L/V 10+ Tip of the Day #146 Popular quotes

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,761
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Another tip of the day (TOTD) series for Logos/Verbum 10. They will be short and often drawn from forum posts. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest forum posts you'd like to see included. Adding comments about the behavior on mobile and web apps would be appreciated by your fellow forumites. A search for "L/V 10+ Tip of the Day site:community.logos.com" on Google should bring the tips up as should this Reading List within the application.

This tip is inspired by the forum post: Feature: Popular Quotes - Logos Forums

  1. Description of the Homily Builder's Popular Quotes feature
  2. In the Homily Builder open the information sidebar
  3. Select the popular quotes tab
  4. Click on "Source" to get a pop-up identifying the book from which the quote is taken. Click on the pop-up to open the book or get the store reference to the book.
  5. Hover on the author name to get a pop-up offering quotes only from that author. Click on the pop-up to switch quotations to those only by the selected author.
  6. In a Search panel, select an "all" search
  7. Scroll down until you see a Popular Quotes card; note there will not always be one. Mouse over author provides a Factbook preview card. Mouse over the title previews the quotation in its source. Click on author opens Factbook to the author. Click on the book title opens the book to the location of the quotation.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

