Searching for syn (σὺν) phrases and syn (σὺν) compounds in Pauline Epistles

It took me a good long while to figure this out so I'll share it here in hopes that it saves someone else some time. And I'd love some feedback on how to improve my query.
I'm reading a book that discusses syn (σὺν) phrases and syn (σὺν) compounds in Pauline Epistles, specifically Philippians.
For Philippians, (match.nomarks:συ*) works very well, returning 21 results in 16 verses. Syntyche is the only result that doesn't belong.
After that, it gets rough because of pronouns, names, etc.
I managed to get rid of the pronouns by restricting the part of speech, (match.nomarks:συ*) NOT EQUALS morph.g:R
I haven't figured out how to get rid of names yet. What can you come up with?
Try this:
((match.nomarks:συ*) NOT EQUALS morph.g:R) NOT EQUALS louwNida:93
Louw-Nida 93 is the domain for proper names.
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You can also try this:
(syllable:(grapheme:συ* AND position:1) NOT EQUALS morph.g:R) NOT EQUALS louwNida:93
This gave me 5 more results in the Pauline Epistles. You can search by the syllable data label in Logos.
EDIT: Correction, when I searched the NA28 instead of the NRSV I got the exact same results in both queries. So I'm guessing they're doing the same thing.
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Tim Bahula said:
For Philippians, (match.nomarks:συ*) works very well, returning 21 results in 16 verses. Syntyche is the only result that doesn't belong.
One search idea has a different search result color for Συντύχην (Louw-Nida domain 93)
Philippians does not have any pronouns that match syllable:(grapheme:συ* AND position:1)
Keep Smiling [:)]