LHI morphology, Hebrew text question

I'm still new to Logos, coming from WordSearch (Starter edition?) and have very basic knowledge of Hebrew and Greek.
1. I'm wondering if others find the morphology sometimes incomplete?
For "Lord" in Ps. 54:6 (or anywhere) the morph shows singular for the noun, but it's plural. Compare with Olive Tree BHS or TWOT. (Most other apps also give the morph as singular, but not all.)
2. I keep coming across occasional differences in the LHI Hebrew text compared to other apps that use the WLC or BHS. The LHI info page says that the text is BHS. Is LHI 100% BHS? The latest version? I'm asking about this this based on instances I remember encountering, but if you want an example I'll have to update this when I come across it.
Maybe this is part of the answer?
This helps even more...
Maybe the question is if the BHS text in LHI is the latest version?
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Wrong link. This one...
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In Psalms, you have to be careful to pay attention to whether or not a given psalm has an "introduction" or not. For some inexplicable reason, English language Bibles chose to essentially ignore the versification of verses considered to be intro material. In Ps. 54, that includes the first two verses in Hebrew. As a result, Ps. 54:6 in Hebrew is Ps. 54:4 in English Bibles.
That said, there are some points of confusion that need to be cleared up. I'm not sure why you said...
Kroy Ellis said:For "Lord" in Ps. 54:6 (or anywhere) the morph shows singular for the noun, but it's plural.
You seem to be confusing ':Elohhiym (the word that is most often translated into "God", which is likewise most often used as a uniplural noun, and which is plural in morphology but usually takes a singular verb) with "LORD". The memorial name YHWH (which is typically translated as LORD in English) is a proper name and thus singular.
I can't tell for certain, but it appears you may have looked at Ps. 54:6 in LHI and seen "Lord" (you even typed it as "Lord" rather than as "LORD") and assumed that it was LORD. However, the "Lord" in Hebrew verse 6 is actually the word ':Adhohnaay (usually poorly transliterated as Adonai) from English verse 4, which literally means "my Lord", where "Lord" is the word 'Aadhohn, which means "master".
So, from what I can tell (I am guessing to some degree), there are at least two things that could be contributing to your confusion.
EDIT: Also, in order to make your links active in your first and third posts, you need to go back into edit mode and type a space after the link to activate it. In your second post, the link activated when you hit the Enter key to start a new paragraph.
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David Paul said:
So, from what I can tell (I am guessing to some degree),
Also guesing, he's using the reference in the LHI text box, which for LHI, morphs elohim as singular, whereas BHS, LHB, and BHL morph as plural.
It should be pointed out morph assignments are independent of the text (eg morphs are added to BHS, etc). LHI goes back a ways; just guessing their policy in instances like elohim (text usage singular or plural) was to favor the verb (in this case singular). The writeup on the LHB is interesting, where they try to match to HALOT.
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Hi David--
Right. I do know about the verse discrepancies between the Hebrew and English versions. It does get a bit confusing!
So I'm actually referring to "Lord", Adonai in 54:6 (54:4 in English). It too is plural as with Elohim. TWOT and Olive Tree BHS parsing show that. (Some believe that both cases imply the Trinity, but more likely, especially with Adonai, the plural is for emphasis and/or is emphasizing God's majesty.)
Aha! Ok, will do that for the links!