I figured out something... but still wondering

Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell Member Posts: 720 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Okay so I did a search of my collection of Commentaries for Ex 2:11-12, every commentary that had the word "murder" in it (I'm trying to see what commentators have had to say about Moses killing the Egyptian - was it a killing or a murder?) No probs, found a bunch of commentaries with the discussion... great!

However, why is it showing my results by coming back to the same commentaries over and over, instead of just listing each commentary where the word happens once?

It's doing something like this in my results:

- result from The Preacher's Commentary

- result from X comm on Exodus

- result from the Preacher's commentary again

- result from Y other comm

- result from Z comm

- result from the Preacher's commentary again...

I can't seem to find anywhere to tell Logos how it displays the results... is that possible?


