Macro (or auto-format) Help

Mattillo Member Posts: 6,200 ✭✭✭✭

Does anyone know where I can learn more (or how to) create a Macro (I think that is its name) or some type of auto-replace for making my own personal book for a Bible? Essentially, I'm trying to reproduce the bible text for my Chronological Application Bible since Logos refuses to carry the actual Bible text. I've been typing it in by hand but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do it. I pulled someone else's chrono PB and I've been using that via just replacing the verse references. Text below.

What I'm trying to figure out, is there a way to throw a verse into something and have it spit out the below? For example, I type in Genesis 1:1-3:24 and the below is outputted.

[[@Bible:Gen1:1–3:24]]Genesis 1:1–3:24

{{dtext ref=Bible:Gen1:1–3:24 | filter=bible-text-and-verses-paragraphed}}



  • John
    John Member Posts: 708 ✭✭✭
    edited January 29

    There was a thread recently that might be sort of along the lines of what you are looking for.

    To my knowledge the selected answer on the thread is to use a script on macOS that has never worked for anyone or been tested, and the OP never tried the solution that did work. But the instructions how to use Libre Office Writer will work.

  • Kristin
    Kristin Member Posts: 419 ✭✭

    Hi @John ,

    Thanks for your reply and link. Regarding Libre, ya, that is where @Fabian had directed me as well. I really appreciate everyone's help with it, it has just proven to not be practical to use html or have multiple documents. Since I am sure it would be simple for Logos to produce a plain text "user bible" which recognizes references (like Accordance's user bible), I am not sure why this isn't done. However, since it's not, I think for now I need to focus on trying to do class with a txt or pdf to the side next to published bibles for class. Not ideal, but I think all things considered it is the best option for now. Thank you again though.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,167


    I have no idea what a "user bible" in that other software is and what it can or can't do. However, it seems to be that you intend to write your own bible translation for teaching purposes and want it to work just like any other bible in Logos - that's exactly what a Personal Book bible does. You can have your own text and you can incrementally grow and change your text as you like, recompile the PB and it will work. That's super easy and works.

    The difficulty seems to be the milestones needed to delineate verses (which build the index). People that work a lot with PBs get some experience with the milestone tagging (and fields, if you even want to do more). But actually typing this syntax by hand is a challenge. Copy/Paste and just changing the numbers would probably work very well.

    In the other thread, people developed the idea of having something like a rudementary milestone tagging - which you would be able to type by hand more easily - and have it converted into the Logos syntax by a complex search/replace or a macro.

    One alternative idea that I had (actually this goes back over ten years so not in any way original) is to have an empty bible with all the milestone tagging alreay in place. You would simply edit in the text you translate, recompile the PB and are done. The source file for this was shared many years ago and I will put this into this thread for you later today, mayb it helps a bit for your purpose.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile