Replace with Passage (Logos) not working in Google Docs

Matthew Bloomfield
Matthew Bloomfield Member Posts: 6
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I really enjoy the Replace with Passage feature and use it all the time. 

I am on a Mac. 

This feature works in programs such as Text Edit and Notes, but I can't get it to work in an Internet browser such as Safari or Chrome in Google Docs. I am trying to be organised and write my sermons in Google Docs, but not being able to use this feature means I need to stick with Notes.

It does work on other websites.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you :)



  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    Any particular reason that you have rejected 'Sermon Builder'?

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Gregory Lawhorn
    Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 984 ✭✭✭

    Welcome, Matthew!

    Replace with Passage works on my Macbook Pro and Safari.

    Once you've highlighted the reference text, look at the Services menu in the Safari or Chrome menu. Do you see "Replace with Passage (Logos)"?

    If you do, does it function when you select it as a menu item?

    If not, go to System Settings / Keyboard / Keyboard Shortcuts / Services, look under "Text," and activate it. 

    If it IS there, double-click the keyboard shortcut and re-enter it, or consider changing it to something else and then back. In some apps, Command-Shift-E is already spoken for, or, more accurately, reserved, so that it doesn't work properly. 

  • Matthew Bloomfield
    Matthew Bloomfield Member Posts: 6

    Hi Gregory,

    Thank you for your quick reply!

    When I highlight a reference in Google docs nothing at all shows up in the services menu, on either Safari or Chrome.

    However on any other website, including Gmail or Google Sheets, when I highlight a text about a dozen things (Including the Replace with Passage) show up in the Services menu.

    So I guess that means that it is an issue with Google Docs?

  • Gregory Lawhorn
    Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 984 ✭✭✭

    So I guess that means that it is an issue with Google Docs?

    I guess it is. I think (I'm not sure) that Services, among other things, pays attention to the text selection. Google Docs evidently doesn't pass that information on. 

    That being said, this worked for me.

    1) I entered typed John 3:16, selected it, then Command-C copied it. 

    2) The Services menu then shows Replace with Passage; I selected it.

    3) I then Command-P pasted, and the text was placed in Google Docs. 

    It's not a great solution, but it is a solution. I tried using Keyboard Maestro to automate it, but it's not able to access the Services menu.

  • Gregory Lawhorn
    Gregory Lawhorn Member Posts: 984 ✭✭✭

    So I guess that means that it is an issue with Google Docs?

    I guess it is. I think (I'm not sure) that Services, among other things, pays attention to the text selection. Google Docs evidently doesn't pass that information on. 

    That being said, this worked for me.

    1) I entered typed John 3:16, selected it, then Command-C copied it. 

    2) The Services menu then shows Replace with Passage; I selected it.

    3) I then Command-P pasted, and the text was placed in Google Docs. 

    It's not a great solution, but it is a solution. I tried using Keyboard Maestro to automate it, but it's not able to access the Services menu.

  • Matthew Bloomfield
    Matthew Bloomfield Member Posts: 6

    Thank you Gregory. 

    You've given me a good lead to follow. I suspect the solution is in what you have outlined, perhaps something using Automator tracking mouse clicks. I'll give it a try.

    I have left a request with Google docs as this seems an odd issue, but I won't hold my breath for that.

    I really appreciate the quick and helpful responses - this is my first time posting on here.

  • Matthew Bloomfield
    Matthew Bloomfield Member Posts: 6

    Thank you Gregory. 

    You've given me a good lead to follow. I suspect the solution is in what you have outlined, perhaps something using Automator tracking mouse clicks. I'll give it a try.

    I have left a request with Google docs as this seems an odd issue, but I won't hold my breath for that.

    I really appreciate the quick and helpful responses - this is my first time posting on here.

  • Matthew Bloomfield
    Matthew Bloomfield Member Posts: 6

    Any particular reason that you have rejected 'Sermon Builder'?

    Hi Mike, not so much rejected as I haven't tried it. Also I am only using the free version (plus I have purchased a NKJV), that's all, so no access to Sermon Builder yet.

    Not that you asked for my life story, but I will share it as perhaps you may be able to point me in the right direction.

    I began working at our small church a year ago giving Bible Studies and because we share a Pastor with several over churches I have taken on much of the role of the Pastor here. Planning, preaching 3 out of 4 sermons, visitations, studies, midweek groups etc I do this full time and I also work part time for an online ministry, because I enjoy it and also to make ends meet.

    Because I am producing lots of sermons, studies, video scripts etc I am trying to find a way to organise all of these efficiently and quickly. Knowing what is coming up and what has been done in the past. I am also trying to organise my Bible notes and collection of quotes from other material I have read. I have tried Notion which is nice because it has Database functionality, Google Docs and a spreadsheet is almost there but not as easy as Notion.

    I am more than open to suggestions. If you think Logos could fill part of this well please let me know.

    I also like to have control of my notes, as it it is not on some cloud I can't access, but that is not essential. So long as I can back it up.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    Hi Matthew

    I began working at our small church a year ago giving Bible Studies and because we share a Pastor with several over churches I have taken on much of the role of the Pastor here.

    I too am a bi-vocational minister in a small congregation in Corby, England. The Stipendary minister left the town just before the outbreak of Covid and myself and a reader have been responsible for leading the, thankfully active, congregation ever since.

    I do think that investing in Logos is worth the money, I am of the opinion that a subscription to 'Connect' is the way to go for jobbing preachers and it is not unreasonable to ask the congregations to meet that expense.

    I have moved as much of my library into Logos as I can, donating the hard copies to those without the resources, it really does make study more manageable.

    I suggest you give Connect a try and see if it makes your life easier.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS