Mobile App and downloading library.

Tyrel Member Posts: 13

I think I found a bug. I use to have no issue in selecting my whole library and then download. Anything not downloaded, would download. However it is not doing it anymore. Shows a message that you can only download 100. My library is 900+; but I do it once a month to get my free monthly books downloaded. Max 2 books needing to be downloaded. Im have to search library of ‘not downloaded’ and manually do each one. Attach are screenshots. The first is what it use to do. Last is what I’m seeing now.

It says above the gray download that you can only download 100 resources at a time. Not sure why my screenshot hides it.



  • Christopher Randall
    Christopher Randall Member Posts: 99 ✭✭✭

    Yea…they limited that for some reason - not a bug. I'm afraid to get a new device now. Hope they put the download all back in place.

  • Tyrel
    Tyrel Member Posts: 13

    Thanks. The new IPads are more efficient and faster than a lot of laptops. Guess I’ll just remember to manually download every time I get something. At least 98% of my library is downloaded. With everything it’s one step forward and two steps back.

  • Lew Worthington
    Lew Worthington Member Posts: 1,650 ✭✭✭

    That seems like an odd design decision. I just spent a week without Internet access, and even though I had downloaded quite a few books (I used to spend a LOT of time away from Internet access), there were a lot of links in footnotes and stuff that I couldn't get to. And of course, I would never know which 100 to select in each batch.

    As a workaround, I think you may still be able to manage downloads in the desktop app. I haven't tried it, but I don't think there's a 100 book limit to each batch.