Simplifying Search Commands

Coming from Accordance, which I have used exclusively for years, I am trying to do more of my Bible searching in Logos. I have some things I am trying to accomplish:
In Accordance to search for a verse that contained the words "life" and "words" in just the Gospels I would type:
life <AND> words [RANGE'gs']
With the keyboard shortcuts I have setup, <AND> and [RANGE] are brought up with a shortcut key. The 'gs' that you see in [Range] was a custom range that Accordance allowed me to make. The defined range for 'gs' was Matthew thru John.
1 - I would like to enter a search argument (like the example above) without having to use my mouse to select the options to constrain the range.
2 - I would like create keyboard shortcuts (using app specific commands via Mac's settings) to enter
3 - Create Custom Ranges
I think there might be a way to do to it but I'm still working at getting my brain to think in "Logos." I am working on it though!
I was able to answer my own question on this.
I realized that some of these shortcuts in Accordance I had setup via the Text Replacement tool in Mac Settings. So the shortcuts are global. What is nice about this is that the shortcuts will carry over onto my iOS devices as well and they will be usable in the Logos iOS app.
I am still not sure about #3 above though.
So if anyone has any tips that would be great!
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Jerry Trevino said:
life <AND> words [RANGE'gs']
(life AND word) INTERSECTS milestone:bible:Mt-Jn
Logos 23 Bible search has choice of verse OR chapter.
Edit: Logos Help has Bible Book Abbreviations.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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(life AND word) INTERSECTS milestone:bible:Mt-Jn
Simpler search is:
(life AND word) IN milestone:bible:Mt-Jn
Logos Help has Bible Book Abbreviations (Mt = Matthew & Jn = John)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Jerry Trevino said:
This string will also work:
life AND words IN bible:matt-john
This may be new for Version 10?
The search syntax is indeed new for version 10. But you must be using Default Reference Matching (in the toolbar).
life AND words will also work if you set the range (Mt-Jn) in All Passages.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Jerry Trevino said:
@Dave - Can you elaborate on the Defualt reference matching? I'm not sure where that is.
I use Narrow which is "you get what you ask for" (as per the wiki Search syntax I linked for you).Default is a 'surprise' option that works differently to Narrow (you can't really predict what it does - but see the explanation in the wiki). It may be the one that you use "by default".
Broad is a "shock" option because you will get a lot of results (except for pure text, bible or morphological searches).
===Windows 11 & Android 13