LOGOS 10 not working with MAC iOS CATALINA

I just bought LOGOS 10 yesterday (with Platinum package).
But sadly, it is not compatible with my version of Mac iOS (Catalina10.15.7) and I cannot update it since my Mac is too old (mid 2012).
I’m not satisfied with the web app only, nor with the phone only.
Is it still possible to cancel my purchase until I find a better solution?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Vincent - and welcome to the forums
Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.
Vincent BRECHET said:Is it still possible to cancel my purchase until I find a better solution?
Faithlife does have a 30-day returns policy so you should be able to cancel without any problem.
I recommend you contact Customer Services - contact details at https://www.logos.com/contact-support
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Hello Graham! Thank you very much for your quick reply! I will follow your advice.
Have a blessed day!
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Vincent - Did you previously own Logos? It is true that you can't update the software on your current computer, but if you have an older computer you should still be able to get most of the resources into an old version of the app... although it is no longer supported.
There is probably no reason to purchase the features and datasets in L10.
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Thank you very much!
I didn't have LOGOS before. It's a bit frustrating...
Now I'm wondering if I may buy it again but only LOGOS 9. My questions are:
- Is it still possible to buy LOGOS 9 only?
- Will it work on my Mac with OS 10.15.7?Thank you very much!
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You can currently ”purchase” the free Logos 9 engine at https://www.logos.com/product/194909/logos-9-basic
From https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007506971-Logos-Minimum-System-Requirements (see footnote 2), Logos 9 should work on your OS
So it looks like its worth giving it a go.
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Thank you very much again!!
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Vincent BRECHET said:
It's a bit frustrating...
What is frustrating? Do you mean that you "purchased L10" and it doesnt work on your computer? I can understand that frustration.
Although we may not like it, computers are consumables and you have a computer running towards the end of its shelf life. I don't do that with computers, but I do with cars! We unexpectedly (to us!) had to purchase a new van a year ago. We had no intentions of doing so... We didn't care that the van was 10 years old and had nearly 200,000 miles. It was running just fine and we kept up on maintenance. We ended up getting a new van becasue our old one started having troubles on long trips, which we take several times a year. We didn't want to get our family stranded in the middle of nowhere! All of that to say that I understand hanging on to things out of necessity and/or frugality.
Software also has a shelf life... People like new features. Security holes must get patched. Companies must make money to keep the lights on and continue developing. There are a number of different models of monitization of software. The current trend is SaaS (Software as a service). This often has a lower price point but it is essentially a subscription. When you stop paying, you stop being able to use. An older model is selling a license with limited support. From the user's persepective, they "buy" the software, it is theirs to "own forever," but in reality once support stops, there is a ticking clock. The user will have to "baby" the software and hope that some OS update doesn't break the software.
Faithlife's model is different than both of these, although there are elements of each. The software engine is given away for free. The monitization comes from 1) the sale of "value added" resources and 2) the sale of features (or more recently the addition of a subscription model). There are things I don't like about this model, but the strength is that users who made a purchase 20 years ago are still able to access their resources!
As a new user on an old computer, your situation is a bit unique. It may be hard to justify a purchase when you can't fully take advantage of everything at present. However, here are some things to consider:
- Hopefully you are indeed able to aquire the L9 engine and run it on your current set up... but do know that support has either ended or will soon(ish).
- You can still purchase resources and libraries and much of that will work in L9.
- The purchase of features will have less compatibility... New "L10" features will not be available to you at present, but L9 (and earlier) ones should.
- If you do make a purchase, you can have confidence that your purchase will still be available to you on your new computer (Windows or Mac).
I'm not trying to convince you to make a purchase... I would not presume to do so. I wrote all of the above just to let you know that if you had a reason for needing a library of resources, all might not be lost.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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T’habite you very much for this through message!
I decided to buy LOGOS Standard Platinum package with LOGOS 9. It seems to work fine so far, although I do not know how to access what I want;)
It will come with time^_^
Thank you very much for your help!
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Vincent BRECHET said:
although I do not know how to access what I want
Hi Vincent
Just remember that it can sometimes be quicker to ask here than to spend ages searching in frustration.
Probably the most helpful thing for us is when those asking have mastered the technique of screen capturing and posting. (See paperclip in the tool bar)
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