Look Up doesn't always show DBL Greek

My favorite Greek Dictionary for quick reference is "DBL Greek", however, I have noticed that the "right click" "look up" option is not showing a complete list of all the lexicographic choices.
Is there a way for it to show all the options?
Or, could I set DBL Greek to a higher priority so it lists first?
Thank you.
Douglas Aldrich said:
Is there a way for it to show all the options?
Which options are you referring to?
Douglas Aldrich said:Or, could I set DBL Greek to a higher priority so it lists first?
The article at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019683652-Prioritize-Resources explains how to prioritize resources.
The right-click Lookup feature will show your five highest prioritised lexicons that have an entry on the word you are studying.
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For example: When I right click on "father" from John 8:44, in the info screen, the following resources come up: LSJ, WSNTDICT, Louw-Nida, M-M, LTW. Note, DBL Greek does not appear. Why? My guess is that it is usually the next one after LTW, however, there is not enough room to display it in a single line. (I double checked, "pater" is in DBL Greek - No surprise there.) I hope this helps.
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The order of that list is defined by the prioritizations you set in the Library panel as Graham indicated. If you prioritize DBL Greek, then it should consistently show there.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Andrew Batishko said:
The order of that list is defined by the prioritizations you set in the Library panel as Graham indicated. If you prioritize DBL Greek, then it should consistently show there.
Thank you, that is what I thought.
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Forgive the followup: Is there a way of showing, or listing, all lexicographic sources for any given word?
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Douglas Aldrich said:
Forgive the followup: Is there a way of showing, or listing, all lexicographic sources for any given word?
For a given word just perform a Books Search of type:lexicon (paste it into the Search box for resources)
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Douglas Aldrich said:
Forgive the followup: Is there a way of showing, or listing, all lexicographic sources for any given word?
I would probably run a Bible Word Study Guide on that lemma (this can be started from the right click menu) and check out the results in the Lemma section.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Andrew Batishko said:
I would probably run a Bible Word Study Guide on that lemma
It is more selective as my Search should have been for headword:οἰκία. But BWS cheats as it includes Grammars as well as Lexicons![:)]
===Windows 11 & Android 13