BUG (L10 v 24): If you buy a book from within Logos, it doesn't update the lock icon on Reading

If you find a book in a Reading List that is locked because you don't own it, and after clicking on it, you decide to buy it from within Logos, the lock icon doesn't go away. In fact, if you click again on that locked item, it still shows that you don't have a license to view it, even though it has already downloaded and you've had a scroll through it, so you know you own it.
Took this screenshot after clicking on the "Quick Buy" button, while the transaction was still going through.
Took this one after the book had downloaded. Notice the lock icon is still on this title in the Reading List.
Took this one after clicking on the link in the Reading List again.
The "Quick Buy" button is not available this time, but there's a logos.com link this time. But when I click on that, I get to a 404 page:
If I restart Logos, the lock icon does go away from the Reading List, and the link now goes to the version of the book that I own (though the tab with the "You don't have a license to view this book" is still up and still takes me to a non-existent page on the Logos website).
I tried it again with another book and it was completely reproducible. The second time I captured logs.
Thanks for the report. I'll take a look and report back. Apology for the delay.
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Thanks again for the details it was well written and very clear. I just created a case for our team to investigate.
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Matt Mattox (Faithlife) said:
Thanks again for the details it was well written and very clear. I just created a case for our team to investigate.
Thanks, Matt!