Command Box Set Greek Font to {Font Name} only searches the factbook for “Font”

The Command Box page on the Wiki says you can set the Geek Font to whatever font. I used it a while back to set the Greek font to my favorite Unicode Greek font Alegreya ( Now when I invoke that same command in the Command Box, the only options that appear are the settings to Set Greek Font to Default and only the other fonts that are listed in the Preferences. When I enter Set Greek Font to Alegreya, the app responds by searching FactBook for “Font” instead. I'm not sure when this feature broke.
Logos 24.0.14 MacBook Pro 2017 Ventura 13.3.1
I have just installed that font, and opened Verbum 9.15, as well as Logos 23 beta 3 and it is not available in either, so this might not be that recent a change.
Phil Gons 2017 'white list' post does not include that font, but does include Noto Sans which I have just also installed, and after reopening Logos, that is available to select from the menu.
Did you definitely have that font installed before in Logos for the Greek text? I can use Algreya as the Default 'book' font now it is installed, just not for the Greek.
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Definitely I've used it as the Greek font.
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Well, for some reason the feature works again. I'm not sure what I did that got it working again. I tried it again after selecting a few different options from the Greek Font list in the Preferences/Settings page. I then tried typing the command Set Greek Font to Alegreya in the Command Box, and voila, it worked.