Help with switching layouts error-BUG

When I am switching between layouts, I often get what I would consider an error. When I switch to a different layout the screen minimizes completely and when I re-open it, Logos is a very small single window in the bottom left of my computer screen which I then have to resize to my full screen. I have had this happen on both the MacBook Pro and the iMac. I feel like this is a bug that needs to be corrected.
I will add this as a caveat. I am using the layouts on those two different computers. Is this possibly occurring do to the screen resolution on the two being different? I contacted tech support a few months ago with this error and they stated my layout became corrupted since I resave it with what the resources I am using for sermon prep. I am wondering if I need to create two different sets of layouts for each computer. That would really be a pain since I am using the exact same layout on each computer depending on where I am, but maybe a fix until the bug is worked out in a future update.
Thanks for any help/suggestions you can provide.
Solid Deo Gloria,
Justin Walker
1689 Media
bumping this post so it gets another chance at a helpful response
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Problem restoring layout on Mac when screen is restored on a different machine from where it was created sounds like a bug. We'll create a case, but few questions to help us.Can you provide me a list of repro steps you are doing to help us track down where the bug is happening.
For example:
- Create layout using x settings
- Select x layout
- Go to new machine and open layout, etc.
Anything specific I need to add in this layout or can I create a pretty generic layout? I.e Maybe a resource or two opened with a search panel?0 -
I will attach screen shots of layouts. My MacBook screen resolution is 3024x1964 and the iMac is 5120x2880.
Essentially what happens is I update the layout for the text, notes, and passage list for both layouts as I am preparing messages. It all depends on which computer I'm on when I update that saved layout.I have not yet discovered a rhyme or reason to the minimizing of the whole logos window. This occurs when I am switching between the layouts. But once I click on the other layout shortcut in my toolbar, it will open very small in the bottom left of my desktop area.
Solid Deo Gloria,
Justin Walker
1689 Media0 -
Justin Walker said:
Essentially what happens is I update the layout for the text, notes, and passage list for both layouts as I am preparing messages.
So to clarify -- the 2nd screenshot is what I should be building and saving as a layout? Can you elaborate on the first screenshot that has the search panel open. I'm a little confused on where that should be utilized besides a layout. Is that the new layout that should be populating and not the main layout?
I did try building a layout and updating it and it worked as expected when using multiple machines. Just for testing purposes -- could you try creating a very simple layout with like 1 resource. Does it still repro as you expect? Trying to see if the behavior is caused even with a very minimal amount of features/resources up in a panel.
Another thing -- is there a way to get the resolution the same on both machines?
I'll keep putting in some effort on my end but so far it's working for me.
- Opened a layout with a few features/resources
- saved the layout
- go to new machine
- open the layout
Is that when I should be expecting the small window popup?
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I don't unfortunately have a ton of time to create a bunch of different windows and all to try and figure this out. These are two different saved layouts that I use on a regular basis. I have the windows/panes set up the way I work for my efficiency and workflow.
I am attaching a capture of my screen on the iMac to show what it does. I updated the saved layout on that computer and for now it is working correctly on both computers. I will see how this reacts going forward in the future. I suspect this is being caused when I make changes to the windows I have as part of the layouts and then update that named layout on my macboo. Like I said, I just don't have a ton of time to try all the different scenarios to figure out where the bug is coming up.
Please see the link below for a google drive link with the video file. I was unable to upload it.
Solid Deo Gloria,
Justin Walker
1689 Media0