Question: What is the appropriate way to remove an account from an installation?

This help document tells me how to switch between accounts, but it doesn't give details about how to completely remove an account from an installation. Is it enough to just click 'Clear users' in the Profile menu and then delete the data folder for that account in App Data>Local>Logos>Data (Windows 10)? Or is there more that I need to do to completely remove a user account from an installation with all of its data?
Kiyah said:
Is it enough to just click 'Clear users' in the Profile menu and then delete the data folder for that account in App Data>Local>Logos>Data
This row also features a Clear users button that signs out of every account except the current one. Users will not be able to restart as another user until they select one of the two options listed below.
• New user signs out of the current account and opens the sign-in window to login to another account.
• Sign out restarts Logos and opens the sign-in window.
(Logos Help. (2022). Faithlife.)I don't think that helps. So just exit the app as normal and then delete both these folders:
- Data\userId
- Documents\userId
Make sure you select the correct userId. I usually go by size of the Data folder if one has clearly fewer resources than the other. Otherwise generate a log file (with CTRL key or CMD key) and the Logos.log file will include path names with the userId.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
This row also features a Clear users button that signs out of every account except the current one. Users will not be able to restart as another user until they select one of the two options listed below.
• New user signs out of the current account and opens the sign-in window to login to another account.
• Sign out restarts Logos and opens the sign-in window.
(Logos Help. (2022). Faithlife.)I don't think that helps. So just exit the app as normal and then delete both these folders:
- Data\userId
- Documents\userId
Make sure you select the correct userId. I usually go by size of the Data folder if one has clearly fewer resources than the other.
This is what I did. It seems to have mostly worked except that it recreated userID folders in the Data and Documents folders for the other userID when I restarted, but the folders are empty. I don't know how to make it forget the other account so as to not recreate the empty folders. I was afraid to try deleting anything else.
Do you know what happens if I delete the Logos\Users folder? I didn't want to try it and mess something up. It's not hurting anything that I can see to have those two empty folders in there. Faithlife should consider giving more detailed instructions about how to properly and completely remove an account from an installation.
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Kiyah said:
This is what I did. It seems to have mostly worked except that it recreated userID folders in the Data and Documents folders for the other userID when I restarted, but the folders are empty.
That is what I found as well.
Kiyah said:I don't know how to make it forget the other account so as to not recreate the empty folders. I was afraid to try deleting anything else.
And if you switch to that user via the Account menu in Logos, I suspect it will re-download everything!
Clear users will remove that user option, so it is now "out of sight" but you still have the empty folders.
Kiyah said:Do you know what happens if I delete the Logos\Users folder?
It will likely be sync'd back or.. disaster - your main account will be re-downloaded when you Sign in.
Leave it be and put up with the empty folders.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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NOTE for other users reading this thread:-
Please don't attempt what Kiyah and I have done/discussed as some important details have not been mentioned.
===Windows 11 & Android 13