PLEASE correct Sermon Builder Formatting Shortcuts

Windows user
It is so annoying to be building a sermon and have to be fighting against the system!
This styles shortcuts have been "corrected" recently in L10 but no way it's working properly yet.
First, the shortcut informed is wrong! Logos says it's "Win+Alt+Shift+"number". NO! It's "Ctrl(not Win)+Alt+Shift+"number".
(good it's "Ctrl" and not "Win", otherwise Windows would go nuts because of system shortcuts it uses)
Alright, after wasting so long to discover it because Logos pointed a wrong shortcut, now Logos is "changing" the triggers...
For example, I set a style to number "7", great!
For a while, it was working. ctrl+alt+shift+7 gave me the style I wanted.
Some time later, the same shortcut starts giving me the style for ctrl+alt+shift+6!
It's decreasing the number.
Please fix it once and for all. We all know that sermon builder is ages behind any text editor but at least what we have must be working properly.
EDIT: while I was writing this I had closed my Logos. Now I opened it and it's back working. This doesn't solve the problem, but can give a hint for the solution.
Hi Thiago, thanks for reporting this. I will take a look and make sure a case gets passed along to the correct team.