Read Aloud does not work for Greek Text.

Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

7658.Screen shot for Forum Post.pdfHi All,

I am running Logos 10 and windows 11

Logos 10:

Logos Bible Software 23.1 -  23.1.33

Logos 10 Library

The Audio Greek New Testament



Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on ‎26/‎01/‎2022
OS build 22000.1574
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.1574.0

My challenges are:

1) when I want to read the Greek NT aloud there is no option to do so. When I open a Greek NT - any of the ones I own - the options for "Read Aloud" and "Show word by word indicator" are not present. See below (I'm not sure if the screen snip is visible in the post...I can see it while editing...).

2) if I try to read anything (Say an English translation...) there is no sound at all. (The media player "box" is present...) Other media sounds (including the Logos startup sound) all work. I can play music for instance or listen/watch a Bill Mounce lecture...

3) the "bouncing ball" to follow along word by word is not present.

I'd love some help to get the Greek NT "read aloud" feature working. It will be a great benefit to my Greek studies!

God bless




  • Ron said:

    When I open a Greek NT - any of the ones I own - the options for "Read Aloud" and "Show word by word indicator" are not present.

    Welcome [:)]

    Is "The Audio Greek New Testament" downloaded to your library ?

    FYI: paperclip in forum editor was useful for inserting a jpg file, which shows SBLGNT having Read Aloud Narrators & Show word by word indicator.

    Read Aloud in Multi-View has word by word indicator in SBLGNT and LEB scrolls every verse number. In this screen setup, SBLGNT scrolled up at verse 7 during Read Aloud.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭


    Yes the "The Audio Greek New Testament" is in my library.

    The options to read aloud are not present...see the attached. Thanks for your help.

    5618.Screen shot for Forum Post.pdfRon

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Ron said:

    Yes the "The Audio Greek New Testament" is in my library.

    For clarification: KS4J asked if it were downloaded. It can be in your library and NOT be downloaded, so the distinction is an important detail. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    For what its worth: I do not see the read aloud either. I tried to replicate KS4J's screenshot. The resource says it is downloaded in the library, but when I open the resource, I see "download all media" in the menu. When I clicked on that button and waited a while, it changed to "cancel" and "delete" buttons. When I tried to play the resource, I was told that I was offline. 

    I do not have super high speed internet. It appears that it was trying to download the media files, but either did not succeed or didn't finish. Since I do not use this feature, I don't think I want a gig or more of audio files... so I cancelled and deleted.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    HI JT, Thanks for your help.

    The resource is downloaded AFAIK (How does one tell?).

    If I open the Greek Audio resource and look at the panel that opens when clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the tab - there is an option to delete the media - so I assume the media is downloaded.

    The Greek Audio will play from the Greek Audio resource tab - it is just not working as advertised -> no option to play ("read aloud") when using an actual Greek NT resource...

    I've contacted support - it will be interesting to see what they come up with.

    God bless


  • Ron said:

    The resource is downloaded AFAIK (How does one tell?).

    Library Information for "The Greek Audio New Testament" shows "Downloaded" (was in my earlier screenshot & below)

    Ron said:

    no option to play ("read aloud") when using an actual Greek NT resource...

    Which Greek NT ? (was not in your earlier screenshot)

    My Logos library has 23 Greek NT resources that are usable with "The Greek Audio New Testament" as shown in the Library (audio icon after title):

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi Keep Smiling 4 Jesus,

    I have 18 Greek NTs too. All of them are downloaded. The Audio Greek NT is also downloaded. None of the Greek NT print resources have a "speaker" icon.

    The Greek Audio NT will play but there is no option to select a passage in a Greek NT print resource and then have Logos read it.

    Perhaps that is not possible? Yet I have seen my Greek lecturer use Logos to do exactly that - including following the Greek text word by word as it is read. 

    Do I need extra features that I do not have?

    As a side note, the Audio Greek NT will play and the Logos system sounds can be heard (at startup for example) and external media (video and sound) all work fine.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

    Ron said:

    My challenges are:

    1) when I want to read the Greek NT aloud there is no option to do so. When I open a Greek NT - any of the ones I own - the options for "Read Aloud" and "Show word by word indicator" are not present.

    Ron, are you sure that you own this product: - I think this gives a library resource of media files as well as (possibly a dataset?) the functionality of Read Aloud which shows as speaker icons on some GNTs in the library, drives the Ctrl-R thing and allows the bouncing ball. There was the case in the past that people got only the library part (i.e. that product: ) which comes through some packages but is not the complete functionality.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi Nick,

    When I follow the link you provided ( ) Logos tells me "You already own that product"

    If I search for "Greek Audio New Testament Collection" in my library it is there and it is downloaded.


