Bug in Power Lookup

I have really been starting to use Power Lookup a lot lately, and it's an awesome feature. But I think I may have found a bug.
If you select a word, say "envy" in a passage and do a Power Lookup on it, it gives you a lot of information, and many of the items listed have verses connected to them. If you click on the the verse listed because you want to further explore what it has to say, you will be taken to that passage. All of that is great.
But when you are done with that passage and you want to return and look at the next passage, it doesn't take you back to where you were in Power Lookup. Something else is displayed.
So what I have to do is start over by clicking on the word "envy" in my original passage and do Power Lookup again. Then it will take me back to where I was previously in Power Lookup
It would be great if, when you click the back arrow, if you would return to the Power Lookup screen you had just left, thereby eliminating all of those extra steps.
I am on Logo 9.3
You might try opening the panel menu on the Power Lookup panel and changing the Link Set to None. This will prevent it from automatically updating when you navigate to other locations.
Alternatively, if you wanted to keep the automatic update behavior, you could consider placing both your Bible and Power Lookup in a specific link set (as opposed to "Follow"). Then open a second copy of your Bible and use the panel menu to turn on the "Send hyperlinks here" option. This will make Power Lookup update when you scroll in your main Bible, but allow you to follow references out of Power Lookup without having it disrupt what is currently shown there.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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That worked. (The first suggestion)
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That worked. (The first suggestion)