Earth Incorrectly Tagged as in Ps. Sol. 17:20

I was looking at the Factbook entry for Ezekiel and noticed 'earth' as one of the ways Ezekiel is referred to in the Bible. I thought that was odd so I expanded the entry and the verse was from Psalms of Solomon 17:20, also odd. When I clicked on the reference I saw that this was because the first instance of the word 'earth' in the verse is incorrectly tagged as <Person Ezekiel>. The second instance is correctly tagged as <Thing Earth>. I reported this through the Report Typo tool but thought I'd also include it here.
Well, you have to give them credit for consistency ... the same error in Rahlf's Interlinear, and Swete's .... even with different versification. That's GOOD.
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Rick used Swete (?) ... Vaticanus, but Rahlf's is slightly different. I'd assume at least 2 datasets.
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Bumping since this is still an issue.
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Thanks. I've reported this to our data team.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer