Westminster Confession of Faith: WCF In-Line Notes in your Bible!
Mal Walker said:
Thanks mate, appreciate it. I'll tag it in the same manner you did, with each footnote having its own note and anchored scriptures. Currently using the same note icon but with different colour, but that can change whenever if need be.
I am currently using the same star logo in dark yellow for the Westminster Shorter (I’m about 40% done inputting it, not yet released), and plan on using the same logo in Blue for the Larger.
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How are you doing the catechism questions? I might to Keach's Catechism if I have time.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Jonathan Bradley said:
How are you doing the catechism questions? I might to Keach's Catechism if I have time.
Here is a screenshot of one of the more difficult WSC notes. I am very happy with how the questions present themselves when hovered over (shown on the right side of the image).
It is also neat that I can hover over the green notes for the Confession at the same time... and just by moving my mouse across the icons, it is kinda like viewing both the Confession and the Shorter in Parallel.
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I'm looking at your note file, and I like it. However, I'm confused as to which source text of the WSC you're using. The one I have, which I think might be the same as the one you have open (but in a tab not visible), it doesn't have nearly that many proof texts.
I'm looking and trying to figure out how I can best do Keach's Catechism in this manner.
Wesley W. Weber Jr. said:Jonathan Bradley said:How are you doing the catechism questions? I might to Keach's Catechism if I have time.
Here is a screenshot of one of the more difficult WSC notes. I am very happy with how the questions present themselves when hovered over (shown on the right side of the image).
It is also neat that I can hover over the green notes for the Confession at the same time... and just by moving my mouse across the icons, it is kinda like viewing both the Confession and the Shorter in Parallel.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Jonathan Bradley said:
I'm looking at your note file, and I like it. However, I'm confused as to which source text of the WSC you're using. The one I have, which I think might be the same as the one you have open (but in a tab not visible), it doesn't have nearly that many proof texts.
I'm looking and trying to figure out how I can best do Keach's Catechism in this manner.
I believe the Logos Edition of the Westminster Confession (yes, it is shown in the unopened tab), uses the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland's proof texts (many consider these standard and as close as possible to the originals). Other conservative Reformed denominations have revised and expanded the proof texts - most notably for Americans, the OPC.
What I am trying to do as I refine the proof-texts for the In-Line notes (a work in progress, I have been doing this behind the scenes, this is going to take some time), is to give deference to the Free Church, augmenting and expanding them when necessary following the lead of theologically conservative denominations like the OPC - sort of a "catch-all" for the Westminster standards.
This has been my strategy, based upon what I want for using the Confession in my study, preaching, and devotions.
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I can't wait to see the finished product.
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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I'm having difficulty finding a copy of Keach's Catechism with the proof texts footnoted like they are in the Confessions and how you have it in your notes for the WSC. Any ideas on where to look?
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Jonathan Bradley said:
When you connect the note to your Logos account or copy the notes, if you will, it will become "part" of your library and usable on your devices. It should work offline as well. I've not tried it offline yet, but I can only imagine that it would work. With that being said, I'm going to try it offline now.
Thanks Jon
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Wesley W. Weber Jr. said:Al Het said:
I never use the notes feature in Logos, so I am clueless as to how it works. Is this something we could download and store on our hard drives, so that it would work when not online, or is it something that can only be used from a shared file over the net?
It sounds like a great tool, and a considerable investment of time on your part. I appreciate you being willing to share it with everyone.
if you add the document (which is a notebook in the notes tool), and once it is added, yes it downloads locally and functions similar to a book or any other resource. It will also update as I update.
If you refer to my original post and the attached .pdf, it will show you how to add it and turn the Westminster Confession In Line notes on and off via the visual filters.
Wes Weber Jr.
Thanks Wes. This is great.
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I found a copy with the formatting I'm looking for regarding The Baptist Catechism. It's from Solid Ground Books...had to find it in one of my moving boxes. Now begins this labor of love!
Thank you for being an inspiration for this!
Pastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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I would be interested in working with someone to create the same for the 1689 Confession, if anyone is interested.
great idea Wesley!!
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Frank Hodges said:
I would be interested in working with someone to create the same for the 1689 Confession, if anyone is interested.
great idea Wesley!!
here’s the 1689 finished product.
https://documents.logos.com/documents/59a9ff118b9fa4b542db8a6ef064901e/detailsPastor, Mt. Leonard Baptist Church, SBC
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Fantastic, thank you Jonathan!
For those that are interested, the Heidelberg Catechism is available here: https://flshare.net/g95da3
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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Hi Jonathan
Very interested in your work re Notes etc. Been trying to find a download link so that I can use your notes with Logos but have drawn a blank. Can you help please? Thanks so much.
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Jonathan Bradley said:
here’s the 1689 finished product.
https://documents.logos.com/documents/59a9ff118b9fa4b542db8a6ef064901e/detailsThen select CONNECT
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Wesley, Just wanted to add my sincere thanks for your work on the WCF notes. I have added them, and I will look forward to your finished product with the shorter catechism, Lord willing! Thank you for your service to many Logos users. I have shared this document with several of my friends, and they are grateful. Thanks!
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Chris Garrett said:
Wesley, Just wanted to add my sincere thanks for your work on the WCF notes. I have added them, and I will look forward to your finished product with the shorter catechism, Lord willing! Thank you for your service to many Logos users. I have shared this document with several of my friends, and they are grateful. Thanks!
Thank you for spreading the word, it is encouraging that others are benefiting from this.
The Shorter is about 35% done, but Knox Seminary has other plans for my time in the evenings.
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Please vote at Confessional Bible Study Filter | Logos
[quote]Currently when one is doing a serious study of a Bible Passage, the Confessional documents section leads me to references in Confessional Statements such as The Westminster Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism, Credo of the People of God, The Baptist Faith and Message, etc. However, much of my reading (and I suspect all of many users' reading) is not serious research and does not easily lead them to references in the particular confessional documents of interest to them. I suggest that visual filters be built where the confessional documents are individually selectable. Bible references in the selected confessional document would be underlined in the Bible text. Mouse over the underline line, the Information Panel, and the Context Menu would show the references that are linked to and provide the link that opens the Confessional document. The reason for the filter rather than simply a label is to make the link passively available to the user - it is present to them if they want to see it - rather than requiring the user to take positive action to see data that is quite sparse. In other words, show me, don't make me ask. Why? because Bible references that appear in the Confession have importance in my faith and some inherent meaning implied by the Confession.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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WSC Westminster Shorter Catechism
I was thinking you finished the notebook I was working on. I did not realize there was this confession. I should say throwing the name "Westminster" around got me confused. I finished mine which was the Westminster Shorter Catechism linked to scripture.
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Thank you Mike
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Thank you Mike. I just downloaded it and look forward to seeing those little yellow stars in the Bible text! Thank you for your work on this!
- Chris
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Fantastic Michael, thanks for sharing and for the work you put into it!
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
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Hi Wesley, how do I delete your WCF?
Wesley W. Weber Jr. said:Logos Community,
I have created and shared a document (a Notebook), containing notes for each phrase of the entire Westminster Confession of Faith.
You can add the document to your logos library here: https://flshare.net/k45tf8
Once you add this document to logos, it does the following:
1) In your Bible, green star icons will appear before a biblical verse or passage that is referenced in the Confession (These can be turned on or off in the visual filters).
2) Hovering over a green star icon will show you the exact phrase where Westminster references the verse.
3) Clicking a green star icon will open up the note for that WCF phrase, showing you both the WCF phrase and whole WCF paragraph where that verse is referenced.
During your regular Bible reading/study, this will allow you to see how the verses in question are referenced by Westminster, essentially giving you a WCF Study Bible.
I have attached a PDF that explains how this can be used:
Please give it a try and let me know what you think!
Wesley W. Weber Jr.
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Documents. Then delete the document file and the visual filter and then the notebook linked to it all.
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Wesley W. Weber Jr. said:
I have created and shared a document (a Notebook), containing notes for each phrase of the entire Westminster Confession of Faith.
You can add the document to your logos library here: https://flshare.net/k45tf8
Wesley: thanks very much for pulling this together; the inline notes are very helpful. However...I've run aground with phantom, locked notes showing up in the Westminster notebook, pointing to a resource that has nothing to do with the WCF. Here is a link to the recent discussion on the forums: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/221670.aspx I contacted the Faithlife tech support people and they have no idea what's causing these notes to appear in the WCF notebook. Do you have any insight? Thanks for any suggestions you could send my way.
Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian