Logos crash with workflow and zoom > 100%

I often adjust content zoom in Logos because I switch between using my macbook pro standalone and with external screens. So I use content zoom shortcuts on my shortcut bar to adjust it.
When I use the Lectio Divina workflow at >100% zoom and switch to another resource in the same pane and back again, it causes Logos to hang and crash. I can replicate this by opening my Lectio Divina layout with content zoom at 100%, switch to another resource, increase content zoom to 120%, then switch back to Lectio Divina workflow in the same pane.
In addition, I occasionally find Logos crashing randomly when adjusting content zoom in this way, but I find being able to adjust it on the fly very useful so I'd appreciate it if this was fixed. Thanks!
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Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thanks for the report. I'll take a look today.
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Thanks for the report. I was able to replicate the crash but only once but it seems you are quite often. Is there anyway you can upload your log files as well as maybe a video of your crash?
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Hi Matt, thanks for working on this! I've attached my log file and screen recording so you can see what I'm doing. I can replicate the error every time. This was literally first try.
Note that, although the screen recording doesn't show it, after I navigating to the passage list then clicked back to the Lectio Divina workflow, I got the spinning circle of death. For some reason the screen recording only showed a black mouse pointer. But you can see that I right-click the Logos logo and it shows that Logos isn't responding.
Link to screen recording and log files: https://biblecollegesa-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/ryan_graetz_student_biblecollege_sa_edu_au/EizXf61GjZdEoIVLbcc2YzUBsK4lI9_vzJj4tgvAA5ktQw?e=ZhxqXa
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Thanks, your video helps. I'll work on getting that similar to my environment and report back. (I already wrote a case for our team, just fyi)
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Awesome, thanks!
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Thanks for the log files. I'll revert to those as I recreated your interface, but can't replicate the hang in Logos. Luckily, the logs should indicate more info.
I'll keep you posted.
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Sorry to ask this as I wasn't aware a crash and hang require different steps. Luckily, you should only have to grab the logs again, but this time can you hit the `sample` button which should then add this Logos.sample.txt file to that folder?
In case the logging wasn't enabled, but I'm pretty sure you did, here's a link to that as well --> https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027869132-How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files
Here's a video in case you want a visual --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_3otZmndjGglj6xmxHDfASpuryi-DD-Y?usp=sharing
From there, feel free to upload your logs to that google drive. I gave you edit access to that folder so you should be able to upload files there.
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Uploaded, hopefully that's what you need!