (LLS:COMMJAMES)

    A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor Prophets: Text (en) (LLS:COMMBKOF12)

    A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments, Vols. I–VI: Bible Text (en) (LLS:CMNTRYOTNTBIBLETEXT)

    A Liberal Translation of the New Testament, Vols. I & II (en) (LLS:LIBTRANSNTHARWOOD)

    A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts) (en) (LLS:NETSOXFORD)

    A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew (en) (LLS:TRANSOTSPURRELL)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Greek Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYGK)

    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Peshito-Syriac Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYPSY)

    Alkitab: Berita Baik (ms) (LLS:MS-TDYMALAYV)

    Alkitab: Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini (id) (LLS:ID-BIMK)

    Alkitab: Terjemahan Baru (en) (LLS:ID-ITB)

    Almeida Revista e Atualizada (pt) (LLS:1.0.3000)

    Amplified Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.681)

    An Attempt toward Revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ (en) (LLS:NTIMPROVNEWCOME)

    An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospels according to Mark and Luke, Volume II: Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKABBOTTBIB)

    Bibel-82 (en) (LLS:1.0.640)

    BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene: Xitsonga Bible – 1989 Translation (ts) (LLS:BBLXITSONGA1989)

    BIBELE Taba ye Botse: Sepedi Bible – 2000 Translation (nso) (LLS:BBLINSEPEDI2000)

    Bibelen 2011 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL2011)

    Bibelen 2011 (Nynorsk) (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK2011)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:1.0.3024)

    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Nynorsk) (no) (LLS:1.0.3023)

    Bibelen. Den hellige Skrifts kanoniske Bøger (da) (LLS:1.0.615)

    Bible, překlad 21. století (cs) (LLS:CZBBL21CE)

    Bible: Český Studijní Překlad (en) (LLS:CZECHSB)

    Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (es) (LLS:BIBJERUSALEN)

    Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Século 21 (pt) (LLS:BBLALMDSCL21)

    Biblia Textual 4 Edición (es) (LLS:LABIBTEXTIVED)

    Bivhili Khethwa: Mafhungo Maḓifha (ve) (LLS:BBLTSHVND1998)

    Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:CSB)

    Codex Taurinensis (Y) (en) (LLS:CODEXTAURINENSIS)

    Cohelet, or, The Preacher: Translated from the Hebrew, with a Study on the Age and Character of the Book (en) (LLS:CHLTRPRCHRCTRBK)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Authorised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERAU)

    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Revised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERRE)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. I, St. Matthew: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR01)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. II, St. Mark: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR02)

    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. III, St. Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR03)

    Commentary on the Revelation: Text (en) (LLS:REVSMITH)

    Common English Bible (en) (LLS:CEB)

    Complete Jewish Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.91)

    Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:BB_SBB_ENCEVDK)

    Das Neue Testament, Die Psalmen, Die Sprüche in deutscher Fassung (de) (LLS:DSNTSTMNNDSPRCH)

    De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (en) (LLS:1.0.514)

    Den heilage skrifta Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK7885)

    Den hellige skrift Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL7885)

    Deuteronomy and Joshua: Text (en) (LLS:JOSHROBINSONTXT)

    Die Bibel mit Erklärungen: Bibeltext (de) (LLS:DBBLMTRKLRNGN)

    Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (1984) (de) (LLS:1.0.591)

    Die Bibel nach Martin Luthers Übersetzung, revidiert 2017 mit Lemmatisierung (de) (LLS:LUTBIB2017)

    Die Bibel: Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift (de) (LLS:NHTSBRSTZNG2017)

    Die Bibel: Neue revidierte Fassung 2000 (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLSCHL2000)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (de) (LLS:1.0.596)

    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (neue Rechtschreibung) (de) (LLS:EINHEIT2)

    Die Heilige Schrift, übersetzt von Hermann Menge (de) (LLS:MENGE)

    Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments, Teil II: Text mit Apparat: Text (de) (LLS:VONSODEN02)

    Elberfelder Übersetzung (Edition CSV Hückeswagen) (de) (LLS:LBRFLDRBHCKSWGN)

    English Revised Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLOTNT1895)

    English Standard Version (en) (LLS:1.0.710)

    English Standard Version Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:ESVCATHOLIC)

    Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testament: Translation (en) (LLS:NOTESOTNTTRANS)

    Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (en) (LLS:CNTRYBBLNHMSTHRTXT)

