Charts in Tools Currently Unavailable

Posting a second time this evening. I am trying to use Morphology charts for a project I'm working on. I've got the info for how many times the Hebrew word for "meditate" is used in the OT, but I want to make a chart to show it. But when I click on tools it says that "Charts," is currently unavailable. I did just download the app onto desktop to unlock new features, and then went in to delete a bunch of stuff that I didn't want downloaded. Did I delete something I was not supposed to delete that's preventing the charts tool from working? It has a lighter gray over the icon to show that it does not currently work. Or do I need to wait longer because that feature hasn't been downloaded yet? I did get a chart for how the ESV translates that word, but I can't get a chart for what books the word occurs in and how much it occurs in each book.
Hi Joseph
Can you clarify whether you are trying to use the Charts Tool or the Morphology Charts Tool?
And what search / guide are you using to get the information about meditate?
And what Logos base package / feature set you have? Different levels are required for the different Charts tools?
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Graham, great news! I just tried the morphology search again and I finally saw the option for charts up in the right hand corner. I got my chart!
It does still say that the Charts under the "Tools" section is not available, but I found what I was looking for.
I have Logos 9, but not sure what base package. My grandpa bought it for me when I graduated college in 2018, and now using it for seminary. I did not download it with the package my seminary recommends so I have had to buy more books than some of the other students around me who already have those books in the package they bought. But the expenses have not been bad thankfully.
Thank you for replying! God bless
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Hi Joseph
Glad you have it working
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The "Charts" tool listed in the Tools menu is a newer version of the "Graph Bible Search Results" tool that you are using. The "Graph Bible Search Results" tool never shows up in the Tools menu, and in your case, you don't own a license for the "Charts" tool. I'm glad you were able to eventually find the way to get to the "Graph Bible Search Results" tool. I apologize for the confusion. I've written a case for our team to consider a way to make this situation more clear and make it easier to find the tool you want.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thank you! I got done what I needed to get done and it worked!