Owned book not opening in a Mobile Ed.

Under the See Also section of a mobile Ed. one of the resources is listed but with a lock icon signifying that it is not in my library. However, I do own it. They are identical in every way.
How do I "unlock" this?
Milkman said:
Under the See Also section of a mobile Ed. one of the resources is listed but with a lock icon signifying that it is not in my library. However, I do own it. They are identical in every way.
With the last sentence in the quote you confuse me - but also take away the full force of your argument.
If there are two books in the Logos universe that are "identical in every way" but have a different ID, then you can own one and not the other. A link going to one of the twins will not work for the other, thus the lock icon is technically correct. For the library and the links the twins are different - all you can do is to raise awareness to that fact and maybe (maybe) FL will be gracious and give to everybody who owns one the identical twin, so afterwards you have both. Except from rare special cases, long ago, I see this as a possible way if you own the eBook edition of a work that has since been upgraded to a Logos Reader edition and this was linked through the course.
Sometimes it's not really that easy, e.g. if one book was published in the UK and the other (with identical, but maybe slightly edited text) was published in the US. Or if the publisher issued a mere reprint as a second edition. There are such cases, where FL can't just give us the twin because they would have to pay royalties again (possibly even to a different rights holder). Sometimes the links have been adjusted to go to both "twin" resources, but this also was long ago in rare cases. FL typically won't do this in actual second editions where there's the chance that the second edition will have completely different content than the first.
It might help if you identified which book is linked and which book you own.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hey NB
I called FL, told them about it, and it seems that the link in the Mobile Ed. populates to a page not found on the Logos webpage. The feller said it had something to do with an incorrect Resource Id. He said they will get it fixed next week.