    First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament (en) (LLS:FRSTNTNSNTSTMNT)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel 2018 (de) (LLS:GNB2018)

    Gute Nachricht Bibel: Mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments (de) (LLS:1.0.594)

    Hoffnung für Alle 2015 (de) (LLS:HOFFNUNGFRALLE)

    Holi Baebol: wetem Diutrokanon (en) (LLS:SI-PIJINBBL)

    Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version (en) (LLS:HBEHV)

    Holy Scriptures: Tree of Life Version (en) (LLS:HLYSCRPTRSLVRSN)

    Hosea Translated from the Hebrew (en) (LLS:HSTRNSLDBIBLE)

    Hosea: Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Explanatory and Critical (en) (LLS:MINPROHORSLEY)

    IBHAYIBHELI ELICWENGILEKO: isiNdebele Bible – 2012 Translation (nr) (LLS:BBLSNDBL2012)

    International Children's Bible: The Version Children Can Read and Understand (en) (LLS:WS_156CC02B3D3E4BD89B48E7E0AE215BFB)

    International Standard Version (en) (LLS:ISV)

    International Standard Version, New Testament (en) (LLS:1.0.180)

    Joel: A Translation, in Metrical Parallelisms, according to the Hebrew Method of Punctuation (en) (LLS:MINPROROWLEY)

    King James Version (en) (LLS:KJV1900)

    Ko E Tohitapu Katoa (en) (LLS:TONGANBBL)

    La Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:1.0.690)

    Lectures on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Ephesians, with a New Translation: Translation (en) (LLS:EPHESIANSKELLYTRA)

    LIBHAYIBHELI LELINGCWELE: Siswati Bible – 1996 Translation (ss) (LLS:BBLSISWATI1996)

    Modern English Version (en) (LLS:MEV)

    Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition (en) (LLS:NA28)

    Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece, 28. Auflage (de) (LLS:NA28GBS)

    NeÜ bibel.heute (de) (LLS:NEU)

    Neues Testament Psalmen: Neue Genfer Übersetzung (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLGBRSTZNG)

    New American Bible: Revised Edition (en) (LLS:NABRE)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.70)

    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:NASB2020)

    New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition: Paragraph Version (en) (LLS:NASB95PARA)

    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (en) (LLS:1.0.71)

    New Century Version (en) (LLS:1.0.20)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBL)

    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible for Women: Promise and Purpose from God’s Word (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBLWMN)

    Nova Almeida Atualizada (pt) (LLS:NVLMDTLZDN)

    Nova Versão Internacional (pt) (LLS:SL_PG_BI_NVI)

    Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio (en) (LLS:NOVAVULGATA)

    Nueva Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:NBLH)

    Nuevo Testamento Judío: Una traducción del Nuevo Testamento que expresa su carácter judío (en) (LLS:NVTSTMNTJD)

    Parole vivante: Transcription dynamique du Nouveau Testament (en) (LLS:EC_BLFBIBPV2009)

    Reina Valera Contemporánea (es) (LLS:RNVLRCNTMPRNRVC)

    Reina Valera Revisada (1960) (es) (LLS:1.0.502)

    Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:RSV2CE)

    Santa Biblia: Versión Reina-Valera Actualizada, Edición 2015 (es) (LLS:RVA2015)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Alternativer Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXTALT)

    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXT)

    Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) (en) (LLS:1.0.150)

    Thai Holy Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.210)

    The American Patriot’s Bible (en) (LLS:AMPATBBL)

    The Apocalypse of Ezra (2 Esdras 3–14) (en) (LLS:DCAPOCBOX)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 11: The Isaiah Targum (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL11)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 12: The Targum of Jeremiah (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL12)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 13: The Targum of Ezekiel (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL13)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 14: The Targum of the Minor Prophets (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL14)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 15: The Targum of Job and The Targum of Proverbs and The Targum of Qohelet (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL15)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 16: The Targum of Psalms (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL16)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 18: The Two Targums of Esther (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL18)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 19: The Targum of Ruth and The Targum of Chronicles (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL19)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1A: Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 2: Targum Neofiti 1: Exodus and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL02)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 4: Targum Neofiti 1: Numbers and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL04)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5A: Targum Neofiti 1: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05A)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05B)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 6: The Targum Onqelos to Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL06)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 7: The Targum of Onqelos to Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL07)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 8: The Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and The Targum Onqelos to Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL08)

