An unusual scrolling behaviour

My scrolling curiosity is that with certain books (say Martyrs or one of the dataset documentation books) when I scroll down, down it goes - usually a page at a time - but when I try to scroll back up it continues to scroll down at the same rate as before. However, in the ESV bible for example, scrolling works as it does on all my other windows 10 applications. I've tried setting collumns to none, 1,2,3,4 and auto. It doesn't help. Either I lose scrolling ( I know that's expected in some setting) or it behaves in this unusual way. I really makes using the resources quite unintuitive. I know I could use the keyboard or the slider, but the point is I shouldn't really have to. Windows and the mouse go together perfectly in every other application on pc - just not Logos. There have been questions about this behaviour going back several years on the forums, but the programmers haven't fixed it. Strange, for a paid for software.
Can anyone tell me 1. Is this still a problem in Logos 10? and 2. Is there any way I can take all my library to Logos 10 without having to spend a whole lot of money to do so? The various packs are way too expensive for me. I'm a private user not a Pastor or anything like that.
Robert Leitch said:
Can anyone tell me 1. Is this still a problem in Logos 10?
I have not heard of the problem as you described. It would be best for you to provide more info, including logs. Screen recording might help too. I'd encourage you to update your software (see below) to see if the issue persists. If so, then create a new thread in the new desktop forum.
Robert Leitch said:Is there any way I can take all my library to Logos 10 without having to spend a whole lot of money to do so?
The software is free (always has been), although typically the new engine is only availble to those who make purchases for a window of time. That window has passed, and the software is free (you would have to pay to gain some new features or resources, but the engine itself is free).
You should also be aware that FL has moved away from the numbering system of L8, L9, L10. There are L10 libraries and datasets, but there is no longer an L10 engine. The current version is 24.1.
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Robert Leitch said:
Is there any way I can take all my library to Logos 10 without having to spend a whole lot of money to do so? The various packs are way too expensive for me.
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Robert Leitch said:My scrolling curiosity is that with certain books (say Martyrs or one of the dataset documentation books) when I scroll down, down it goes - usually a page at a time - but when I try to scroll back up it continues to scroll down at the same rate as before.
If scrolling curiosity repeats after upgrading Logos software, please create a post in Logos Desktop App whose title begins with BUG:
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