How I use Anki...

xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I saw some posts about Anki..... and thought I would share.....

I have been using Anki for about 4 years now. I have tried various ways, different files... and I have come to the conclusion that for me anyway, I was making things way too complicated.... so I simplified.

Here is what I have now.... using the bible for example.....

One file only for bible related studies... (I especially think I need only one file for a study topic).

In that file ... I may have a basic card (shown below) ..... also, there are addons to fancy up the cards, but the basic works... and if it works... I don't fix it (learned that the hard way also)... and by the way.... You cannot delete an Anki addon once you add it on....Beware.


Card front: (card is multiple guess)

Where does the Bible say the Holy Spirit indwells man?

Mat 18:6, Joh 14:17, Joh 20:21-22, Joh 8:9, Rom 8:10

Card back: (this is where the answer is)

John 14:17

Tags: HolySpirit x Joh x Joh-14 x


Now if I want to study one of the tags.....then I just create a filtered deck (Tools ->Create Filtered Deck) on one of the tags and study just that tag. If I want to study the book of Joh.... same thing. I find I can study a topic... a book or a book chapter all by using the tags.... I have not found a limit on the number of tags per card.... some cards I have several tags....

I also have memory verses in that file.... tag: memverse x so I can study them.

I find, for me anyway, that I just need one file for the bible.... and then create filtered decks off the tags as needed.

I learned also (the hard way) not to click on "Easy" as the answer. I did that and then run out of cards because Anki hides them and then keeps on hiding them by multiples of days each time you click on "Easy"... I don't do that now.... There is a way to change the settings of how Anki works.... word to the wise.... be careful.... I lost my file at least 3 times because my settings wouldn't work. 

Anki is a great study tool. It has a learning curve. But it's worth it. I have it on my Windows desktop and my Android phone... (it's free for both) and I use it daily. 

xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!


  • Mal Walker
    Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for sharing, it's helpful to see how other people use it. I'll add my 5 cents for posterity.

    Glad to see you're using the tags in combination with filtered deck. Its one of the most helpful but underused features in my experience. I'm also a big fan of cloze deletion or image occlusion cards, really helpful way to get things into my brain from a couple of different angles.

    For those who might be interested, the image occlusion cards are an add on that you can find here: Cloze overlapper is also a great add on to Anki but it currently only works for Anki 2.0:

    Another custom card type that I use for learning vocab is a 'Memory Association Card.' The way this works is it has 3 fields - On the front is the prompt (e.g. αδελφος), then a selectable memory association (which is often a image or phrase I use to help me connect/associate the prompt to its English gloss), and lastly the English gloss on the back of the card. If I get the answer but have to look at the memory association to do so, I'll put it down as 'hard.' But if I don't need to look at the memory association to get it, then I will put it down as good or easy depending on how long I had to think about it. See below.

    Lastly, for those that might be interested. Here is a great article with some excellent tips for creating flash cards in general:

    Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for sharing, it's helpful to see how other people use it. I'll add my 5 cents for posterity.

    Glad to see you're using the tags in combination with filtered deck. Its one of the most helpful but underused features in my experience. I'm also a big fan of cloze deletion or image occlusion cards, really helpful way to get things into my brain from a couple of different angles.

    Thank you for sharing also.  Cloze came along after I had built some files.... and I'll probably enhance my files by adding some cloze cards....

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Sarel Slabbert
    Sarel Slabbert Member Posts: 546 ✭✭

    Perhaps someone can help me. I am new to Anki and I am still struggling to understand the interface, but that is part of learning new software.
    What I like the most about the Logos Flash Card app was the ability to flip through the cards like a physical deck, i.e, swiping up or down showed the next or previous card, swiping left to right flipped the card front to back. It was like holding a physical deck of flash cards and flipping through it.
    I am frustrated trying to use Anki in a similar fashion. My Screen looks like this. I can't seem to find a way to flip between cards, front to back or next to previous in Anki.  The only option I have is to show answer and then rate it.

    Is there a way to make Anki behave a bit more like the Logos Flash Card App?

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Perhaps someone can help me. I am new to Anki and I am still struggling to understand the interface, but that is part of learning new software.
    What I like the most about the Logos Flash Card app was the ability to flip through the cards like a physical deck, i.e, swiping up or down showed the next or previous card, swiping left to right flipped the card front to back. It was like holding a physical deck of flash cards and flipping through it.
    I am frustrated trying to use Anki in a similar fashion. My Screen looks like this. I can't seem to find a way to flip between cards, front to back or next to previous in Anki.  The only option I have is to show answer and then rate it.

    Is there a way to make Anki behave a bit more like the Logos Flash Card App?

    Basically, the answer is no.  Anki is really NOT a flashcard system but a memorization system. There's a lot of programming going on behind the scenes. 

    There is a "browse" feature that will let you look at all the cards (called notes) and you can go down the list that way. When you fire up Anki, choose your deck then choose "Browse" at the top.

    Also, I suggest Don't hit the "Easy" button very much. If you do hit the Easy button consistently, you'll soon reach a point that your review time will be forever... and forever...  in other words... you won't ever review that card again. Each time you hit the "Easy" button, Anki adds so many days before you review that note again.

    I use Anki. It is complicated.... but I find it helps me with memorizing things.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Sarel Slabbert
    Sarel Slabbert Member Posts: 546 ✭✭

    xnman said:

    [i. It is complicated....

    Thank you for the reply. Yeah, that basically reflect my experience so far ... but I must admit I haven't mastered the program at all. I just miss the easy of use that I got from the Logos Flashcard app