Propositional Outlines

I do not understand the use of propositional outlines in the SBL GNT in Logos. Can someone explain these to me?
Christian Alexander said:
Can someone explain these to me?
There is a video explaining the use of propositional outlines at
(It was recorded using an earlier version of Logos but the principles are unchanged)
Does this help at all?
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It does a little bit. The propositional outline exposes lines that indicate events, purposes, characterization which are all of the key aspects of biblical narratives but I do not get how this helps me understand and analyze discourse as in John 1:1-18
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Same answer as in Discourse Analysis thread - both are discourse analysis topics. See Discourse Features of New Testament Greek | Logos Bible Software for a starting point and be prepared to study.
My position on discourse analysis - studies thus far have shown that the various theories apply well to Biblical texts. They have yet to show that they produce insights not available through other theories as well.
But Christian, it is a waste of effort to ask for explanations of entire fields of study in a post. If you want a summary of the field, check wikipedia or an encyclopedia. If you want actual knowledge, pick up an introduction or a text book and read. Anything said in 300 words or less quickly becomes dangerous misinformation.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."