BUGS: Multiple Problems with Reading Plans (iPad and Android)

Paul M
Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭
edited January 21 in English Forum

Hi there

I am running across multiple problems with reading plans on both iPad (39.0.2) and Android (39.0.0), these include:


  1. When listening to the ESV bible in a Reading plan, sometimes when the screen autorotates, the text disappear and the screen showing that reading is 'complete' is shown. I think it should simply remain on the reading plan.
  2. The Reading plan text frequently gets out of sync with the ESV audio. e.g. the audio might be on John 12:17 but the text remains on John 1:1
  3. In a Reading plan with multiple texts, clicking to the next part of the plan very rarely starts at the top of the text. e.g. this morning I was reading Proverbs 16, when I clicked next to get to the proverbs reading it started at verse 28 rather than showing verse 1.
  4. When in a reading plan and clicking Next, then back it doesn't return to the place is was originally. For example this morning in proverbs 16 I scrolled back to 16:1 and then clicked Previous and then Next. This put me back at Proverbs 16:18. This happens all day every day!
  5. Frequently the next, previous or finished buttons do not appear at the end of a reading. If you go up and down and tap a few times, they eventually appear
  6. Sometimes the ESV audio in a reading plan ignores the finish of the reading and just keeps going. For example I had a reading plan finishing at Exodus 40 and rather than stopping at the end, the audio started Leviticus 1, which wasn't on my plan, for the day, at all.


  1. Sometimes the text of a reading plan is blank, as shown below:

2. The text of the reading sometimes gets out of sync with the header, in the example below the text is from John but the title is from Ephesians:

Sometimes the opposite happens:

Needless to say using Reading plans on a mobile device is quite frustrating at the moment! All advice and help gratefully received!





  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    Paul, I am sorry to hear that you have been having all of these problems.

    Please email us your logs from both your Android device and your iPad,

    Please reference this thread in both emails.

    We will then investigate these issues further.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭


  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭
  • Jason Stone (Logos)
    Jason Stone (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,038

    @Paul M, it looks like this thread was moved to email when you sent in your logs. I do not have an update but I can ask the team.

    Sr. Community Manager at Logos.

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    @Paul M I'm sorry to take so long to get back to you.

    Here is a summary of the progress we have made of the Android issues you have reported.

    We have opened tickets for Android issues 1, 3, and 5.

    We have not been able to reproduce the behavior described in issues 2, 4, and 6.

    For issues 2, 4, and 6 it would be very helpful if anyone experiencing this issue could share screenshots or videos. these could be uploaded to this thread, or emailed to cs@logos.com (be sure to include a link to this thread).

    Paul, you mention that issue 4 happens frequently for you. If it is not too much trouble, it would be very helpful if you could share screenshots or a video of this problem.

    Thanks for taking the time to raise these issues.

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    @Paul M We have not been able to reproduce the behavior you mention for issues 1 and 2 for iPad.

    If you have not done so recently, please check and see if this Bible has been downloaded. If it has been downloaded, remove it. If you wish, download it again.

    Please let us know the outcome.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭
    edited February 12

    OK thanks for the reply, I've done a video for issue #4 which is repeatable on demand at my end. I don't have time at the moment to look at the others but will do so shortly: https://youtube.com/shorts/cutxQUzaS-w?feature=share

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    @Paul M Thank you for sharing that video. I can reproduce this issue if I use a Reading Plan with multiple Reading Plans per day, but not in a "normal" Reading Plan.

    I regard this to be the same issue reported in issue #3, but manifesting in a slightly different way. I have updated the case for issue #3 with an additional description of this particular behavior.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭

    Ok great. I expect you'll be able to reproduce 5 now too then

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    We do already have an open case for issue 5, as mentioned above. This is a little different from issues 3 and 4 because we can reproduce it in a "normal" reading plan that does not have multiple readings for one day.

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,308

    @Paul M Thank you for sharing that video. We will investigate further.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 687 ✭✭✭
    edited February 19

    No worries. I’m pretty sure there is at least one other way of generating issue however I couldn’t work when I was putting the video together.