    God bless


  • Ron said:

    When I follow the link you provided ( ) Logos tells me "You already own that product"

    Greek Audio product page shows: Resources Compatible with Karaoke Feature

    Do you have any of these Greek NT resources ?

    My Logos library also has Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament (1881) with Morphology & The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform 2005 with Morphology (BYZ)(Robinson-Pierpont) that can be used with Greek Audio NT Read Aloud.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

    Ron said:

    2) if I try to read anything (Say an English translation...) there is no sound at all. (The media player "box" is present...)

    maybe there is an issue with sound that is generated / accessed with the Read Aloud Ctrl-R feature as opposed to the laying of lectures or the startup chime. I wonder if this could this be a side effect of the hardware acceleration bug? Maybe CS can help you by having a second-level technician log onto your machine.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,461

    The LLS:NA27AUDIO resource is not what enables the "read aloud" feature in your Greek New Testaments.

    The product that was linked to (which you own) actually gives a license for two resources:

    • The LLS:NA27AUDIO resource, which shows up in your library, and is a media resource for listening to the audio separate from a text
    • The AUD:ELNT resource, which does not show up in your library, and should get automatically downloaded

    If the read aloud option is not showing up in the panel menu for your Greek resources, then it most likely means that the AUD:ELNT resource has failed to download for some reason.

    I recommend enabling logging then start the application and make sure that if you have any pending updates, you allow those to download. If you don't have any pending updates, then wait for a few minutes (which will give the application time to complete anything it might be trying to do in the background). Then close the application and collect and post your log files here.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi Andrew,

    The Log file is attached. I have also attached an export of my library.

    There are no pending downloads.

    4670.Logos Library.xlsx

    Thanks for your help


  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,461

    Your application is set to only download from the hours of midnight to 6 in the morning. Because of this setting, you aren't getting the necessary download. The application would need to be running during that range of time for the download to proceed. You can either change this setting back to Midnight to Midnight (or some other time range when you know the application will be running), or you can execute the update now command in the command box at the top of the window to just kick off the download immediately without needing to change settings.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi ANdrew,

    I'll try that and report back. The application is quite often running between those hours - especially if I go to bed halfway through something... 


  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi Andrew,

    After downloading all the updates, I restarted Logos. The first restart crashed – no messages – it just disappeared during the “preparing your library” startup step.

    The second restart was successful (took ages).

    I now have 18 Greek NT resources. Eight of those have the “speaker” icon (that’s new) and the panel menu for each has options for “Read aloud Greek Audio New Testament (John Schwandt)" and “Word by word indicator”.

    In one of the (now) audio enabled Greek NT versions if I enable  “Word by word indicator” and then click “Read aloud Greek Audio New Testament (John Schwandt)" the narration starts as evidenced by the popup “player window” in the bottom RH corner of the screen.

    In this popup I can pause and restart playback and change the playback speed. However:

    • There is no sound
    • The verse indicator in the popup never advances
    • “go back 30 seconds” doesn’t work (of course if there’s no actual playback this is probably expected)
    • There is no word-by-word indicator

    In English Bible resources there is an option for “Read Aloud”. There are two narrators available “David CochranHeath” and “System Narrator”. With “David CochranHeath” selected as the narrator, selecting “Read aloud” results in similar behaviour as the Greek NTs above. That is, the narration starts as evidenced by the popup “player window” in the bottom RH corner of the screen.

    In this popup I can pause and restart playback and change the playback speed. However:

    • There is no sound
    • The verse indicator in the popup never advances
    • “go back 30 seconds” doesn’t work (of course if there’s no actual playback this is probably expected)

    In an English bible resource, with “System Narrator” selected as the narrator, selecting “Read aloud” results in successful playback:

    • There is sound.
    • The verse indicator in the popup advances
    • The popup controls (Pause, play, go back a verse and playback speed) all work

    I’d appreciate any help. New log files are attached.

    8551.Ron Logos Logs

    God bless


  • Thomas Ball
    Thomas Ball Member, Logos Employee Posts: 3,261

    Ron said:

    In this popup I can pause and restart playback and change the playback speed. However:

    • There is no sound
    • The verse indicator in the popup never advances
    • “go back 30 seconds” doesn’t work (of course if there’s no actual playback this is probably expected)

    In an English bible resource, with “System Narrator” selected as the narrator, selecting “Read aloud” results in successful playback:

    • There is sound.
    • The verse indicator in the popup advances
    • The popup controls (Pause, play, go back a verse and playback speed) all work

    Hi Ron,

    Logos is detecting that Windows Media Player is either not installed or not up to date. You can use this article resolve that.


  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for that. Yes read aloud works now. It seems that for Windows 11, Windows Media Player is deprecated. The default configuration for Windows Media Player in Windows 11 is for it not to be installed/enabled. Who knew?

    Thank you everyone for your patience and assistance.