    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 9: The Targum Onqelos to Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL09)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. III: The Text of Acts: Codex Vaticanus (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCTS03VATICANUS)

    The Beginnings of Christianity, Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, Vol. IV: English Translation (en) (LLS:BGNNNGSCHRCMM04TRANS)

    The Beginnings of Gospel Story: A Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Sources and Structure of the Gospel according to Mark (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKBACONTXT)

    The Bohairic Coptic New Testament in English (en) (LLS:BOHAIRICENG)

    The Book of Daniel: Text (en) (LLS:NWCNTRYBBLDNLTEXT)

    The Book of Isaiah according to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus), Volume 1 (Translation from the Greek) (en) (LLS:BKISOTTLEY01GK)

    The Book of Job, with Introduction and Notes: Text (en) (LLS:GIBSON18JOB)

    The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings: The Common Version Revised with an Introduction and Occasional Notes (en) (LLS:JOSHCONANT)

    The Books of Samuel: Translation (en) (LLS:SAMMATTHEWSTRA)

    The Books of the Prophets Micah, Obadiah, Joel and Jonah with Introduction and Notes (en) (LLS:MINPROWADE)

    The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version (en) (LLS:AV1873)

    The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah (en) (LLS:CHALDEEPARA)

    The Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:1.0.25)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible (en) (LLS:DSSBIBLE2002)

    The Dead Sea Scrolls of Job from Cave 4 and Cave 11 (en) (LLS:MNSCRPTTRGMJBCV)

    The Earliest Gospel: A Historical Study of the Gospel according to Mark: Greek Text (en) (LLS:MARKMENZIESGRK)

    The Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EOBNT)

    The Ecclesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha (en) (LLS:DCECCLBALL)

    The Emphasized Bible (en) (LLS:EMPHBBL)

    The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSGIFFORD)

    The Epistle to the Hebrews: Bible Text (en) (LLS:HEBGOODSPEEDTXT)

    The Epistle to the Romans (en) (LLS:ROMANSSADLER)

    The Epistles to the Colossians and to the Ephesians: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PLNPSALEXANDERTXT)

    The Expanded Bible: New Testament (en) (LLS:EXPBBLNT)

    The Good News Translation (en) (LLS:1.0.160)

    The Good News Translation with Apocrypha (en) (LLS:GNT)

    The Gospel according to Mark with Introduction and Notes (Bible Text) (en) (LLS:MARKTAYLORBIB)

    The Gospel of Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CHRCNSLCOM63LU)

    The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic: Gothic Text (en) (LLS:GSSTMRKGTHGT)

    The Greek Testament (Text and Notes) (en) (LLS:ALFGRKNTTXT)

    The Holman Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.351)

    The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (en) (LLS:HLYBBLBAPTIST)

    The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLWEBSTER)

    The Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version (en) (LLS:WS_436C92504D4B46D8AB9FD9D6A83765A2)

    The Holy Bible: Being a Revision of the Authorised English Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLSHARPE)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version (Anglicised Edition, 2011) (en) (LLS:ANGLNIV2011)

    The Holy Bible: New International Version—Anglicised (1984) (en) (LLS:1.0.11)

    The Holy Scriptures, Faithfully and Truly Translated (en) (LLS:HLYSCRIPCDALE)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition (en) (LLS:LELXX2)

    The Lexham English Septuagint, Second Edition: Alternate Texts (en) (LLS:LELXX2AT)

    The Minor Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi (en) (LLS:MINPRODRIVER)

    The NET Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.1026)

    The NET Bible: Greek Text (en) (LLS:NETBIBLEGREEK)

    The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with the Apocrypha: King James Version (en) (LLS:NCPBWITHAPOCR)

    The New Covenant, Commonly Called the New Testament: Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:THOMPSONNT)

    The New Dispensation: The New Testament Translated from the Greek (en) (LLS:NWDISPENWEEKES)

    The New English Bible (en) (LLS:NEB)

    The New International Version (en) (LLS:NIV2011)

    The New Jerusalem Bible: Text (en) (LLS:NJBCT)

    The New King James Version (en) (LLS:1.0.30)

    The New Testament in Modern Speech: An Idiomatic Translation into Everyday English from the Text of “The Resultant Greek Testament” (en) (LLS:NTMODSPEECH)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union (en) (LLS:NTCEV)

    The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Revised from the Authorized Version with the Aid of Other Translations and Made Conformable to the Greek Text of J. J. Griesbach (en) (LLS:NTLSJCTAYLOR)

    The Newe Testament (en) (LLS:TYNDALEBBL1536)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Hebrew Text (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYHEB)

    The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus: Translation (en) (LLS:DCECCLCOWLEYENG)

    The Passion Translation: New Testament (en) (LLS:PSSNTRNSLTNSNGS)

    The Psalms: A Study of the Vulgate Psalter in the Light of the Hebrew Text, Volumes 1 & 2: Bible Text (en) (LLS:PSLMSSTVLGTPSLTBIB)

    The Revised English Bible (en) (LLS:REB)

    The Scriptures (en) (LLS:SCRIPTURES1998)

    The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament: English Translation (en) (LLS:BRENTONLXXEN)

    The Swanson New Testament Greek Morphology (UBS 4th Edition) (en) (LLS:1.0.328)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Galatians–Philemon (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH69GA)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Luke (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH63LU)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Mark (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH62MK)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Matthew (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH61MT)

    The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation: Romans–Corinthians (en) (LLS:ANTIOCH66RO)

    The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch; With the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum: From the Chaldee (en) (LLS:TARGUMSPENT)

    The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures: Carefully Translated according to the Massoretic Text, on the Basis of the English Version, after the Best Jewish Authorities; and Supplied with Short Explanatory Notes (en) (LLS:24BKHLYSCRIPT)

    The Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures (en) (LLS:DCAPOCCHURTON)

    The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus) (en) (LLS:DCBENSIRAOESTERLEY)

    The Wisdom of Solomon (en) (LLS:DCWISDOESTERLEY)

    Tillägg Till GT-82: De apokryfa eller deuterokanoniska skrifterna. (en) (LLS:1.0.648)

    Today’s New International Version (en) (LLS:TNIV)

    Two Unknown Hebrew Versions of Tobit (en) (LLS:DCTOBITGASTER)

    Voices from Babylon; or, The Records of Daniel the Prophet: Bible Text (en) (LLS:VCSBBYLNDNPRPHTBIB)

    Wisdom and the Jewish Apocryphal Writings (en) (LLS:DCWISDSTEVENSON)

    Zürcher Bibel (de) (LLS:ZURCHERBBL2007)

    พระคัมภีร์ฉบับมาตรฐาน (th) (LLS:TSV)

    공동번역성서 개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.542)

    성경 (한국 가톨릭 교회 공용 성경) (ko) (LLS:KRNCTHLCBBL)

    성경전서 개역개정판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.541)

    성경전서 개역한글판 (ko) (LLS:1.0.544)

    성경전서 새번역 (ko) (LLS:1.0.543)

    우리말 성경 (ko) (LLS:WRMLBBLDKRNVRSN)

    中文当代译本修订版圣经(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CHNSCNTMPRRYBBL)

    中文新標點和合本研讀本聖經(神版)-經文(繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CUVTWTRDCHN)

    現代台灣客語繁體聖經 (繁體) (zh-Hant) (LLS:HKKBBLTRD)

    繁體中文聖經和合本-神版 (zh-Hant) (LLS:HLYBBLTRDSHNDTN)

    聖經新譯本(繁體•神字版) (zh-Hant) (LLS:CHNSNWVRSN)

    《中文新标点和合本研读本圣经》(神版)-经文(简体) (zh-Hans) (LLS:CUVTWSIMPCHN)

