Why I don't use Today in Christian History - an appeal for votes on suggestions

Today in Christian History is a serious gift to American Christianity which like much that is American lacks an in-depth understanding of history. However, it is hidden in the Home Page Explore section which I rarely have reason to view.
Clicking on it takes you to the Factbook entry for that event:
Alternatively, one can access Factbook by Day to view the possible entries for a day ... I chose tomorrow to show multiple possible entries.
My objections/suggestions?
- In contemporary times, I would like to see more emphasis on church history rather than what seems like a "cult of personalities." It takes some time to learn who actually made a lasting impact on church history.
- I have a favorite resource with a Verbum emphasis that I'd like to see added to the calendar See The American Catholic Almanac | Faithlife
- In the redesign of the Home Page when the Saints card was omitted, its reinstatement was not as a church sanctoral cycle but as a saints calendar book (like calendar devotional). Please restore the original purpose - both may be needed. See Default saints layout | Faithlife Yes, this is related in that a saint's day is, in theory, the day of their death/birth in new realm.
- In some manner, reinstate the liturgical ribbon of L7 in some format so that the date dependent items (lectionary/missal, prayer book, saints, day in history) are readily accessible on the work page. See Revive liturgical ribbon | Faithlife
Note that some of these requests illustrate how the suggestions themselves need revision as the application changes.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
I've used this tool before and largely agree with your points, especially about seeing more of church history rather than individuals (and that primarily their birth and death dates).
Question: is this curated from resources that are in your library with timeline tags, or does it come from a centralized source? I had assumed the former, but we both have the same three people for January 31. I'm sure you have more Verbum resources than I do, which would lead me to expect some differences, but such is not the case.
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I agree with the 'cult of personalities' comments, though this might simply be a result of attempting to have something worth mentioning for every day rather then selecting people over events etc.
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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Sean said:
Question: is this curated from resources that are in your library with timeline tags, or does it come from a centralized source?
I am not certain. I thought it was associated in some way with the day label but it seems to be driven solely by Factbook with some selection procedure.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."