How do I change the highlight color of a passage I highlighted previously?

I can't seem to figure out how to change the highlighted color in resource books which I have highlighted previously - including anchored. If I right click on the highlighted passage or even select it, it just creates a new note and highlight color and continues to do so unless you delete them (e.g., I could have highlight over highlight over highlight... etc.) I find this particularly difficult with "anchored" passages, which I would also like to change the color.
What I'm trying to do:
As I learn to use Logos and read and take notes for my seminary courses, I'm finding that I might want to highlight terms in one color, notes in another color, and extraneous notes in another on passages I have previously highlighted.
What I have tried:
I've read the Logos Wiki help but didn't find anything that specific. I searched and read some posts here but they seem to be 7-10+ years old.
What if you just change the highlight color in the note instead of doing it in your reference book? Doing so changes the highlight in the book as you are wanting.