    A Commentary on James: Text (en) (LLS:COMMJAMES)
    A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor Prophets: Text (en) (LLS:COMMBKOF12)
    A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments, Vols. I–VI: Bible Text (en) (LLS:CMNTRYOTNTBIBLETEXT)
    A Liberal Translation of the New Testament, Vols. I & II (en) (LLS:LIBTRANSNTHARWOOD)
    A New English Translation of the Septuagint (Primary Texts) (en) (LLS:NETSOXFORD)
    A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew (en) (LLS:TRANSOTSPURRELL)
    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Greek Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYGK)
    A Translation, in English Daily Used, of the Peshito-Syriac Text and of the Received Greek Text: Peshito-Syriac Translation (en) (LLS:TRANSENGDLYPSY)
    Alkitab: Berita Baik (ms) (LLS:MS-TDYMALAYV)
    Alkitab: Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini (id) (LLS:ID-BIMK)
    Alkitab: Terjemahan Baru (en) (LLS:ID-ITB)
    Almeida Revista e Atualizada (pt) (LLS:1.0.3000)
    Amplified Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.681)
    An Attempt toward Revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ (en) (LLS:NTIMPROVNEWCOME)
    An Illustrated Commentary on the Gospels according to Mark and Luke, Volume II: Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKABBOTTBIB)
    Bibel-82 (en) (LLS:1.0.640)
    BIBELE Mahungu Lamanene: Xitsonga Bible – 1989 Translation (ts) (LLS:BBLXITSONGA1989)
    BIBELE Taba ye Botse: Sepedi Bible – 2000 Translation (nso) (LLS:BBLINSEPEDI2000)
    Bibelen 2011 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL2011)
    Bibelen 2011 (Nynorsk) (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK2011)
    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Bokmål) (no) (LLS:1.0.3024)
    Bibelen NO 78/85 (Nynorsk) (no) (LLS:1.0.3023)
    Bibelen. Den hellige Skrifts kanoniske Bøger (da) (LLS:1.0.615)
    Bible, překlad 21. století (cs) (LLS:CZBBL21CE)
    Bible: Český Studijní Překlad (en) (LLS:CZECHSB)
    Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana (es) (LLS:BIBJERUSALEN)
    Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Século 21 (pt) (LLS:BBLALMDSCL21)
    Biblia Textual 4 Edición (es) (LLS:LABIBTEXTIVED)
    Bivhili Khethwa: Mafhungo Maḓifha (ve) (LLS:BBLTSHVND1998)
    Christian Standard Bible (en) (LLS:CSB)
    Codex Taurinensis (Y) (en) (LLS:CODEXTAURINENSIS)
    Cohelet, or, The Preacher: Translated from the Hebrew, with a Study on the Age and Character of the Book (en) (LLS:CHLTRPRCHRCTRBK)
    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Authorised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERAU)
    Commentary on the Gospel of Mark: Revised Version Bible Text (en) (LLS:MARKWEIDNERRE)
    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. I, St. Matthew: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR01)
    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. II, St. Mark: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR02)
    Commentary on the Gospels, Vol. III, St. Luke: Text (en) (LLS:CMMGSPLSSMR03)
    Commentary on the Revelation: Text (en) (LLS:REVSMITH)
    Common English Bible (en) (LLS:CEB)
    Complete Jewish Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.91)
    Contemporary English Version (en) (LLS:BB_SBB_ENCEVDK)
    Das Neue Testament, Die Psalmen, Die Sprüche in deutscher Fassung (de) (LLS:DSNTSTMNNDSPRCH)
    De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (en) (LLS:1.0.514)
    Den heilage skrifta Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (nn) (LLS:NORBBLNYNORSK7885)
    Den hellige skrift Bibelen: Det gamle og Det nye testamentet (no) (LLS:NORBBLBOKMAL7885)
    Deuteronomy and Joshua: Text (en) (LLS:JOSHROBINSONTXT)
    Die Bibel mit Erklärungen: Bibeltext (de) (LLS:DBBLMTRKLRNGN)
    Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (1984) (de) (LLS:1.0.591)
    Die Bibel nach Martin Luthers Übersetzung, revidiert 2017 mit Lemmatisierung (de) (LLS:LUTBIB2017)
    Die Bibel: Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift (de) (LLS:NHTSBRSTZNG2017)
    Die Bibel: Neue revidierte Fassung 2000 (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLSCHL2000)
    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (de) (LLS:1.0.596)
    Die Bibel. Einheitsübersetzung (neue Rechtschreibung) (de) (LLS:EINHEIT2)
    Die Heilige Schrift, übersetzt von Hermann Menge (de) (LLS:MENGE)
    Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments, Teil II: Text mit Apparat: Text (de) (LLS:VONSODEN02)
    Elberfelder Übersetzung (Edition CSV Hückeswagen) (de) (LLS:LBRFLDRBHCKSWGN)
    English Revised Version (en) (LLS:HLYBBLOTNT1895)
    English Standard Version (en) (LLS:1.0.710)
    English Standard Version Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:ESVCATHOLIC)
    Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testament: Translation (en) (LLS:NOTESOTNTTRANS)
    Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (en) (LLS:CNTRYBBLNHMSTHRTXT)
    First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament (en) (LLS:FRSTNTNSNTSTMNT)
    Gute Nachricht Bibel 2018 (de) (LLS:GNB2018)
    Gute Nachricht Bibel: Mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments (de) (LLS:1.0.594)
    Hoffnung für Alle 2015 (de) (LLS:HOFFNUNGFRALLE)
    Holi Baebol: wetem Diutrokanon (en) (LLS:SI-PIJINBBL)
    Holy Bible: Evangelical Heritage Version (en) (LLS:HBEHV)
    Holy Scriptures: Tree of Life Version (en) (LLS:HLYSCRPTRSLVRSN)
    Hosea Translated from the Hebrew (en) (LLS:HSTRNSLDBIBLE)
    Hosea: Translated from the Hebrew with Notes Explanatory and Critical (en) (LLS:MINPROHORSLEY)
    IBHAYIBHELI ELICWENGILEKO: isiNdebele Bible – 2012 Translation (nr) (LLS:BBLSNDBL2012)
    International Children's Bible: The Version Children Can Read and Understand (en) (LLS:WS_156CC02B3D3E4BD89B48E7E0AE215BFB)
    International Standard Version (en) (LLS:ISV)
    International Standard Version, New Testament (en) (LLS:1.0.180)
    Joel: A Translation, in Metrical Parallelisms, according to the Hebrew Method of Punctuation (en) (LLS:MINPROROWLEY)
    King James Version (en) (LLS:KJV1900)
    Ko E Tohitapu Katoa (en) (LLS:TONGANBBL)
    La Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:1.0.690)
    Lectures on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Ephesians, with a New Translation: Translation (en) (LLS:EPHESIANSKELLYTRA)
    LIBHAYIBHELI LELINGCWELE: Siswati Bible – 1996 Translation (ss) (LLS:BBLSISWATI1996)
    Modern English Version (en) (LLS:MEV)
    Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition (en) (LLS:NA28)
    Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece, 28. Auflage (de) (LLS:NA28GBS)
    NeÜ bibel.heute (de) (LLS:NEU)
    Neues Testament Psalmen: Neue Genfer Übersetzung (de) (LLS:GRMNBBLGBRSTZNG)
    New American Bible: Revised Edition (en) (LLS:NABRE)
    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.70)
    New American Standard Bible (en) (LLS:NASB2020)
    New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition: Paragraph Version (en) (LLS:NASB95PARA)
    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (en) (LLS:1.0.71)
    New Century Version (en) (LLS:1.0.20)
    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBL)
    New Spirit-Filled Life Bible for Women: Promise and Purpose from God’s Word (en) (LLS:NEWSFLLIFBBLWMN)
    Nova Almeida Atualizada (pt) (LLS:NVLMDTLZDN)
    Nova Versão Internacional (pt) (LLS:SL_PG_BI_NVI)
    Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio (en) (LLS:NOVAVULGATA)
    Nueva Biblia de las Américas (es) (LLS:NBLH)
    Nuevo Testamento Judío: Una traducción del Nuevo Testamento que expresa su carácter judío (en) (LLS:NVTSTMNTJD)
    Parole vivante: Transcription dynamique du Nouveau Testament (en) (LLS:EC_BLFBIBPV2009)
    Reina Valera Contemporánea (es) (LLS:RNVLRCNTMPRNRVC)
    Reina Valera Revisada (1960) (es) (LLS:1.0.502)
    Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition (en) (LLS:RSV2CE)
    Santa Biblia: Versión Reina-Valera Actualizada, Edición 2015 (es) (LLS:RVA2015)
    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Alternativer Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXTALT)
    Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung: Text (de) (LLS:LXXDEUTSCHTEXT)
    Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) (en) (LLS:1.0.150)
    Thai Holy Bible (en) (LLS:1.0.210)
    The American Patriot’s Bible (en) (LLS:AMPATBBL)
    The Apocalypse of Ezra (2 Esdras 3–14) (en) (LLS:DCAPOCBOX)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 11: The Isaiah Targum (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL11)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 12: The Targum of Jeremiah (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL12)
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    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 1B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL01B)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 2: Targum Neofiti 1: Exodus and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL02)
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    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 5B: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Deuteronomy (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL05B)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 6: The Targum Onqelos to Genesis (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL06)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 7: The Targum of Onqelos to Exodus (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL07)
    The Aramaic Bible, Volume 8: The Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and The Targum Onqelos to Numbers (en) (LLS:ARAMAICBBL08)
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    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."