Exporting my notes for a backup.

I use the Linux operating system and that has made it difficult for me to use Logos on my desktop. I used to have Logos 8 installed using Lutris/Wine, but that installation broke and now it appears that about the only way I'm going to be able to use Logos seems to be through the web app. So, this morning I've been playing around with the web app to see if it will work for me. One operation I was used to doing once in a while with Logos 8 was to export all my notes into a rich text file and then saving that file elsewhere as a backup. Being able to export my notes was also useful when I wanted to print them off to share with someone. Anyway, I can't find a place to do that in the Logos web app. Can someone tell me how?
I do not believe this is possible with the web app. However, you might find this thread about Linux to be helpful. Logos does have a supportive Linux community of users.