Heidelberg Catechism notes now available

The Heidelberg Catechism is now available as a notebook.
Each question and answer, along with its scriptural references has its own note and is anchored accordingly so that it can appear in your bible. This means that if enabled via the visual filter, you can see anytime a bible verse is referenced by the Heidelberg Catechism.
You can add this notebook by searching the public documents within logos, or following this link: https://flshare.net/g95da3
Inspiration for this comes from Wesley W. Weber Jr. who has done the same with the Westminster Confession of Faith - which can be found here: https://flshare.net/k45tf8 I highly recommended it! Wesley's forum post, which includes a PDF explaining how to use his notebook, is available here: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/217732.aspx?PageIndex=1
I have followed closely the style and formatting of Wesley's Westminster Confession notes and they function the same way. Once added:
1) In your Bible, purple star icons will appear before a biblical verse or passage that is referenced in the catechism (these can be turned on or off in the visual filters).
2) Hovering over a purple star icon will show you the exact question and answer where the catechism references the verse.
3) Clicking a purple star icon will open up the note for that question and answer, showing you both the exact part of the catechism where the verse is referenced, and the entire HC question and answer so you can read it in context.
Please use and share with others. Any errors or issues that need fixing let me know. And my thanks again to Wesley, who I believe is also working on the Westminster Shorter and Longer Catechisms.
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
Very nice work, thanks for sharing!
I have a question that has long made me wonder, maybe a question for the broader group... as in this case, I have a document produced by someone else showing in my Documents list, and the filter working as advertised. How do I know if I have my own copy of the document, which will NOT be updated if the author makes a change, vs. a shared copy of the document that WILL be updated if the author changes it?
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Good question Don, in this case I believe you will need to create a duplicate of the notebook. This can be done by right clicking on the notebook within the document tab, or via the information tab when the notebook is selected (if it's a large document like this, it might take half a minute).
This will create a local copy, owned by you, that you can modify to your hearts content. Helpful if you don't like the icon/colour choice etc. However, any future updates or corrections made to the original shared document will not carry over into your new local document, they are now two completely independent resources.
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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Ah - thanks Mal - actually I wanted to make sure I had not duplicated it in some way, so if you or Wesley make a change I get it! When I right click on both I see "Make duplicate", so I assume that means I do not have my own local copy?
Also - I used your link to grab the document. If I go into the Documents pane, click on Public, then choose a resource (say another Notebook) right click and "Add to my documents", it does not - I tried it with a bunch of them. Am I doing something wrong or does this not work for others?
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The link showed an error when I tried to add it, but I was able to find it within Logos. Thank you!
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Hmmm, here is another link that will hopefully work. https://documents.logos.com/documents/c71346aa6d6bbc27464fbac2fdb97398/details
And Don, if you wanted to check if you have accidentally duplicated the document, I'd filter your documents by 'created' or 'modified' to see what documents you have added or changed within the last day. Additionally, any duplicates will have you as the creator in the metadata, while the original will have a different author, links to their profile and etc in the metadata.
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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Wonderful work. Thank you!
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No worries!
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia