Simplifying Search Commands

Jerry T
Jerry T Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Coming from Accordance, which I have used exclusively for years, I am trying to do more of my Bible searching in Logos.  I have some things I am trying to accomplish:

In Accordance to search for a verse that contained the words "life" and "words" in just the Gospels I would type:

life <AND> words [RANGE'gs']  

With the keyboard shortcuts I have setup, <AND> and [RANGE] are brought up with a shortcut key.  The 'gs' that you see in [Range] was a custom range that Accordance allowed me to make.  The defined range for 'gs' was Matthew thru John.  

1 - I would like to enter a search argument (like the example above) without having to use my mouse to select the options to constrain the range.

2 - I would like create keyboard shortcuts (using app specific commands via Mac's settings) to enter 

3 - Create Custom Ranges

I think there might be a way to do to it but I'm still working at getting my brain to think in "Logos."  I am working on it though! Smile

